Metal Treatment Recipes
Eastern Metal Treatment Tank (closest to the warehouse, 2291, -1150)
- Shiny, Corrosion Resistant, Insulative, Purity 9 (Suitable for Swineries, which require Insulative Corrosion Resistant)
- 2 potash (20 seconds)
- 1 cactus sap (10 seconds)
- 2 gravel (16 seconds)
Second Metal Treatment Tank (second from WH)
- Platinum Plated Metal Blue, Stainless, Tarnished, Hard, Purity 6 or higher (Platinum must be dominant salt)
- 20 Sulfur
- 160 Potash
- 20 Gravel
- 10 Saltpeter
- 40 Gravel
- 20 Sulfur