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Guilds/Amigos/Wood treatment recipes

From A Wiki in the Desert
Revision as of 01:33, 21 September 2021 by Augir (talk | contribs)

Wood Treatment Tank 628, -1707 and recipes

  • Termite-Resistant, Non-toxic, Black recipe for Water Through/Ranch upgrade: 130 Charcoal, 30 Sulphur, 15 Saltpeter, 30 Lead
  • Hard rotproof recipe for Improved Hackling Rake and Pig Sty: Petroleum 160 sec, Lead 10 sec
  • Rootproof, Termite Resistant for Thistle Garden - Resistant 190 sec Petroleum
  • Rotproof, Non-Toxic for Thistle Garden - 20 sec Charcoal, 30 sec Oil, 15 sec Petroleum, 10 sec Charcoal
  • Non-Toxic for Silkworm farm - 11 sec water
  • Rigid Rotproof Black treated boards - Compost Mixer: Lead 120 seconds, Charcoal 30 seconds, Lime 30 seconds, Beeswax 55 seconds - uses 12 lead, 3 charcoal, 3 lime, 6 beeswax. (Note: would probably work with Lead 100 sec, Charcoal 20 sec)