Talk:Small Beehive
← Small BeehiveMessages from the Small Beehive when checking for honey:
"It looks like the Queen Bee has died or fled the Hive. Probably due to the nearby conditions." - Location: near camp next to oasis, on bright green grass, or on pink flowered grass. (Both within 6 coords of each other) - ~350 bees after 8 hours (Morendo)
"Hmm, You see other Beehives in nearby(sic), perhaps the competition is too great?" - Location: Up on a small hill of rock and dirt. (Nearest Apiary is ~20 coords away, nearest Small Beehives is ~28 Coords away) - 1350 bees after 8 hours (Morendo)
"Hmm, You see other Beehives in nearby(sic), perhaps the competition is too great?" - Location: Flat spot in desert. (Nearest Apiary is ~37 coords away, nearest Small Beehives is ~49 Coords away) -1500 bees after 8 hours (Morendo)
"It looks like the Queen Bee has died or fled the Hive. Probably due to the nearby conditions." AND "Hmm, You see other Beehives in nearby(sic), perhaps the competition is too great?" - Location: On grass next to freshwater and fountain. (Nearest Apiary is ~13 coords away, nearest Small Beehives is ~59 Coords away) -53 bees after 8 hours (Morendo)
"It looks like the Queen Bee has died or fled the Hive. Probably due to the nearby conditions." - Location: On regular grass next to bright green grass and pink flowered grass. (in the middle of a small grid of apiaries ~2 coords apart) - 183 bees after 8 hours (Morendo)
- I should mention in all cases above, the queen was lost **
Some success, checked and had 1500 bees which produced 36 wax, 50 honey, and 2 royal jelly - but the queen be died or fled the Hive, guessing this was just a little too close to my charcoal and firepit area.