A Wiki in the Desert
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From A Wiki in the Desert

Proposed Pilgrimage route

Tithe Total Coords Region
50 flax 350 834,-4154 VOK cs
100 papy 700 -20,-6942 Meroe CS
100 papy 700 3705, -5621 Sheba CS
50 flax 350 834,-4154 VOK cs
40 flax 280 812,-3517 Elephantine
3 Rotten Fish 21 700,-2500 Upper Egypt
50 flax 350 1823,1996 Tanis CS
50 flax 350 729,-1860 Koptos CS
50 flax 350 900,6933 Avaris CS
2 Sheet Glass 14 3166,4796 Taba CS
50 flax 350 1823,1996 Tanis CS
3 Rotten Fish 21 700,-2500 Upper Egypt
40 flax 280 812,-3517 Elephantine
50 flax 350 834,-4154 VOK cs

Needed stuff

1300 points:

14 sheet glass
42 rooten fish
1400 papy
2660 flax

Each pilgrim carries

2 sheet glass
6 rooten fish
200 papy
430 flax

Map of shrine locations