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From A Wiki in the Desert

Proposed Pilgrimage route

Tithe Total Coords Region
50 papy Sabuli 1099,-4728 West Kush
50 flax 350 834,-4154 VOQ cs
100 papy 700 -20,-6942 Meroe CS
30 Dried Papyrus 210 -1260,-7037 Blue Nile
200 Thread 1400 -650,-7060 Blue Nile
100 papy 700 3705, -5621 Sheba CS
50 flax 350 834,-4154 VOQ cs
40 flax 280 812,-3517 Elephantine
3 Rotten Fish 21 700,-2500 Upper Egypt
50 flax 350 729,-1860 Koptos CS
50 flax 350 1823,1996 Avaris CS
50 flax 350 900,6933 Tanis CS
2 Sheet Glass 14 3166,4796 Taba CS
50 flax 350 1823,1996 Avaris CS
50 flax 350 729,-1860 Koptos CS
3 Rotten Fish 21 700,-2500 Upper Egypt
40 flax 280 812,-3517 Elephantine
50 papy Sabuli 1099,-4728 West Kush

New needed stuff

1200 points nore, 2500 total

420 dried papy
700 fertile papy
210 ash
70 salt
28 bones
140 glass rods
420 copper
2800 thread

Each pilgrim carries

60 dried papy
100 fertile papy
30 ash
10 salt
4 bones
20 glass rods
60 copper
400 thread

Map of shrine locations