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The Wreck of the Prid of Memphis

From A Wiki in the Desert

From Events Channel 20 July 2022...

Kasiya: People of Egypt, I have terrible news!! In the last few days raisers have attacked and looted several trade ships travelling by sea to Meroe, including the "Prid of Memphis". These ships were carrying valuable cargoes from distant lands. Perhaps you can help recover some of the cargo?

Note to the wise: wines can be very valuable!!


Please log any finds you make below, including (if you care to share) the location and the nature of the cargo recovered, and whether the cargo has any special uses:

  • the wine 'Honey I shrank the grapes' has flavours Honey, Prune and Raisin
  • Hermitage reports in global chat:
    • woot blazobeutel wine fills raspberry requirement
    • Fouchellet wine fits butter honey and raisin
    • Garieux fits banana oak and raspberry
    • Hudolet fits dusty

Locations with cargo/message

listed by the time when they were reported

  • Meshwesh Delta 853, 7654 (reported in Global by Herat, July 20th)
    • 2 Papyrus Baskets
    • 5 osm (osm gone july 20th UK pm)
  • Gebel 3486,3459
    • 2 Osiris compound extract
    • 2 Lubricating oil
    • 2 Mandibular Glue
    • 2 Wine: Honey, I Shrunk The Grapes (wine now gone--July 21st 3pm UK)
  • Gebel 3787,2371
    • 2 Male Sheep
    • Rouival Adega vintage 43 (item gone now July 21st, 4pm UK)
    • Vebera Dolce vintage 49 (item gone now July 21st, 4pm UK)
  • Pwenet 4587,-155
    • 1 Quill
    • 15 sand
    • 3 Wet Linen
    • 2 Wine Feocchelet Branco vt 49
    • 2 Wine Blazobeutel Cap Classique vt 44
  • Pwenet 4256, 78
    • 3 Cabbage seeds : Isis Bounty
    • 3 Carrot seeds: Isis Bounty
    • 3 Eggplant seeds: Isis Bounty
    • 2 Wine Runa Adamado, Vt 46 (item gone, July 21 uk 11 pm)
    • 2 Wine Nablueuge Frizzante, vt 46 (item gone, July 21 uk 11 pm)
  • Pwenet 4327, 419
    • 20 paper
    • 5 baskets
    • 2 wine nablueuge frizzante, vt 71 (item gone, July 21, uk, 11pm)
  • Arabia 4565,875
    • 2 canvas bags of camel milk
    • 2 osm
    • 2 wine: Griblage Cava vt 41 (item gone, July 21, uk, 11:30pm)
    • 2 wine: Gaunieux Rosato vt 52 (item gone, July 21, uk, 11:30pm)
  • Arabia 4878,1358
    • 2 Elixir of Travel (Milky)
    • 2 Student's Flux
    • 2 Wine Hudolet Halbtrocken vt 55
    • 2 Wine Brouijecchio Dulce, Vt 59
  • Pwenet 4510,169
    • 50 boards
    • 50 charcoal
    • 50 fish oil
    • 1 Papyrus basket