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← Wine

Malard in discord:

 so just to clarify the vineyard technically has no concept here, when a grape is harvested, the grape is stamped with its x/y location
 the grape's original x/y location affects its Aroma

Example code used to find areas of flavor on the map:

 secret FlavorSearch(fl) of Player {
     if (!IsA(fl,WineAroma)) fail("Not a flavor.");
     print("FlavorSearch for ",fl);
     for i=(1,100000) {
         var WX=RandomPX(World.MainPlane)/16;
         var WY=RandomPY(World.MainPlane)/16;
         var lis=WineAroma(World.MainPlane,WX,WY);
         if (contains(lis,fl)) print("FlavorSearch ",fl," at ",WX," ",WY);

From Peacefulness:

Hue versus Color

It is my opinion that these are two separate things.

Color is determined through the tending of vines. Genetics affects the number of color genomes in a vine. Each sequence of RROOYY is a set of color genomes, and the number of times that sequence occurs in a vine determines the magnitude of the potential color change with each tending.

Hue is determined through genetics only, and is not affected by tending. Each sequence of GRY changes the Hue of the grapes and the wine in the barrel. Hue can be quickly checked by harvesting the grapes and clicking on them in your inventory. You can also put a minimum of 21 grapes in a barrel, seal it, and siphon a sample to check the Hue. It is not displayed when drinking the wine at a tasting table, nor when drinking the entire bottle yourself (directly from your inventory, not at a tasting table)


I have harvested grapes of each Hue (from genetics) with zero Color (from tending)

I have harvested grapes with very high Color (from tending) which still have a Hue of White (from genetics)

Conclusion: Hue and Color are defined individually, and there is no relationship between the two traits.