A Wiki in the Desert
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From A Wiki in the Desert


Amigos is a Mentorship / Community projects guild where vets help new and returning players through the Tale. New players are especially welcome.

Guild was created in T5 and had only 3 members, through the Tales we expanded and in T9 over 300 Tale players joined us.

We will keep location near the CS as it helps with guild organized events (digs, gravel parties, cement stir or impromptu acro with beer/wine drinking ;))

Exact location of the Guildhall in T10 is unknown (to be edited once we see T10 map). I know many members will want to build near the Guilhall however I encourage populating wider area and surrounding regions to fully utilize farms, apiaries etc. Camps locations are on first come/build basis, please keep minimum 100 coordinates between camps.

There is a lot of unknown about Tale 10 and Houses as Malard wants to keep under wraps all details so this page will be updated often :)

Amigos is a public community project available for everyone to use. Donations are always welcome but please also don't expect same group of members to work on everything, we don't want people to burn out. Everyone has to pitch in.

Our goals in Tale 10:

  • provide advanced devices in guild buildings (don't expect flimsy brick moulds) to make your life easier :)
  • help with info and "how to"
  • help with major Storyline tasks
  • help with Hyksos House challenges and tasks
  • create mining/smelting area for Iron/Copper/Tin. We need to find veins of all metals nearby after dowsing is researched.
  • work on major Test and projects which require a lot of cooperation: Megalopolis, Aqueduct, Pyramids, Sphinx, Raeli Ovens and the Throne of Pharaoh, I want everyone who is interested to pass.
  • help with regular Tests and voting
  • help to advance research in Egypt

I really want everyone to be involved, Tale 10 is set for only 1 year. There will always be something to do for yourself, people in the guild, Hyksos House and Research we will all benefit. I will guarantee you won't be bored.

First guild event

Two Digs for cuttables and medium stones Saturday May 29th. Location will be near our guildhall, please bring minimum 10 Slate shovels. First dig at noon UTC (8 am EDT) and second at 10 pm UTC (6 pm EDT).

Tale 10 guildhall project

Start of the Tale is always hard with maaaaaaany things to do. Getting Guildhall up for Amigos is one of them.

Cost of building 50 members Guildhall is 5100 Boards, 10100 Bricks(and then expanding once techs are there) is much cheaper than building to 25 and expanding three, four times (about x2 mats). We had about 200 interested to join by the end of the first month in T9.

If anyone is able do donate to this project please think how much you can pledge for the Guildhall by the end of 24h - it will be at release, very hectic time. Post your pledges only if can donate more than tuition which will be 200 Boards, 400 Bricks for the first 50 members. Next 50 will be most likely higher as upgrade costs to 100 members is about 17000 Boards and 35000 Bricks.

Name Pledged boards above tuition amount Pledged bricks above tuition amount
1. Artinum / Munitra 400 400
2. Tamarack and Sorafine 200 200
3. Darkfyre 200 200
4. FoxKids 1000 2000
5. Szarn 500 1000
6. Qis 200 400
7. Kay 200 200 (more if time permits)
8. Rags 200 400
9. Fumen 200 400
10. Saledo 400 800
11. 0 0
12. 0 0
13. 0 0
14. 0 0

Test buildings - need votes

Like in T9 we will use below template, separate for every test. Members need to add all info if they want help with votes

Region Coordinates Designer Building RL Date Opened


Still unknown, link will filled once we see T10 map