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Ice block

From A Wiki in the Desert
Revision as of 19:54, 3 July 2021 by Sunstrider (talk | contribs)

Created in a Tub at (TBD height) high altitude. Available at night time (6pm-6am). Add 20 water to tub, wait for it to evaporate.

Ice Block in inventory melts at 10am give or take a couple of minutes. 8 Sturdy Tubs in cp and ice blocks had not melted by 12:00pm.

Placing 2 blocks in a chest does not melt at 10am, adding more blocks makes the chest a refrigerator.

Have had 10-11 blocks in the chest for several days and it seems to keep jugs of milk longer.

Chests hold 22 ice blocks for the refrigerator, any more are stashed as removable items.

Spouse Warping with Ice Blocks in your inventory will melt them and give you a message in main 'You feel wet.'