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Lisimba's Pilgrimage Group:

Lisimba, Hermitage, Shelyak, Sutenhotep, Kauket, Amy, Cruiser


Tanis (900, 6935) - 50 Flax

UE (728, -1859) - 50 Flax

UE (700, -2500) - 3 Rotten Fish

West Kush (834, -4154) - 50 Flax

Res Sea (1823, 1997) - 50 Flax 2 Shrines is enough to pass principles.

Everyone needs to bring 200 flax and 3 rotten fish, for their tithe. (more mats will be added as we find more shrines)

I want to plan it for Friday July 23rd, at 9pm EST.

Please chat me if this does not work for you and we can figure out another day and time.

Test Description[edit]

First, join someone else's pilgrimage by clicking on them, or form a new one by clicking on the University.

Next, visit as many holy pilgrim shrines as possible, making the requested donation to each.

Shrines must be at least 10 minutes apart, but a given shrine can be visited repeatedly.

About once per 7 realtime days, the group with the longest pilgrimage is promoted.


Principles of the Pilgrim will guide you through establishing a Pilgrimage group, and making your first Tithe.

  • Join (or form) a Pilgrimage
  • Expand to Seven Pilgrims
  • Tithe at a Shrine
  • Have all other Pilgrims Tithe
  • Tithe at a Different Shrine
  • Have all Tithe at a Previous Shrine
  • Accumulate 700 Points