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Pyramids are massive construction projects which, as they are completed, bring blessings to Egypt in the form of various game-wide bonuses. They are constructed from limestone blocks which are dug out of the sand and transported to a special Pyramid Construction Site. The process is extremely time- and labor-consuming, particularly for the larger pyramids.

A 506 block pyramid

You must have the Pyramid Construction skill learned in order to help build pyramids.

Pyramid types are based on the order they're built and pyramid size is based on the number of pyramids to come before it. So 8 size 55 pyramids, 1 of each type, had to be built before the first size 140 pyramid could be built.

The exception to this rule are the size 14 Pyramid of the People which are for the Test of The People's Pyramid. The number of these built have no effect on the pyramids that give Egyptwide buffs.


Before a size 55 or greater pyramid may be consecrated, a Pyramidion must be installed into it.

Pyramid Sizes

Blocks Tiers Construction Site Cost Prerequisite
14 3 5 Linen 16 Copper Wire None, only used in Pyramid of the People
55 5 20 Linen 64 Copper Wire None, first "real" pyramid tier
140 7 45 Linen 144 Copper Wire 8 size 55 pyramids must be built
506 11 80 Linen 256 Copper Wire 8 size 140 pyramids must be built
1240 15 125 Linen 400 Copper Wire 8 size 506 pyramids must be built
2470 19 180 Linen 576 Copper Wire 8 size 1240 pyramids must be built
4324 23 8 size 2470 pyramids must be built

Rite of Investiture

From size 140 and up, all three factions need to work together to finish a pyramid, through performing the rite of investiture. This can be done as soon as the Pyramid Construction Site has been built, and is done by clicking on the site (which needs to be publicly usable) and choosing Perform the Rite of Investiture as a <rank> of the <faction> faction. The number of people required from each faction to perform the rite is shown in the table below:

Size (blocks) Members Kinsmen Fellows Patriarchs Elders
55 0 0 0 0 0
140 1 0 0 0 0
506 2 1 0 0 0
1240 3 2 1 0 0
2470 4 3 2 1 0
4324 5 4 3 2 1

Pyramid Types

Pyramid Type T10 Effect 55 140 506 1240 2470 4324
Pyramid of the People from Test of The People's Pyramid - no effect beyond test TP
Pyramid of the Fertile Land +1 veggie yield per pyramid (+50 per plowed field veggie yield) ✓ waiting for signs 4100 5000
Pyramid of the Deep Ocean +1 to fishing yield per pyramid ✓ waiting for signs 4100 5075
Pyramid of Renewal +1 day before food spoils in kitchen per pyramid
Pyramid of Distant Plains Decreased travel time across Egypt by 10% per pyramid
Pyramid of Workable Earth +1 to Clay gathering per pyramid
Pyramid of Verdant Growth +1 to Flax yield per pyramid
Pyramid of Sparkling Wonders +? to Cuttable Gems and Gems yield per pyramid
Pyramid of Infestation +1 insect yield per pyramid

Completed Pyramids Celebrations

Pyramid List

Leaflet | (c) Desert Nomad Games 2023
Date Built (Egypt) Date Completed (RL) Size Pyramid Pyramid Type Region Coords Consecrated by
2023.12.12 55 Fertile Land Bernike Qwu
2023.12.12 55 Deep Oceans Bernike Lizzi
2023.12.12 55 Renewal Bernike Heterika