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Skills Tuition


Skill level cost
Carpentry 3 0 100 Nails, 100 Boards, 50 Paint: Red
Carpentry 4 0 50 Gold, 100 Paint: Burnt Sienna, 100 Paint: Oxford Blue, 25 Steel Wire
Mechanics 8 must learn Automation & 400 Concrete
Project Management 3 14 200 Canvas, 300 Glass Rods, 100 Rope, 300 Papyrus Paper (Project management can by learned only once from SHarm, SLead or SArch, i.e., if you learn 1 from SHarmony, it refuses to teach you 2)
Structure Repair 4+ 14 Pulley
Rocks of the Ages 0 10 Slate (Requires Perception 1+ depending on Decorative Stone attunement, Can be repeated)


Skill level cost
Advanced Tub Design 2 14 100 Iron Bar, 10 Small Barrel, 50 Fine Glass Pipe, 20 Barrel Tap
Camp Decoration 3 12 7 Large Ruby, 7 Large Emerald, 7 Large Sapphire, 7 Large Diamond
Camp Decoration 4 14 1 Huge Ruby, 1 Huge Emerald, 1 Huge Sapphire, 1 Huge Diamond
Camp Decoration 5 21 7 Huge Ruby, 7 Huge Emerald, 7 Huge Sapphire, 7 Huge Diamond
Mechanics 8 must learn Automation & 49 Acid
Structure Maintenance 1+ 4 Thermometer, 100 Sheet Glass
The Art of the Pipe 5 must learn Advanced Glassblowing & 7 Fine Glass Rods


Skill level cost
Botanical Identification 2 10 15 Fish Hook Mushrooms, 15 Hairy Tooth Mushrooms, 15 Slave's Bread Mushrooms, 15 Nefertari's Crown Mushrooms, 15 Ra's Awakening Mushrooms, 15 Earth Light Mushrooms
Botanical Identification 3 12 20 Cat Nip Mushrooms, 20 Peasant's Foot Mushrooms, 20 Scorpion's Brood Mushrooms, 20 Heart of Ash Mushrooms, 20 Colt's Foot Mushrooms, 20 Heaven's Torrent Mushrooms
Botanical Identification 4 14 25 Beehive Mushrooms, 25 Falcon's Bait Mushrooms, 25 Razor's Edge Mushrooms, 25 Salt Water Fungus Mushrooms, 25 Eye of Osiris Mushrooms, 25 Dueling Serpents Mushrooms
Botanical Identification 5 16 30 Brain Mushrooms, 30 Sun Star Mushrooms, 30 Sand Spore Mushrooms, 30 Spiderling Mushrooms, 30 Golden Sun Mushrooms, 30 Nile Fire Mushrooms
Carving 6 33 10 Tackle Block 10 Wooden Cog
Carving 7 41 ?**
Mechanics 8 must learn Automation & 300 Malt (Raw), 300 Malt (Burnt)
Structure Maintenance 1+ 300 Linen, 300 Canvas
Structure Repair 4+ 200 Cut Stone, 200 Beeswax, 200 Charcoal


Skill level cost
Conflict Shrine Construction 7 1 Oyster Shell Marble
Exploration Travel 2 15 7 Large Opal 7 Silk Cloth 100 Leather
Mechanics 8 must learn Automation & 200 Rope, 200 Slate
Navigation 5 25 6 Silk Cloth
Navigation 6 32 1 Large Sapphire
Navigation 7 40 7 Huge Topaz
Project Management 3 14 200 Canvas 300 Glass Rods 100 Rope 300 Papyrus Paper (Project management can by learned only once from Sharm, Slead or Sarch, IE if you learn 1 from Sharmony, it refuses to teach you 2)
Salvage Techniques 1+ 4 Night Granite, 4 Canary Granite, 4 White Travertine
Structure Maintenance 1+ 500 Papyrus Paper, 125 Glass Rods
Structure Repair 4 300 Glass Rods, 300 Leather


Skill level cost
Local Leadership 1 1 300 Bricks, 150 Boards (Can be learned by initiate of the faction)
Local Leadership 2 1 100 Jugs of Water, 10 Leather (Also requires that you have reached Associate level for your faction)
Local Leadership 3 1 50 Papyrus Paper (Also requires that you have reached Member level for your faction)
Local Leadership 4 1 50 Gold (Also requires that you have reached Kinsman level for your faction)
Local Leadership 5 1 10 Steel (Also requires that you have reached Fellow level for your faction)
Local Leadership 6 1 100 Concrete (Also requires that you have reached Patriarch level for your faction)
Local Leadership 7 1 10 Island Blue Marble (Also requires that you have reached Elder level for your faction)
Mechanics 8 must learn Automation & 1000 Gold Wire
Salvage Techniques 1+ 200 Cut Stone, 100 Clay, 2 Oyster Shell Marble
Structure Maintenance 1+ 2 Iron Large Gear, 80 Leather
Structure Repair 4+ 300 Papyrus Paper, 300 Flint


Skill level cost
Eastern Meditation 1 (2 hours) 21 100 Bricks, 6 Cut Stone, 10 Concrete, 1 Dalessi Cut Citrine, 1 Orange Sweetgrass
Eastern Meditation 2 (6 hours) 25 200 Bricks, 12 Cut Stone, 20 Concrete, 2 Dalessi Cut Citrine, 2 Orange Sweetgrass
Eastern Meditation 3 (1 day) 29 400 Bricks, 24 Cut Stone, 40 Concrete, 4 Dalessi Cut Citrine, 4 Orange Sweetgrass
Eastern Meditation 4 (3 days) 33 800 Bricks, 72 Cut Stone, 120 Concrete, 12 Dalessi Cut Citrine, 7 Orange Sweetgrass
Kiln Construction 2 15 200 Firebricks 10 Serpentine Marble 200 Cut Stone
Scrying 1 or 2? Must learn Alchemy & unknown materials


Skill level cost
Arthropodology 5 14 500 Raw Silk
Arthropodology 6 17 600 Dung
Arthropodology 7 20 7 Cocoa Seeds
Botanist's Touch 25- 150 Flower Fertilizer 100 Sticky Sun Fertilizer 100 Liquid Sun Fertilizer 50 Harvest Elixer Fertilizer 1 Khefre's Essence
Cooking 4 11 7 Camel's Mane, 7 Cobra Hood, 7 Dead Tongue, 7 Iron Knot, 7 Peasant's Foot, 7 Schizophyllum, 7 Toad Skin
Cooking 5 16 7 Chukkah 7 Crimson Lettuce 7 Crumpled Leaf Basil 7 Dwarf Wild Lettuce 7 Jaivanti 7 Royal Rosemary 7 Wild Garlic
Cooking 6 22 100 Peppers 100 Cucumbers 100 Eggplant 100 Coconut Meat
Cooking 7 29 100 Barley (Burnt), 100 Malt (Burnt), 100 Wheat (Burnt)
Desiccation 3+ must learn Basic Chemistry & 10 Coconut Water, 1 Huge Ruby
Filleting 2 7 3 Fish Roe, 70 Carp Meat, 25 Salt, 77 Glass Jars
Filleting 3 12 7 Fish Roe, 105 Perch Meat, 21 Salt Water Fungus, 17 Thermometer
Filleting 4 18 14 Fish Roe, 140 Catfish Meat, 35 Ginseng Root, 119 Gold Wire
Filleting 5 25 21 Fish Roe, 175 Tilapia Meat, 42 Heaven's Torrent Mushrooms, 250 Powdered Diamond
Filleting 6 33 42 Fish Roe, 210 Chromis Meat, 50 Myrrh, 100 Powdered Sunstone
Filleting 7 42 ?
Fly Tying 4 12 21 Bloodworm, 21 White Mealybug, 21 Rose Swallowtail, 21 Clearwing, 21 Golden Asp, 21 Slime Moth, 21 Toad Sawfly
Fly Tying 5 15 28 Bristleworm, 28 Mud Asp, 28 Leaf Snapper, 28 Woodmoth, 28 Woolly Aphid, 28 Camel Weevel, 28 Hairy Slug
Fly Tying 6 18 35 Nippleworm, 35 Blister Beetle, 35 Leafhopper, 35 Snowberry Butterfly, 35 Ash Centipede, 35 Feather Midge, 35 Skinlicker
Fly Tying 7 21 42 Needleworm, 42 Clay Slug, 42 Raspberry Moth, 42 Nightwing, 42 Horned Hookworm, 42 Grass Slug, 42 Stone Fly
Foraging 2 9 7 Yellow Tristeria, 7 Sweetsop, 7 Pulmonaria Opal, 7 Orange Sweetgrass, 7 Ilex, 7 Fumitory, 7 Ashoka
Mechanics 8 must learn Automation & 1 Huge Sapphire, 1 Large Emerald, 1 Medium Diamond, 1 Small Topaz
Salvage Techniques 1+ 300 Leather, 300 Glass Rods, 300 Papyrus Paper
Structure Maintenance 1+ 4 Mud Granite, 4 Rose Alabaster
Structure Repair 4+ 1 Huge Emerald, 1 Large Topaz, 1 Medium Ruby, 1 Small Sapphire



master for me: Brad Injeru Murtha

i m master for: Brad Injeru

GT for me: Sesnut Zalea Oaxani Aulere Citarra KayGee Carlin Rania

i m GT for: Elestrith Zalea Lostris Izuela

pgt for me: Elestrith Anax JoSs Lostis Teper

i m pgt for: Citarra Flasksval

blur for me: Zarubine jazerty

i m blur for: JoSs Tula

LR for me: Samruc Ki-Nala Izuela Tula

I m LR for: Zarubine Murtha Anax Oaxani Teper Flasksval Carlin

Facilities info

Watermine Output Tracking

Watermine Output Test
Pitch Test length Cuttable Amethyst Cuttable Citrine Cuttable Garnet Cuttable Jade Cuttable Lapis Cuttable Sunstone Cuttable Turquoise Quartz Ruby Topaz Emerald Sapphire Diamond Opal
23 27h45m 11 14 17 11 20 10 10 45 4 1 3 0 0 0

Resources Tracking


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