A Wiki in the Desert
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From A Wiki in the Desert


Rancher give a character a set of Statistic increases and extra abilities that are helpful to an Rancher which are paid for by Talent Points.

The current bonuses are as follows:

Level Talent Effect
1 Increased Speed
2 Increased Dexterity
3 Increased Strength
4 Cowboy
5 Increased Speed
6 Increased Dexterity
7 Increased Speed
8 Animal Whisperer
9 Increased Speed
10 Increased Dexterity
11 Increased Strength
12 Increased Feed Yield
13 Increased Speed
14 Increased Dexterity
15 Increased Dexterity
16 Hearty Cattle
17 Increased Speed
18 Increased Dexterity
19 Increased Strength
20 Happy Pigs, Happy Life
21 Increased Speed
22 Increased Dexterity
23 Increased Speed
24 Increased Feed Yield
25 Increased Speed
26 Increased Dexterity
27 Increased Strength
28 Hearty Cattle
29 Increased Speed
30 Increased Dexterity
31 Increased Dexterity
32 Hired Help


  • Cowboy: Free mate of a cattle of your choice at one of your ranches once
  • Animal Whisperer: Able to examine animals and find out more information about them
  • Increased Feed Yield: Increases the amount of feed created when you make food for animals
  • Hearty Cattle: Cattle you produce will live longer after heavy work, Notifications sent when Bulls finish Ploughing
  • Happy Pigs, Happy Life: Pigs get Happier faster
  • Hired Help: A hired hand helps return ploughs to your ranch if the Bull dies at the end of a ploughing cycle