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Test of the Prismatic Opticon

From A Wiki in the Desert
The Test of the Prismatic Opticon
The Test of the Prismatic Opticon
(Test - Art and Music)
Other Requirements


Design a Prismatic Opticon, a moving statue of light. Once enough judges have rated your Opticon, it's eligible for Competition. Each week, the designer of the highest rated Opticon passes the Test.

Prismatic Opticon

Test Description

You sign up for the Test of the Prismatic Opticon and learn the art of Opticon Construction. You can build an opticon using a Small Construction Site. Caution: after you build the opticon, you will need a custom gearbox to activate it.


Prismatic Opticons are moving sculptures of light. Color, motion, and design all play into your art.

  • Build a Prismatic Opticon - 1 Talent Point ?
  • Create at least 3 Rays
  • Create at least 3 Targets
  • Create at least 3 Phases
  • Start the Opticon - 1 Talent Point ?
  • Tear down your Opticon, OR do the following:
    • Have Seven Judges rate your Prismatic Opticon - 1 Talent Point ?
    • Design rated Good by most judges - 1 Talent Point ?
  • Have your design recognised as the greatest in Egypt - 3 Talent Point ?

Additional Information

This is the sixth Test in the discipline of Art and Music

Design an entertaining and/or noteworthy light show.

Passing the Principle

Build a Prismatic Opticon. Don't panic if you can't cut gems, there are many fellow Egyptians that will trade for them.

Once you have built one, you have the option of tearing it down if you are just looking to pass the principle but not the test.

A tutorial on configuration is located on the Guides Page: Prismatic Opticon Configuration


As judges vote on your opticon, your score is updated. The total score of your opticon is a weighted average of all the judges scores.

Passing the Test

The two highest scoring opticons each week will pass the test, which is announced in the System channel.

Locations for Judging

Region Coordinates Designer Passed Remarks RL Date opened
Upper Egypt 789, -1734 Stoiss
Red Sea 1820, 1981 Dawner Yes
Kerma -1477, -1466 Keltara 5 Sep 2020