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Difference between revisions of "User:Spatulus/FalconMap"

From A Wiki in the Desert
(10 intermediate revisions by the same user not shown)
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mlayer Falcons 650
mlayer Falcons 650
(PinRdA) 1929,1987, (1929,1987 flew N)
(PinRdA) 1986,2823, (1986,2823 flew SW)
line 1929,1987:-1897.8343236509,11225.7953251129 color:'#FF0000 ',weight:2
line 1986,2823:-1840.8343236509,-6415.79532511287 color:'#FF0000 ',weight:2
line 1929,1987:5755,11225 color:'#FF0000',weight:2
line 1986,2823:-7253,-1004 color:'#FF0000',weight:2
(PinOrB) 4031,6295, (4031,6295 flew S)
(PinOrB) 1795,2562, (1795,2562 flew S)
line 4031,6295:7857.8343236509,-2943.79532511287 color:'#28A5F0 ',weight:2
line 1795,2562:5621.8343236509,-6676.79532511287 color:'#28A5F0 ',weight:2
line 4031,6295:204,-2944 color:'#28A5F0',weight:2
line 1795,2562:-2032,-6677 color:'#28A5F0',weight:2
(PinYeC) 3273,4764, (3273,4764 flew NE)
(PinYeC) 1964,2596, (1964,2596 flew SW)
line 3273,4764:7099.8343236509,14002.7953251129 color:'#FFFF00 ',weight:2
line 1964,2596:-1862.8343236509,-6642.79532511287 color:'#FFFF00 ',weight:2
line 3273,4764:12511,8590 color:'#FFFF00',weight:2
line 1964,2596:-7275,-1231 color:'#FFFF00',weight:2
(PinGrD) 4251,5155, (4251,5155 flew NW)
(PinGrD) 1727,2442, (1727,2442 flew E)
line 4251,5155:-4987.79532511287,8981.8343236509 color:'#00FF00 ',weight:2
line 1727,2442:10965.7953251129,6268.8343236509 color:'#00FF00 ',weight:2
line 4251,5155:424,14393 color:'#00FF00',weight:2
line 1727,2442:10965,-1385 color:'#00FF00',weight:2
(PinBlE) 4000,5487, (4000,5487 flew W)
line 4000,5487:-5238.79532511287,1660.1656763491 color:'#0000FF ',weight:2
line 4000,5487:-5239,9313 color:'#0000FF',weight:2
(PinLbF) 3746,5524, (3746,5524 flew S)
line 3746,5524:7572.8343236509,-3714.79532511287 color:'#8080FF ',weight:2
line 3746,5524:-81,-3715 color:'#8080FF',weight:2
(PinPuG) 3726,5438, (3726,5438 flew NE)
line 3726,5438:7552.8343236509,14676.7953251129 color:'#8000FF ',weight:2
line 3726,5438:12964,9264 color:'#8000FF',weight:2

Latest revision as of 07:09, 30 November 2019

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