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{{T8 Below}}
This map shows locations of shops where players can make unattended/offline trades with other players that have been pre-configured by the shop owner.
This map shows locations of shops where players can make unattended/offline trades with other players that have been pre-configured by the shop owner.
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(CirGrstar) -84, -7045, Farmer Shop, Meroe Desert (-84, -7045)
(CirGrstar) 8, -6942, FOA Shop, Blue Nile (8, -6942)
(CirGrstar) 295, -7053, S-Mart, Blue Nile (295, -7053)
(CirGrstar) 917, -4040, Shop, West Kush (917, -4040)
(CirGrstar) 113, -7052, Shop, Meroe Desert (113, -7052)
(CirGrstar) 936, -4043, Sheepstache Shop, West Kush (936, -4043)
(CirGrstar) 113, -7065, Kush Dispensary, Meroe Desert (113, -7065)
(CirGrstar) 1863, 1883, Saber's Granite/Marble Shop, Red Sea (1863, 1883)
(CirGrstar) 1464, -4941, House of Charcoal, East Kush (1464, -4941)
(CirGrstar) 1105, 6985, West Bank Trading, Meshwesh Delta (1105, 6985)
(CirGrstar) 1405, -1065, Happies Shop, Swenett (1405, -1065)
(CirGrstar) 3050, -940, Happies Shop, Bernike (3050, -940)
(CirGrstar) 982, 6804, ?, Meshwesh Delta (982, 6804)
(CirGrstar) 1676, 2460, House of Charcoal (1676, 2460)
(CirGrstar) 977, 6789, ?, Meshwesh Delta (977, 6789)
(CirGrstar) 909, 6909, Papy Pants Co (909, 6909)
(CirYestar) 1126, -939, ?, Swenett (1126, -939)
(CirGrstar) 924, 6806, Tanis Trading Post and General Store (924, 6806)
(CirGrstar) 2111, 2697, House of Charcoal Hyksos Branch (2111, 2697)
(CirGrstar) 730, -1830, Public Koptos Global Market (730, -1830)
(CirGrstar) 1854, 1886, Serenity Trading (1854, 1886)
(CirGrstar) 906, 6937, Gem Emporium and Warehouse (906, 6937)
(CirGrstar) 961, 7014, L&L Grocery and Herb Shoppe (961, 7014)
(CirGrstar) 929, -1807, Sixes And Sevens (929, -1811)
(CirGrstar) 730, -1845, Shop and Games Corner (730, -1845)
(CirGrstar) 732, -1807, Artinum's Grocery Store (732, -1807)
(CirGrstar) 4300, 6700, PKURSHOP (4300, 6700)
(CirGrstar) 1822, 1911, GOMyL Trading Post (1822, 1911)
(CirGrstar) 1035, 6810, Knick Knacks (1035, 6810)
(CirGrstar) 1385, 3085, M-E-G-A (1385, 3085)
(CirGrstar) 238, -7684, FTDSS Kush Ore (1385, 3085)
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=Shops in Egypt Listing=
=Shops in Egypt Listing=
{|border="1" cellpadding="5"
{| class="wikitable sortable"
! Name !! Region !! Location !! Selling !! Buying !! Updated
! Name !! Region !! Location !! Selling !! Buying !! Updated
| Oaxani's Garden of Goods || Meshwesh Delta || 988, 6803 || Sterile Papyrus, Paper, Mushrooms, Tuition Herbs, Flower Bulbs, Saltpeter, and more! || Charcoal and Fertile Papyrus || 11-Nov-2018
| [[User:Somebob/Shop|Shop]] || West Kush (VoQ) ||  917, -4040 || Canvas, TONGS, Silk Cloth, Stones, Mandibular Glue, Cobra Skin || Gravel, Wood, Coal || Jun-18-2020
| <s>Sheepstache Shop (Out of Business--tehm has left the game) || West Kush (VoQ) ||  936, -4043 || [[Sheepstache/Trading|''a lot'' See Trading Page]] || [[Sheepstache/Trading|See Trading Page]] || Dec-6-2019</s>
| FoA's Shop || Blue Nile (Meroe) ||  8, -6942 || [[FoA|See FoA Trading Page]] || [[FoA|See FoA Trading Page]] || Dec-6-2019
| Saber's Shop || Red Sea (Avaris) || 1863, 1883 || Marble/Granite || Gravel, Glue, Mirrors, Willing to Negotiate most any deal || Jan-18-2020
|[[Guilds/Happies/Shop|Happies Shop]]|| [[Guilds/Happies/Shop|Bernike (Sharuhen)]]|| [[Guilds/Happies/Shop|3050, -940]]|| [[Guilds/Happies/Shop|See Happies Trading Page]] || [[Guilds/Happies/Shop|See Happies Trading Page]] || [[Guilds/Happies/Shop|daily]]
| House of Charcoal - Asyut || Asyut  || 1676, 2460 || Charcoal, Copper || Copper and Iron Ore || Jan-26-2020
| Mudskipper Trading Post || Koptos || 730.-1817 || Clothes, Wire, Cable, Foil, Sheeting, Hairy & Camel Mushrooms, Pearls, Decorative Stone (limited stock), Raeli Tiles || [[Mudskipper Trading Post]]  || Jan. 2020
| [[Papy Pants Co]] || Meshwesh Delta (Tanis) || 909, 6909 || Papyrus and related || [[Papy Pants Co|See Trading Page]]  || Dec-18-2019
| Vissa's Shop<br>(Moved from another page) || Upper Egypt (Koptos) || 1167, -2068 || Mushrooms, Copper Pots, Iron Pots || Charcoal  || ?
| [[Guilds/West Bank/West Bank Trading|West Bank Trading]] || Meshwesh || 1104, 6984 || Granite and Marble, Paint, Thermometers, cement|| [[Guilds/West Bank/West Bank Trading|See Trading Page]]  || 17th Jan 2020
| [[User:Al-Bilal/Trading|Al's Boutique]] || Red Sea (Avaris) || 1870, 1880|| Tongs, Arsenic, Quicksilver, other items || Gravel  || 2-Jan-2020
| [[Tanis Trading Post and General Store]] || Meshwesh || 924, 6806 || Lots of basic goods bought and sold at reasonable prices.  High-end blacksmithing and alloys (including Octec's) while supplies last. || Please see Store Page<br>[[Tanis Trading Post and General Store]]  || Jul-05-2020
| [[Global Market|Public Koptos Global Market]] || Upper Egypt (Koptos) || 730, -1830 || hardened fishing lures, sheep supplement, metals, beeswax, charcoal, sterile papy, gold foil, cuttable stone, leather, basket of cobras, beachcomber fly rods (chat Laf if you want your dedicated stand to sell) || gravel, wood, jugs, papy seeds, fertile papy, charcoal, compost, lime, mandibular glue, quicksilver, cement  || 1/13/2020
| [[User:Artinum/Shop|Artinum's Grocery Store]] || Upper Egypt (Koptos) || 732, -1807 || Fish, vegetables (inc. grilled), bone knives, coal, beeswax, thermometers, cactus sap, and much more! || gravel, papyrus seeds, papyrus, charcoal, lime, cement || 6th April 2020
| S-Mart || Blue Nile || 295, -7053 || FT5 Insects, Glass Rods, Soda Glass Dust, Fish Roe, Nature's Jug, Cut Citrine: Dalessi, Star Metal || FT6 Insects, Glass Jars, Glass Pipes, Normal Glass Dust, Sheet Glass, Cuttable Citrine, Hairy Tooth Mushrooms, Gravel || 17-Nov-2018
| Serenity Trading || Avaris || 1854, 1886 || Marbles, Thermometers, Stainless Steel Pots, Tongs, Cut Gems (crater, shark, full eye) || cuttable sunstones and lapis ||  
| '''[[User:Somebob/Shop|Shop]]''' || Meroe Desert || 113, -7052 || Lime, Ash, Incense, Concrete<br> <b>Tongs</b>, Sheet Glass, Glass Jars, Mandibular Glue, Cobra Skin, Cobra Venom, Charcoal, Spirits  || Copper, Cuttable Citrine, Cuttable Lapis, Cuttable Sunstone, Wood, Gravel, Bronze, Brass, Steel, Moon Steel || 28-Dec-2018
| Gem Emporium and Warehouse || Meshwesh Delta || 906, 6937 || Cut Gems, Cuttable Gems || See  [[User:Mira]] user page for full inventory and prices || 1/31/20
|[[Image:LogoI.jpg|right|thumb]][[User:Iratia/dispensary| <b>Iratia's Herb Shoppe</b>]] || Meroe Desert || 113, -7065 || HERBS: Tuition for Foraging 2, Cooking 2 and 5, Filleting 1<br>MUSHROOMS: Cobra Hood, Camel's Mane, Toad Skin <br> INSECTS: Bat Mite, Sand Mite, Salt Mite<br> Palm Fronds  || Slate, Boards, Papy, Jugs, Charcoal, Beeswax,  Sheet Glass, Limestone || 20-Dec-2018
| [[User:Leniana/L&L Grocery|L&L Grocery and Herb Shoppe]] || Meshwesh Delta || 990, 7000 || [[User:Leniana/L&L Grocery|Herbs, Mushrooms, and Other Cooking Ingredients]] || [[User:Leniana/L&L Grocery|Gravel, Nails, Lime, and more]] || 3/26/20
| House of Charcoal || East Kush || 1464, -4941 || Charcoal || Copper Ore || 27-Dec-2018
| [[SixesAndSevens|Sixes And Sevens]] || Upper Egypt/Koptos || 929, -1807 || Rotating assortment including rare herbs and shrooms, tuition items, alloys, etc. Also trading Raeli tiles.  || [[SixesAndSevens|Sixes And Sevens shop page]] || 13th March 2020
| House of Charcoal (Hyksos Branch) || Naqada || 2111, 2697 || Charcoal || Copper Ore || 27-Dec-2018
| [[The Back Room]] || Upper Egypt/Koptos || 929, -1807 || Raeli tiles  || [[The Back Room|The Back Room shop page]] || 27th March 2020
| Farmer shop || Meroe Desert || -84, -7045 || Veggies, Charcoal, Medium stones, Sterile Papyrus || Wood, papyrus seeds || 01-Sep-2018
| [[User:Saintcyr/Trading|Shop and Games Corner]] || Upper Egypt/Koptos || 730, -1845 || PAINT and more || [[User:Saintcyr/Trading|Shop and Games Corner]] || 01.02.2020
| '''[[Guilds/Happy_Hour/Shop | Happies Shop]]'''  || '''Swenett''' || '''1405, -1065''' || '''CC, Herbs, Glassware, Veggies, Stones, Leather, Nut Essence, Palm Fronds, Thermos''' ||''' Wood, Beewax, Papyrus Seeds, Jugs of Cows Milk, Jugs of Sour Cow Milk, Coal, Quicksilver,'''  || '''daily'''
| Glaasssh Store n More || Avaris || 1845, 1885 ||glass products and raw materials, CC, gravel || wood primarily, huge topaz, silk cloth || march 26 2020
| West Bank Shops|| Meshwesh Delta || 990, 6789 || '''MARBLE''', Herbs for Tuition, Thermometers, Cement, Mining Camp Metals, Raeli Tiles, Insects || Alloys, Silk Cloth, Gravel, Papyrus Seeds, Fertile Papyrus, Linen, Citrus,  || 04-Feb-2019
| Golem's Goods || Tanis || 930, 6800 || cuttable gems, treated boards  ||cuttable stones, gravel, silk ||  
| '''Heterika''' || Swenett || 1126, -939 || '''Areesh''' pot 10 (1) stock:260|| Star Metal (70) or silk cloth (2) || Open Night and Day
| PKURSHOP || East Sinai || 4300, 6700 || tiles, cut gems  ||[[PKURSHOP]]|| May 3rd, 2020
| ? || Meshwesh Delta || 977, 6789 || ? || ? || ?
| GOMyL Shops|| Avaris || 1822, 1911 || Raeli Tiles - 174 Colors, Glass, Raw Materials plus more! || [https://atitd.wiki/tale9/GOMyL_Shops See GOMyL Trading Page] || Oct 24 2020
| Gnarph's Blacksmithing Emporium || Meshwesh Delta || 965, 6800 || Hatchets, Shovels, Knife Blades || Iron, Steel, Bacon, Ham, Glass Jars, Sheet Glass || 18-Sep-2018
| [[Knick Knacks]] || Meshwesh Delta || 1035, 6810 || Blacksmithed items, glassware, metal, treated boards, etc. || [[Knick Knacks|See Knick Knacks Page]] || October 8th, 2020
| KayGee's Home Improvement Emporium || Meshwesh Delta || 940, 6800 || Paints (Yellow Green, Sap Green, Pale Turquoise, Pale Violet Red, Cadmium Yellow, Violet, Turquoise, Forest Green, White, Orange, Indian Red, Aquamarine, Dark Green, Light Blue, Green, Maroon, Sky Blue, Gold,  Midnight Blue, Yellow) and Cut Gems (Morganite Eyelet, Citrine Dalessi - for Eastern Meditation, Jade Amanti, Jade Choronzon, Jade Khufu's Ship, Garnet Appolonia, Sunstone Ra's Lantern, Sunstone Hile's Chevron  || Cuttable Gems, Cut Stone, Silk, Beeswax, Glass, Marble, Iron, Copper, Mushrooms, Gravel || 1-May-2019
| [[M-E-G-A]] Middle Egypt Gravel Acceptor || Abydos || 1385, 3085 || Rumi Cheese (Potency 10), Paper (Papyrus), Gears (coming soon) || [[M-E-G-A|See MEGA Page]] || Sep-02-2020
| Surplus and Salvage || Asyut || 1790, 2080 || Cheese, Stones, Tiles, Linin, Vegies, Metal, Boards, Ash etc. || Charcoal, Wood || 12-Dec-18
| [[FTDSSKush]] || Blue Nile || 238, -7684 || Iron Copper || [[FTDSSKush|See FTDSS Page]] || Sep-02-2020
Note: items without models (i.e. that appear as pink boxes on ground) do not currently show anything on the shelves.
<noinclude>[[Category:Atlas|Maps/Shop Locations]]</noinclude>

Latest revision as of 16:17, 13 May 2021

This map shows locations of shops where players can make unattended/offline trades with other players that have been pre-configured by the shop owner.

Shops in Egypt Map

This map uses the CondMap template, if this map imports data from other maps please edit those. Please see Maps for further details and links to all raw data pages

Shops in Egypt Listing

Name Region Location Selling Buying Updated
Shop West Kush (VoQ) 917, -4040 Canvas, TONGS, Silk Cloth, Stones, Mandibular Glue, Cobra Skin Gravel, Wood, Coal Jun-18-2020
Sheepstache Shop (Out of Business--tehm has left the game) West Kush (VoQ) 936, -4043 a lot See Trading Page See Trading Page Dec-6-2019
FoA's Shop Blue Nile (Meroe) 8, -6942 See FoA Trading Page See FoA Trading Page Dec-6-2019
Saber's Shop Red Sea (Avaris) 1863, 1883 Marble/Granite Gravel, Glue, Mirrors, Willing to Negotiate most any deal Jan-18-2020
Happies Shop Bernike (Sharuhen) 3050, -940 See Happies Trading Page See Happies Trading Page daily
House of Charcoal - Asyut Asyut 1676, 2460 Charcoal, Copper Copper and Iron Ore Jan-26-2020
Mudskipper Trading Post Koptos 730.-1817 Clothes, Wire, Cable, Foil, Sheeting, Hairy & Camel Mushrooms, Pearls, Decorative Stone (limited stock), Raeli Tiles Mudskipper Trading Post Jan. 2020
Papy Pants Co Meshwesh Delta (Tanis) 909, 6909 Papyrus and related See Trading Page Dec-18-2019
Vissa's Shop
(Moved from another page)
Upper Egypt (Koptos) 1167, -2068 Mushrooms, Copper Pots, Iron Pots Charcoal ?
West Bank Trading Meshwesh 1104, 6984 Granite and Marble, Paint, Thermometers, cement See Trading Page 17th Jan 2020
Al's Boutique Red Sea (Avaris) 1870, 1880 Tongs, Arsenic, Quicksilver, other items Gravel 2-Jan-2020
Tanis Trading Post and General Store Meshwesh 924, 6806 Lots of basic goods bought and sold at reasonable prices. High-end blacksmithing and alloys (including Octec's) while supplies last. Please see Store Page
Tanis Trading Post and General Store
Public Koptos Global Market Upper Egypt (Koptos) 730, -1830 hardened fishing lures, sheep supplement, metals, beeswax, charcoal, sterile papy, gold foil, cuttable stone, leather, basket of cobras, beachcomber fly rods (chat Laf if you want your dedicated stand to sell) gravel, wood, jugs, papy seeds, fertile papy, charcoal, compost, lime, mandibular glue, quicksilver, cement 1/13/2020
Artinum's Grocery Store Upper Egypt (Koptos) 732, -1807 Fish, vegetables (inc. grilled), bone knives, coal, beeswax, thermometers, cactus sap, and much more! gravel, papyrus seeds, papyrus, charcoal, lime, cement 6th April 2020
Serenity Trading Avaris 1854, 1886 Marbles, Thermometers, Stainless Steel Pots, Tongs, Cut Gems (crater, shark, full eye) cuttable sunstones and lapis
Gem Emporium and Warehouse Meshwesh Delta 906, 6937 Cut Gems, Cuttable Gems See User:Mira user page for full inventory and prices 1/31/20
L&L Grocery and Herb Shoppe Meshwesh Delta 990, 7000 Herbs, Mushrooms, and Other Cooking Ingredients Gravel, Nails, Lime, and more 3/26/20
Sixes And Sevens Upper Egypt/Koptos 929, -1807 Rotating assortment including rare herbs and shrooms, tuition items, alloys, etc. Also trading Raeli tiles. Sixes And Sevens shop page 13th March 2020
The Back Room Upper Egypt/Koptos 929, -1807 Raeli tiles The Back Room shop page 27th March 2020
Shop and Games Corner Upper Egypt/Koptos 730, -1845 PAINT and more Shop and Games Corner 01.02.2020
Glaasssh Store n More Avaris 1845, 1885 glass products and raw materials, CC, gravel wood primarily, huge topaz, silk cloth march 26 2020
Golem's Goods Tanis 930, 6800 cuttable gems, treated boards cuttable stones, gravel, silk
PKURSHOP East Sinai 4300, 6700 tiles, cut gems PKURSHOP May 3rd, 2020
GOMyL Shops Avaris 1822, 1911 Raeli Tiles - 174 Colors, Glass, Raw Materials plus more! See GOMyL Trading Page Oct 24 2020
Knick Knacks Meshwesh Delta 1035, 6810 Blacksmithed items, glassware, metal, treated boards, etc. See Knick Knacks Page October 8th, 2020
M-E-G-A Middle Egypt Gravel Acceptor Abydos 1385, 3085 Rumi Cheese (Potency 10), Paper (Papyrus), Gears (coming soon) See MEGA Page Sep-02-2020
FTDSSKush Blue Nile 238, -7684 Iron Copper See FTDSS Page Sep-02-2020