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Difference between revisions of "Guild:Amigos"

From A Wiki in the Desert
Line 98: Line 98:
(GrL) 573, -1635, Limestone (573, -1635)
(GrL) 573, -1635, Limestone (573, -1635)
(GrL) 311, -1272, Limestone (311, -1272)
(GrL) 311, -1272, Limestone (311, -1272)
(GrS) 450, -1534, Smelting cp (450, -1534)
(GrC) 457, -1534, Smelting cp (457, -1534) Private chests
(MtFe) 413, -1547, Iron (at 413, -1547)
(MtFe) 425, -1539, Iron (at 425, -1539)
(MtFe) 438, -1533, Iron (at 438, -1533)
(MtCu) 444, -1520, Copper (at 444, -1520)
(MtSn) 440, -1506, Tin (at 440, -1506)
(MtSn) 452, -1505, Tin (at 452, -1505)
(MtFe) 457, -1526, Iron (at 457, -1526)
(MtFe) 469, -1523, Iron (at 469, -1523)
(MtCu) 445, -1544, Copper (at 445, -1544)
(MtCu) 445, -1557, Copper (at 445, -1557)
(MtCu) 445, -1570, Copper (at 445, -1570)
(MtCu) 444, -1587, Copper (at 445, -1587)

Revision as of 22:43, 13 September 2019


in Tale 9 guild will be located near Koptos CS, most likely somewhere in N/W corner, exact location will depend on availability and world builders progress. In beta our location is at 650, -1718, West of Koptos CS. All Schools will now be around every Chariot Stop.

Location changed to provide enough space for everyone and tests art/buildings (in T8 we had 64 members in first month). I know many members will want to build near Guildhall in Philae and that's good but I also encourage populating Upper Egypt and Swenett since they are really close, other nearby provinces are also fine. Residency in provinces around guildhall will help us with easy access to Universities, with keeping faction chat and with responding to other factions challenges.

This is a public community project available for everyone to use. Donations are always welcome but please also don't expect same group of people to work on everything, we don't want people to burn out. Everyone have to pitch in.

Guild was created in T5 to help people playing Tale, especially newbies, help each other with Tests and since T8, help Hyksos faction.

Guildhall is build to 100 members and we will need to expand soon.

Our goals in Tale 9:

  • provide advanced devices in guild buildings (don't expect flimsy brick moulds) to make your life easier :)
  • help with info and "how to"
  • help Hyksos control provinces: Philae, Upper Egypt, Swenett, Bernike, Pwenett, Damont through the Tale. While the way to control province changed from the beginning of T8 (check info about Tokens below) Tribute Posts will still be crucial.
  • help with major Story line tasks
  • create mining/smelting area for Iron/Copper/Tin. We need to find veins of all metals nearby first after dowsing is researched.
  • work on major Test: Megalopolis, Aqueduct, Pyramids, Sphinx and the Throne of Pharaoh, I want everyone interested to pass.
  • help with Hyksos Research.

I really want everyone to be involved, Tale 9 will be active much longer because of slow down related to Skills. There will always be something to do for yourself, people in the guild, region with provinces control or Hyksos Research we all benefit from. I will guarantee you won't be bored.

Tokens and how they work: Tokens (for us Tokens of Hyksos) can be pick up from Great Hall at Avaris under Supplies option. They spawn 1 every hour from the moment Tale 9 is released. There is a cooldown of 2h +1h for every token pickup. Everyone can pick up max 17 tokens per week, Tribute post reset also clears that. In first week Hyksos will get 168 Tokens and with every passing week spawn will slow down. Tokens are used to:

  • gain control of the regions (1 required in first week, gaining control enables faction chat),
  • build Chancery (10 required, project can be started by Faction Elder which Hyksos should have have in 4-5th day. Chancery enables faction chat no matter who controls province),
  • and to defend or take over region on the weekly basis. In T8 Saturday was the day when factions could challenge or defend their regions (defender have advantage and token invested counts double, example at Tribute Post Hyksos 1 token donated to Kush 2 Tokens donated - Hyksos would keep region.)

Every time when visiting Avaris please check Great Hall, we will need every token we can get. Tokens can be donated only to regions which border other Hyksos region.

Owning region give access to Universities which is quite important for two reasons:

  • with each additional University, cost of the research is approx 10% less in this type of University (with thousands resources needed 10% is really a lot)
  • UWorship give veggie seeds, more we own more chances we have to get whole sets.

In the spirit of cooperation through the Egypt its very likely some regions will be changing ownership. We would want everyone to have chance to find extra seeds at UWorship or capitalize on research discount on some very hard technologies.

Also, reason to control regions is to take advantage of additional bonus like:

  • flax yield is increased
  • vegetables yield is increased
  • wood yield is increased
  • mining yield increased by 10%

and many others. Three main faction regions, for Hyksos that's Asyut, Red Sea and Thebes never get additional bonuses.

Useful info from T9 Alpha/Beta and important notes:

  • no levels
  • teaching others is gone in T9
  • significant changes to wood gathering - one wood per tree/ 1 min cooldown per 1 wood, we can gather from bunch of trees with 1 click
  • Homesteads - world builders flatten ground, add trees, lakes, fountains or statues and create good looking locations for future camps
  • you can't load back items to your cart, you can only remove it
  • Talents, click on self/Talents/help to understand how they work
  • Tasks https://atitd.wiki/tale9/Tasks
  • regional chat is permanent and visible to ALL factions, faction chat needs to be open with token, permanent chat require chancery (chancery is permanent and can be build no matter who owns the region).
  • Papyrus planting location N of 700, -170, plant 10-20 seeds on East bank every 5-10 coords, after 10 min check both river banks and small ponds about 100 coords downstream - check pinned info on our discord
  • skills - hover mouse over skills to see what you will able to make or build after finishing that level
  • Pollution - very important, came;/sheep pens, kilns and firepit pollute the area. Chat with your neighbors and set one location for firepits and animal pens otherwise you wont be able to grow flax or veggies and wood respawn on trees will be seriously hindered. Please think about others before you start polluting.
  • Map of the area is F3, use zoom in-out keys to not get lost. Exchange maps with others often to learn location of Unis and schools ( click on other avatar/ special/ offer exchange of maps).
  • Please don't build in Guild Hall area - no flimsy brick racks or woodplanes. We need space for 3 Cp's 7*7 and more art display cp's. This will be also spot for Sphinx and probably Throne of the Pharaoh test.
  • after leaving Welcoming Island run to Great Hall and click on Test/ test of the elder/ petition for new election and at voting booth change you voting stance to participate in next elections. We need Elder in first week to setup Chanceries.

First skills info:

  • reach Carpentry 1 to be able to build Carpentry Table by making boards
  • gather 400 Grass to finish Grass Harvesting 1 and you will get 20 Papyrus seeds (follow pinned post on our discord with locations to plant)
  • Canvas Bag - get to Clothwork 1 by making Linen and Canvas, learn Carving 1 (100 wood tuition) from SBody, make it on Crafting Table. We no longer get free jug when learning Pottery but Canvas Bag have same purpose.
  • Jugs - first get Pottery (10 Clay tuition) and Kiln Construction (20 Bricks tuition at SBody). Make Bricks until you reach Brick Making 1 then you can start making wet firebricks. Make box kilns (15? this could be changed) and burn you firebricks. When you get Kiln Construction 1 build True Kilns, they are more efficient. Once you get Pottery 1 you can make wet jugs, burn them in True Kilns.

To build Pottery Wheels you need to start with Stonework 1, learn it once researched at UArch. Cut cuttable stones or gather limestone with flint tools (you need Knapping skill from UArch, 7 flint tuition, Skills/Blades for chisel and craft hammers at Crafting Bench). Once you get Stonework 1 you can make Flystones at Rock Saw.

  • gardening skill allows two more levels of grass gathering.
  • Pyrolysis - burn 20 x 50 wood piles to get Pyrolysis 1 then burn wood, veggies and limestone in firepit to reach Pyrolysis 2 for Charcoal oven.

Camel symbol - Koptos CS

E - Expedition sites L - Limestone

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