Fresh Leaves
From A Wiki in the Desert
Fresh leaves are harvested from different foliage Plants each Egyptian week and are marked with the week in which they were harvested.
'G' is the default hotkey for 'Harvest the Leaves'
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Fresh Leaves
Week | Leaf |
Week 28 | Rosy Stonecrop |
Week 27 | Quince |
Week 26 | Dark Pampas Grass |
Week 25 | Bamboo |
Week 24 | Water Blossom |
Week 23 | ? |
Week 22 | Hathor's Cup |
Week 21 | Wild Sea Oats |
Week 20 | Violet |
Week 19 | Dark Pampas Grass |
Week 18 | ? |
Week 17 | Tangarine Sunbell |
Week 16 | Caramel Blossom |
Week 15 | River Reeds |
Week 14 | Velvet Nightflower |
Week 13 | Blue Pumilla Grass |
Week 12 | Night's Beauty |
Week 11 | Ripple-Leaf Lily |
Week 10 | Bamboo |
Week 9 | Date Palm |
Week 8 | Tangerine Sunbell |
Week 7 | Big Leaf Plant |
Week 6 | Tall Waxy Sedge |
Week 5 | Laurel Shrub |
Week 4 | Green Ground Cover |
Week 3 | Pretty Pinks |
Week 2 | Lamb's Ear |
Week 1 | Laurel Shrub |
Week 0 | - |