Welcome to the ALOE Guild Page.
Guild Hall @ 1115,6888
Post Office @ 1114, 6892
Food Donation at 1113, 6892
for storm chasing:
6 Common Basil. 6 Satsatchi. 6 Cardamom. 6 Carrots. 6 Red Nasturtium. 6 Wheat (Medium Roasted). 6 Hyssop.
1 Buckler-leaf. 1 Banto. 1 Garlic Chives. 1 Purple Tintiri. 1 Skirret. 1 Upright Ochoa. 1 Salt.
Current Stock
Large chest owned by ALOE at egypt 1113 6892
388 Carrots 8 Banto 78 Buckler-leaf 8 Cardamom 138 Common Basil 8 Garlic Chives 8 Hyssop 8 Purple Tintiri 48 Red Nasturtium 28 Satsatchi 2 Skirret 3 Upright Ochoa 58 Salt 150 Wheat (Medium Roasted)
ALOE Events
None planned
ALOE Resources
Iron Mine (1281,7308)
Copper Mine (1289,7230)
OSM quarry (1371, 6990)
OSM quarry (1360, 7021)
Warehouse (1292,7310)
Sheep Pen
Metalworks CP Includes a Charcoal Hearth, 2 Compression Furnaces, 2 Gyration Cells, 4 Reactories, Anvil, Student and Master Casting Boxes & Forges (All student forges have been fully upgraded)
Stoneworks CP Includes 8 True Kilns, 12 Pottery wheels, 14 Rock Saws, 12 Mason's Benches and 4 Kitchens
Flaxworks CP Includes 6 Small Distaffs, Hand Loom, Flax Comb, Improved Hackling Rakes (Thank you Kelistra), 6 Carpentry Benches, a Crafting Bench and Sturdy Tubs
Glassworks CP
(More compounds planned for the future. If you have extra cornerstones that you do not need, that will facilitate growth!)
ALOE Projects
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