Current map data
- Maps/Chariot Stops
- Maps/Expedition Sites
- Maps/Universities - Covers schools as well
- Maps/Tribute Post
- Atlas/Phoenix
- Maps/Pyrotechnics Stadium Headquarters
- Maps/Pyramids
- Maps/Shrine of Conflict
- Maps/Guild Halls
- Maps/Common Altars
- Maps/Red Sand
- Maps/White Sand
- Maps/Limestone
- Maps/Sulphurous Water
- Maps/Tar
- Maps/Oyster Beds
- Maps/Wine
Public Facilities
Test of Life
What is this here for
A few tales ago it became obvious that much of the map data on the wiki was being duplicated on a range of different pages, with different points being shown on each map. This area of the wiki was put together using templates to allow the data to be held on just one page - while being visible from each relevant page.
As a result, when adding a new point of interest (such as a public mine) only one page now needs to be edited (instead of three or more) and each map using that data will update automatically.
This system allows you to customize what data you want to see on your map. You want chariot stops and public works? You can do that. You want all public mines? Yep, that, too. You want all red and white sand deposits near your home compound, but not all those public mines dots? You can also do that. When adding the map to your page, just choose which map data files to include, and put in custom pins for personal locations.
If you only need a simple map - you can use the
tags in the same way the old google maps worked
I want to use one or more of these maps on another page
To add a map to a page you will need to use Template:CondMap. To do so it is suggested you copy the following text to the page you wish to edit. Any map data that you wish to link should be placed on a new line as with the chariot stops, routes and tribute posts shown below.
The five parameters at the end are optional. You can remove them for a default-sized and -shaped map of Egypt, or change them to zoom in on a particular spot.
{{CondMap| {{:Maps/Chariot Stops|contentonly=yes}} {{:Maps/Chariot Routes|contentonly=yes}} {{:Maps/Tribute Post|contentonly=yes}} |exmarks=yes|lat=1200|lon=1900|zoom=4|width=800|height=700}}
Zoom examples for different regions
Replace the last line of the above CondMap example with:
I want to add a new datapoint, Help Me!
To add a new datapoint, decide which page it should be added to from the list at the bottom of this page. Generally resources will be on a common page for that server, and facilities (smelting, mines, etc) will be on a regional page. Then follow the link to that page, edit it and add a new line using the standard googlemap format:
(MtPb) -1570, 5300, Lead/Sapphire Mine
If you want the coordinates to show up in the pin's tooltip, do the following:
(MtPb) -1570, 5300, Lead/Sapphire Mine (at -1570, 5300)
I want to start a new data page
If there aren't very many data points, make a single Egypt-wide file at Maps/ResourceName. If the resource you're mapping has many points, it is better to break them down by region. In that case, create new pages at Maps/ResourceName/East Kush, Maps/ResourceName/West Kush, and so on.
The new pages should use this template:
{{CondMap| <!-- datapoints go here --> |contentonly={{{contentonly|no}}}|{{{2}}}}} <noinclude>[[Category:Atlas|{{PAGENAME}}]]</noinclude>
Then add datapoints as in the above section. Finally, add the new pages to the list of map data pages.
If the maps include many different types of markers (like the Public Mines pages did), consider creating a legend that can be used on any page that uses the maps. (Name the page Maps/ResourceName/Legend, and use the existing legends as an example.)
If you have created regional data maps, and would like to have an automatically generated egypt-wide map, use the example of Maps/Expedition Sites, and create your page at Maps/ResourceName.
In the content of the tag, you can define one marker per line.
Each line may or may not start with an icon name in parentheses.
The line should then have the latitude (x), then a comma, optionally a space, then the longitude (y), then a comma, then text for the popup window.
The popup text can include wiki mark-up (and commas). Long sections of text may be split over several lines using a backslash (\) at the end of the line.
Drawing tools
Command | Description | Options |
line path option1:value, option2:value, ... optionN:value[\] [popup text] |
Draws a line along a path. | Path format: coordx1,coordy1:x2,y2:x3,y3:...xN,yN |
rect boundary option1:value, option2:value, ... optionN:value[\] [popup text] |
Draws a rectangle defined by boundary. | Boundary: coordx1,coordy1:x2,y2 |
poly boundary option1:value, option2:value, ... optionN:value[\] [popup text] |
Draws a filled in polygon defined by boundary. | Boundary format: coordx1,coordy1:x2,y2:x3,y3:...xN,yN |
circ x,y radius option1:value, option2:value, ... optionN:value[\] [popup text] |
Draws a filled circle defined by coords and radius. | Format: coordx1,coordy1 radius |
dlayer layername zindex | Sets the current layer for drawing tools. Defaults to 'overlay' | |
mlayer layername zindex | Sets the current layer for markers. Defaults to 'markers' |
Popup text is optional. They are the same as markers except the popup text begins on the second line.
The popup text can include wiki mark-up (and commas). Lines may be split using a backslash (\).
Drawing Options
Option | Type | Default | Desc |
stroke | Boolean | true | Whether to draw stroke along the path. Set it to false to disable borders on polygons or circles. |
color | String | '#03f' | Stroke color. |
weight | Number | 5 | Stroke width in pixels. |
opacity | Number | 0.5 | Stroke opacity. |
fill | Boolean | depends | Whether to fill the path with color. Set it to false to disable filling on polygons or circles. |
fillColor | String | same as color | Fill color. |
fillOpacity | Number | 0.2 | Fill opacity. |
dashArray | String | null | A string that defines the stroke dash pattern. Doesn't work on canvas-powered layers (e.g. Android 2). It's a list of comma separated <length>s and <percentage>s that specify the lengths of alternating dashes and gaps. |
lineCap | String | null | A string that defines shape to be used at the end of the stroke. Legal values: butt, round or square. |
lineJoin | String | null | A string that defines shape to be used at the corners of the stroke. Legal values: butt, round or square. |
Note: String types must be enclosed in singles quotes: 'string'
What types of thing should be placed in this type of map
Generally, only items which need to be shown on multiple pages will require a map in this area. Public facilities and resources are the main examples.
There is no requirement to place things that only need to be visible from one page (such as guild locations) here.
Map Customization / Tag Attributes
To customize the map you can set the following tags (attributes):
Command | Default | Description | Options |
tale | 8 | Which Tale to display? | Legal values: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8. |
width | 512 | Width of the map in pixels. | |
height | 1024 | Height of the map in pixels. | |
lat | 1024 | The center latitude (x) on the map. | |
lon | 0 | The center longitude (y) on the map. | |
zoom | 2 | Default zoom level. | Game Map Legal values: 1 to 8 - only tales T5 and up contains data on levels 7 and 8. |
showposition | yes | Show x,y coords under the mouse. Will show latitude and longitude on non-game maps. Clicking on the coordinates window will bring up an input window. A marker will appear at the entered coordinates. Clicking on the marker will remove it from the map. |
Legal values: yes and no. |
showregion | yes | Shows the region name under the mouse. Only T4 - T6 game maps are supported. Note: Does not work on non-game maps. |
Legal values: yes and no. |
showmeasure | yes | Adds a measuring control to the map to mark a path and show distances in coords. Note: Does not work on non-game maps. |
Legal values: yes and no. |
showzoom | yes | Adds a zoom control to the map. | Legal values: yes and no. |
showfullscreen | yes | Adds a control to allowing viewing the map in full screen mode. | Legal values: yes and no. |
icons | (see description) | URL template for custom markers. Default: /maps/markers/marker{label}.png |
Use "{label}" where the name of the icon will be inserted. |
icon | (see description) | URL for markers without an icon specified. Default: /maps/markers/marker.png |
Default icon to use if one isn't defined. |
iconsize | 32x32 | Height and width of the icons | |
iconanchor | 10,32 | Height and width of the icon anchor point | Useful when using non-local markers. |
autosizeicons | yes | Automatically adjusts icon size for locally hosted markers. Disable this if using external markers! |
Legal values: no or yes |
scrollwheel | zoom | Define how the scroll wheel behaves. | Legal values: nothing or zoom. |
mouseoverpopup | no | Show marker popups on marker mouseover. Note: Usage can make links in popups impossible to click! |
Legal values: no or yes |
Map Pin Legends
If you edit the marker icons, make sure you edit the markers in every relevant map data file above.
You can include a legend on your page by using the following, substituting the path and name of your legend page.
{{:Maps/Public Mines/Legend}}