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Simple Apiary

From A Wiki in the Desert
Revision as of 10:10, 5 October 2019 by Virror (talk | contribs)
Simple Apiary
Simple Apiary
1 × 1
Cost to Build
Boards 8
Linen 1

WARNING: This information was copied from an older wiki and is currently out of date in regards to how apiaries produce honey and beeswax.

A Simple Apiary allows you to keep bees, which produce Honey and Beeswax.


This building becomes available after you have learned Beekeeping.



When building apiaries, try to set them up away from other buildings, including other apiaries.

When first built, the apiary is empty and must attract a queen bee before it begins producing.

  • Important: after you check for a queen and it has one and about 1000 bees, check immediately again. The hive will not produce any Honey or Beeswax until you do this.
  • Note: on occasion, a hive will, for whatever reason, fail to attract a queen. If several days go by without a queen arriving, one can either continue to try or tear down the hive and rebuild it.

After you have checked it for the first time, wait approximately 16 hours for first full 10 Honey/Beeswax. After this you can collect about every 7 hours.

Apiary production caps at 10 Honey and 10 Beeswax. If there are already 10 of each when you check, they will be replaced with the new harvest and will not increase. However, if you didn't take the honey/beeswax from the last check, take the contents of the hive, then check, the hive will fill with the new hive production.

Apiaries can hold up to 1000 bees. When harvested, the apiary will lose half its bees, slowing production time of the next batch.

  • As your speed stat increases, you will begin getting the following message on some harvests: "Due to your quick Speed checking, no bees escaped,"
  • Because of this, the hive will require less time before another 10 Honey/Beeswax are produced.
  • The higher your speed,the more frequently this message will appear.

With the skill Beekeeping 1 or higher, you can also capture [Queen bee]]s. This is done from "Utility->Destroy this nest and attempt to capture the Queen bee". This will destroy your Apiary and you will not get any materials back. Higher Speed gives a better chance at capturing.

Apiaries are visible and audible to a range of 32 coordinates.

Tips and tricks

  • The "/crowd" command from previous tales is no longer available
  • Building a lot of apiaries packed together will slow down the attraction of queens, the growth of bees and the production of honey and beeswax terribly
  • Spreading apiaries out too far will mean a lot of running
  • Grass seems better than sand for attracting queens
  • A speed of 22 will prevent any loss of bees
  • Starting with a line, or grid, with apiaries 2-3 coords apart, on grass, with plants or trees nearby, will ensure new queens for most apiaries during the first day, then you can build new apiaries in between as queens arrive in the built ones.

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