A Wiki in the Desert
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From A Wiki in the Desert
Revision as of 11:10, 16 February 2020 by Artinum (talk | contribs)


Artinum is a perpetually confused but well-meaning avatar scratching together a decent living in the world of Ancient Egypt. He is supported in this lifestyle by the vast amount of time he spends in the role of a middle aged software packager several thousand years in the future. It's a tedious game, but it pays the bills and keeps him in onions.

When he's not tending sheep, making bricks or wondering whether cicadas are mythical, Artinum also writes novels and obeys the whims of the cat.

Based in UK, so normally on GMT (except during daylight savings). I also work a full time job, so I'm mostly evenings and weekends.

Current Goals

Want to build a Statue of Octet's Ghost. Most of the tricky stuff has been obtained - just need to work on the rest. I have seven different Crystals for it so far.

Working on learning some new skills.

Growing veg to make them offline tasks.

Tattoo Requirements

I got my first tattoo! Thanks to everyone. Another set of herbs will be listed shortly!

   Requirements: to be done


I'm currently looking for Octet Crystals.

  • I have Anubis, Bastet, Buto, Hapy, Montu, Set and Shu.
  • Six Set and two Buto are available for trade.
  • Still to get: Amen Ra, Bes, Dua, Hathor, Horus, Isis, Maat, Min, Osiris, Sobek, Taweret, Thoth, Wepwawet

I'm always happy to receive:

  • Papyrus or papyrus seeds
  • Silk cloth
  • Cats :-)

Things I can supply:

  • I have a ton of Coal at the moment, as well as enormous stocks of Mutton and Honey. You are welcome to them.
  • I can make charcoal to order (wood is appreciated but I have a decent stock).
  • I can also make most glassware, though materials for them are welcome.
  • I usually have a modest stock of most basic materials (bricks, boards, firebricks, etc). I can make more if you need a big order.
  • I have limited stocks of various other items - if there's something in particular you need, let me know and I'll see what I can do.

Alignment and Acro

I've made minimal progress on both of these, largely because the big events usually take place when I'm not online. I am happy to try either if I'm not busy with something else.

Oyster Catcher

I've almost finished this test for the first time in many tales. Just looking for three more pearls:

  • Two medium pearls - each is either black, smoke or white.
  • One large pearl - either black or coral.


I am a member of Amigos, Hunting in the Darkest Night and Tattoos 4 U.

Research Goals

None of my own, but I'm always happy to pitch in where I can.