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Mutagen Recipes T9

From A Wiki in the Desert

University of Thought


Current work is being documented on these spreadsheets. Before their creation, data was being painfully manipulated on this wiki page.

Spreadsheet Naqada: Tool for manipulating the feedback from the Naqada University of Thought

Form Naqada: Feedback from the scientists is pasted here.

Spreadsheet Upper Egypt: Tool for manipulating the feedback from the Upper Egypt University of Thought

Form Upper Egypt: Feedback from the scientists is pasted here

Spreadsheet Tanis

Tanis Mutagen Form Feedback from the Scientists is pasted here.


# Mutagen Name Total Moss Negative Moss Mushrooms Required Faction Region Avatar
1 Mottled, Smelly, Striped 7 Phosphorescent,
Slimy, Spotted
Hairy Tooth: 1,
Scorp. Brood: 4,
Razor's Edge: 2,
Duel. Serpent: 3,
Colt's Foot: 4,
Eye of Osiris: 7
Hyksos Naqada Serenity
2 Reticulated,
Smelly, Striped
4 Dry, Fuzzy, Hairy Dead Tounge 4 Hyksos Naqada Serenity
3 Crackly, Reticulated 1 Hairy, Phosphorescent, Spongy Limphonous: 6
Ptah's Pimple: 3
Scorp. Brood: 7
Meshwesh Meshwesh Delta Eridice
4 Crackly, Hairy, Spongy 7 Dry, Green, Spotted Earthlight: 1,
Nile Fire: 4,
Ptah's Pimple: 2,
Sun Star: 7

What gene does it hit?

# Mutagen Name <-- Left Splint
<-- Left Splint
-------- Right Splint -->
Right Splint -->
1 Mottled, Smelly, Striped 80 100 ? ?
2 Reticulated, Smelly, Striped ? ? ? ?
3 Crackly, Reticulated ? ? ? ?
4 Crackly, Hairy, Spongy ? ? ? ?
5 ? ? ? ? ?
... ? ? ? ? ?