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Revision as of 14:44, 25 September 2019 by Anka (talk | contribs) (Created page with "//Grass Picker // //This macro will pick grass and keep you in the same relative area. //INSTRUCTIONS // I still use AC Tool for my macros (ac-tool/forums/index.php?/files/c...")
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//Grass Picker // //This macro will pick grass and keep you in the same relative area. //INSTRUCTIONS

// I still use AC Tool for my macros (ac-tool/forums/index.php?/files/category/5-ac-tool/ // Download and install version 5.4.0 first, then download AC Tool v5.5 and replace the executable in your 5.4 directory. // // 1) Set your camera view to Cartographer (Tripple F8). // 2) Macro is designed to use in windowed ATITD screen maximised. // 3) If you plan to dry your grass on racks, stack drying rack windows in top left corner of screen. // 4) Place your mouse over the "Dry grass into straw" option of your racks. // 5) Alt tab to ACTool (Don't move the mouse) Press F2 // 6) Set Reps - (Wanted grass/Clay - Even number. // 7) Pick resolution. // 8) These are the "Interface Size" you should use for each resolution // 1920x1080 small interface, 2160x1440 Large interface, 3840x1440 Huge interface. // 9) The clay option was for early game when I only had 2 canvas bags // 10) Select Dry if you want to dry your grass (Only tested with drying racks guilded) // 11) Set the number of drying racks you are using.

// 12) Click Ok or press Enter to Continue or Cancel to Stop the macro //Anka Constants

 Cycles = 0
 Reps = 0
 DumpX = 0  //Stash X Coord
 DumpY = 0   //Stash Y Coord
 StepLeft = 500
 StepRight = 425
 MouseX = 0
 MouseY = 0
 NewX = 0
 Pick = 1200      //Pick delay - Time waited while avatar picks grass
 MDelay = 570    //Mouse move delay, increase if having problems
 XMid = 0
 YMid = 0
 OffSet = 0
 GrassB = 0
 Pin = 0


SetConst DumpX = {mousex} SetConst DumpY = {mousey} Compute XMid = {Screenwidth} / 2

Form Grass

 FormCaption=Grass-Clay Picker
 ed1=EditBox:L:Wanted grass / Clay (Even #):140
 ed3=checkbox:Clay? :S:False
 ed4=checkbox:Dry? :True
 ed5=EditBox:S:# of racks? : 10


if ShowForm Grass

 //Do this if OK clicked
 Compute Reps = Grass[ed1] / 2
 if Grass[ed3] = True
   Set StepLeft = 1500
   Set StepRight = 1300
 Set Cycles = Grass[ed5]


 //Do this if Cancel is clicked


Call Resolution Compute YMid = ( {Screenheight} / 2) + $OffSet

KeyDown @{Tab} 200 Delay 2000 // Test


Loop $Cycles

 Loop $Reps
   Compute NewX = $XMid - $StepLeft
   Mousepos $NewX, $YMid
   Timestamp $YMid
   Call Grass
   Compute NewX = $XMid + $StepRight
   Mousepos $NewX, $YMid
   Timestamp $YMid
   Call Grass
   if Grass[ed3] = True
     MousePos 2173,2033
     Delay $MDelay
     Delay $MDelay
     Mousepos 1917, 1123
     Delay $MDelay
     Delay 2000
 if Grass[ed4] = True
   Mousepos $DumpX, $DumpY
   Delay $MDelay
   Delay $MDelay
   Mousepos $XMid, $YMid
   Delay $MDelay
   Delay $MDelay
   MousePos $Pin
   Delay $MDelay
   Delay $MDelay


Procedure Grass

 Delay $MDelay
 Delay $Pick
 //Grass button
 MousePos $GrassB
 Delay 1500


Procedure Coords

 Delay 5000


Procedure Resolution

 When Grass[ed2] = 3840x2160
   SetConst OffSet = 35
 When Grass[ed2] = 2160x1440
   SetConst OffSet = 17
   SetConst StepLeft = 305
   SetConst StepRight = 262
   SetConst GrassB = 750, 1340
   SetConst Pin = 2141, 39
 When Grass[ed2] = 1920x1080
   SetConst OffSet = 14
   SetConst StepLeft = 410
   SetConst StepRight = 362
   SetConst GrassB = 733, 985
   SetConst Pin = 1899, 41

End //Written with AC Tool 5.5 by Anka