Steam Rock Saw
Steam Rock Saw
- Introduced in T6, this is both an improved and automated Rock Saw and Mason's Bench.
- Consume Petroleum.
- Can be built after learning Steam Mechanics 3 at Architecture university at level 23.
You first have to configure the hopper to cut the stones or marbles you want. You can cut Cuttable Stones, Medium Stones, Oyster Shell Marble or White Alabaster into Cut Stones, Pulleys, Crucibles, Flystones, Nail Moulds, Marble Dust or Marble Mortar.
Built in a Compound (16 x 11)
Initial cost
The basic building can be loaded up to 250 Cuttable Stones or Medium Stones.
First capacity upgrade
After the first upgrade, can be loaded up to 500 Cuttable Stones or Medium Stones.
Second capacity upgrade
After the second upgrade, can be loaded up to 1000 Cuttable Stones or Medium Stones.
Other upgrades
Production de base: