Template:T8 Below
Regional Chariot Connections
- All currently available Chariot Routes have been opened in both directions.
- The regional names are hiding in plain sight as the SECOND map on the Atlas page.
- Travel time is precisely (pyramids matter) 3.18 seconds per euclidean (straight line) coordinate.
- If you're willing to wait up to roughly 10% of the travel time, then your Chariot Travel will be free during a 2 minute window.
Tanis, Meshwesh Tribe (Meshwesh Delta: 1010, 6917)
Destination |
Status |
Max wait time |
Travel Time (original) |
Travel Time (with Pyramids)
Avaris |
? |
6H 50M 57S |
4H 25M 54S
Kahun |
? |
? |
2H 44M 40S
Tell Ed Daba |
? |
? |
2H 56M 32S
Kahun (Lahun: -1268, 4808)
With a nearby Acro Round Robin on most Saturday mornings.
Destination |
Status |
Max wait time |
Travel Time (original) |
Travel Time (with Pyramids)
Avaris |
? |
? |
3H 46M 10S
Tanis |
? |
? |
2H 44M 40S
Tell Ed Daba (East Sinai: 4337, 6810)
Destination |
Status |
Max wait time |
Travel Time (original) |
Travel Time (with Pyramids)
Taba |
? |
? |
2H 02M 52S
Tanis |
? |
? |
2H 56M 32S
Avaris, Kingdom of Hyksos (Asyut: 1922, 1984)
Destination |
Status |
Max wait time |
Travel Time (original) |
Travel Time (with Pyramids)
Kahun |
17M 12S |
5H 25M 55S |
3H 46M 10S
Koptos |
? |
5H 30M 55S |
3H 30M 35S
Taba |
? |
4H 16M 35S |
2H 43M 35S
Tanis |
? |
6H 57M 50S |
4H 25M 54S
Taba (South Sinai: 3265, 4755)
Destination |
Status |
Max wait time |
Travel Time (original) |
Travel Time (with Pyramids)
Avaris |
? |
? |
2H 43M 17S
Tell Ed Daba |
? |
2H 48M 57S |
2H 02M 52S
Koptos (Upper Egypt: 830, -1833)
Destination |
Status |
Max wait time |
Travel Time (original) |
Travel Time (with Pyramids)
Avaris |
? |
5H 30M 55S |
3H 30M 39S
Dukki Gel |
? |
? |
1H 56M 15S
Meroe |
? |
7H 19M 5S |
4H 39M 25S
Sharuhen |
? |
3H 9M 35S |
2H 00M 39S
Dukki Gel (Kerma: -1331, -1489)
Destination |
Status |
Max wait time |
Travel Time (original) |
Travel Time (with Pyramids)
Koptos |
? |
? |
1H 56M 05S
Meroe |
? |
? |
5H 02M 51S
Sharuhen (Bernike: 2948, -1007)
Destination |
Status |
Max wait time |
Travel Time (original) |
Travel Time (with Pyramids)
Koptos |
? |
3H 9M 35S |
2H 00M 39S
Sheba |
? |
5H 42M 12S |
4H 08M 52S
Meroe, Kingdom of Kush (Meroe Desert: 14, -7038)
Destination |
Status |
Max wait time |
Travel Time (original) |
Travel Time (with Pyramids)
Dukki Gel |
? |
? |
5H 02M 51S
Koptos |
? |
7H 19M 5S |
4H 39M 25S
Sheba |
23M 13S |
5H 37M 25S |
3H 34M 43S
Sheba (Blemmyes: 3806, -5623 )
The Pyrotechnics Stadium Headquarters is nearby.
Destination |
Status |
Max wait time |
Travel Time (original) |
Travel Time (with Pyramids)
Meroe |
? |
? |
3H 34M 43S
Sharuhen |
? |
? |
4H 08M 52S
Memphis (Napata: -2685, -6350 )
Memphis is surrounded by an impenetrable wall.
Destination |
Status |
Max wait time |
Travel Time (original) |
Travel Time (with Pyramids)
Sealed |
? |
? |
? |
Documentation and Verification
The Charioteers guild has verified the current Chariot Travel times and has tidied up the related information here on the Wiki. Most of our ongoing efforts will be focused on this Chariot_Routes page, and we convet the Chariot_Locations page to a tour guide that focuses on nearby destinations, including guilds that trade and sponsor public events. The coordinates and travel times (for the Pyramid column) are current as of 8/16/2018, and we have some additional data for an analysis of the relationship between Wait Time, Travel Time, and Distance.
- If you activate the "Towns" icon on your in-game F3 Map, the names of the Chariot Stops will be displayed.
- The mouseover in the upper right corner tends to scroll off of the screen, but if you click on a camel you'll get a popup that shows the Chariot Name, Region, and Coordinates.
Map of Chariot Routes and Stops
This map uses the CondMap template, if this map imports data from other maps please edit those. Please see Maps for further details and links to all raw data pages
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