From A Wiki in the Desert
Venery Locations
Region | Coordinates | Designer | Name | Passed | Remarks | RL Date Opened |
West Kush | 940, -4040 | Redshift | Revenge of the Ruddy Fennec | Yes | 8/22/2021 | |
West Kush | Broken. Torn down | Sabuli | Doctor Mooo | Yes | 8/23/2021 | |
Lahun cs | -1364 4865 | Amon | Bring the sculptor back to the Capital | Yes | 8/25/2021 | |
Lahun cs | -1364, 4948 | Archis | The Pendulum | No | 8/26/2021 | |
Koptos cs | 866, -1928 | Aidenna | Are You My Mother? | Yes | 9/5/2021 | |
Sharuhen cs | 2851, -1018 | RoaminUmp | Guided Tour of Sharuhen | No | 9/5/2021 | |
Naqada | 2597, 2168 | Djoser | A Tale of Giants and Dwarves | No | fast and easy | 9/7/2021 |
Upper Egypt | 942, -1556 | Wimsankh | The search for Panama | No | 9/9/2021 | |
East Sinai | 4239, 6720 | Isabelin | Saved by the beer | Yes | Short | 15/09/2021 |
Red Sea | 1934, 2085 | Arbutus | Ahknaten The Architect | No | Short and puzzle-based | 9/17/2021 |
Red Sea | 1926, 1817 | Bann | Vigil Venery | Yes | light and quick | 9/26/2021 |
Upper Egypt | 926, -1855 | Lisimba | New Arrival | Yes | fast and easy | 11/06/2021 |
Upper Egypt | 926, -1746 | Shelyak | Enemies of the Kingdom | Yes | may require fermenting | 11/9/2021 |
West Kush (near VoQ cs) | 873, -4237 | sparkle | The Beauty of Egypt | No | short and sweet | 03/30/2022 |
Sorry. I accidentaly killed the cow Tinkerbell, that had a key, and broke the venery. Egyptians don't believe in fairies and didn't clap to save her. So I tore the venery down. (Sabuli)
Veneries Map
- Green for recognized (passed) veneries (use "Gr" prefix on pin)
- Red for unrecognized (unpassed) veneries (use "Rd" prefix on pin)

Leaflet | (c) Desert Nomad Games 2021