A Wiki in the Desert
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From A Wiki in the Desert

grew at 12.2420, did not grow at 12.2426

pH +.030 on watering, random

10.6780 11.0780 11.6926 11.6286 11.6586 -12.1686 every .03

12.0000 12.0400 12.0800 12.1200 12.1600 12.2000 12.2300 12.2400 12.2420

4.3768 grow no repro 4.3772 grow no repro 4.3776 grow no repro 4.3782 heket grow apep repro 4.3786 good? 4.3788 heket grow apep repro 4.3792 grow no repro 4.3796 grow no repro