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Leaflet | (c) Desert Nomad Games 2021


Yeasts coordinates
Lactobacillus-29 Yeast-65 Yeast-90 Yeast-26 Yeast-17 Yeast-97 Lactobacillus-61 Yeast-42 Lactobacillus-45 Acetobacter-78 Lactobacillus-68 Yeast-41 Yeast-48 Yeast-50 Yeast-81 Yeast-40 1279, -2687
Lactobacillus-85 Mold-15 Lactobacillus-100 Yeast-42 Lactobacillus-76 Yeast-26 Lactobacillus-68 Lactobacillus-61 Yeast-50 Yeast-82 Acetobacter-70 Yeast-65 Lactobacillus-93 Yeast-48 Lactobacillus-45 Lactobacillus-4 Yeast-3 Yeast-89 Lactobacillus-84 1279, -2689
Yeast-34 Mold-7 Lactobacillus-93 Acetobacter-6 Yeast-1 Lactobacillus-5 Acetobacter-94 Yeast-65 Lactobacillus-12 Yeast-43 Yeast-64 Lactobacillus-84 Yeast-58 Mold-47 Yeast-16 Yeast-35 Mold-39 Acetobacter-22 Mold-15 Yeast-18 1281, -2689
Yeast-18 Yeast-26 Mold-7 Yeast-98 Yeast-34 Acetobacter-94 Yeast-65 Lactobacillus-36 Acetobacter-6 Yeast-35 Yeast-1 Yeast-89 Lactobacillus-85 Lactobacillus-84 Yeast-16 Mold-71 Acetobacter-62 Yeast-99 Yeast-91 Yeast-81 Yeast-17 Yeast-2 Mold-31 1281, -2687
Yeast-64 Mold-7 Yeast-18 Yeast-89 Lactobacillus-36 Yeast-98 Yeast-65 Lactobacillus-84 Mold-47 Lactobacillus-5 Lactobacillus-29 Lactobacillus-85 Lactobacillus-12 Lactobacillus-44 Yeast-32 Acetobacter-94 1407, -2687
Lactobacillus-29 Mold-7 Lactobacillus-93 Yeast-32 Yeast-26 Yeast-98 Acetobacter-94 Mold-95 Yeast-91 Acetobacter-22 Yeast-40 Yeast-24 Lactobacillus-84 Yeast-34 Lactobacillus-12 Lactobacillus-5 Yeast-3 Lactobacillus-36 1409, -2687
Yeast-64 Lactobacillus-12 Yeast-65 Lactobacillus-84 Lactobacillus-76 Yeast-26 Acetobacter-94 Lactobacillus-29 Mold-7 Mold-47 Lactobacillus-69 Lactobacillus-36 Acetobacter-78 Yeast-24 Yeast-41 Yeast-91 Lactobacillus-93 Mold-71 1409, -2689
Acetobacter-22 Lactobacillus-29 Lactobacillus-85 Mold-95 Yeast-98 Mold-39 Lactobacillus-12 Yeast-1 Yeast-65 Yeast-58 Yeast-64 Lactobacillus-61 Yeast-34 Yeast-26 1407, -2689
Yeast-64 Lactobacillus-85 Acetobacter-70 Yeast-33 Yeast-41 Yeast-74 Yeast-25 Yeast-18 Lactobacillus-12 Yeast-72 Yeast-24 Yeast-58 Lactobacillus-29 Acetobacter-46 Mold-47 1535, -2687
Yeast-3 Lactobacillus-52 Lactobacillus-28 Lactobacillus-93 Yeast-10 Acetobacter-62 Lactobacillus-36 Lactobacillus-13 Mold-47 Yeast-34 Mold-23 Acetobacter-38 Lactobacillus-69 1537, -2687
Acetobacter-22 Yeast-25 Yeast-64 Lactobacillus-29 Yeast-18 Lactobacillus-12 Acetobacter-70 Mold-47 Yeast-1 Lactobacillus-21 Yeast-41 Lactobacillus-61 Lactobacillus-93 Acetobacter-78 Yeast-91 Yeast-3 Mold-95 Yeast-43 Lactobacillus-85 Yeast-33 1535, -2689
Acetobacter-62 Lactobacillus-84 Lactobacillus-52 Acetobacter-6 Yeast-42 Yeast-90 Mold-47 Lactobacillus-60 Acetobacter-70 Yeast-3 Yeast-99 1537, -2689
Acetobacter-14 Yeast-35 Lactobacillus-21 Yeast-90 Mold-95 Acetobacter-94 Yeast-56 Mold-39 Acetobacter-62 Lactobacillus-29 Yeast-65 Acetobacter-22 Mold-23 Acetobacter-38 Yeast-25 Yeast-67 Yeast-66 Yeast-99 Lactobacillus-28 Lactobacillus-68 Acetobacter-86 Yeast-50 Mold-55 Acetobacter-6 1325, -2295
Acetobacter-14 Lactobacillus-21 Mold-95 Yeast-35 Yeast-56 Acetobacter-22 Mold-39 Yeast-65 Acetobacter-62 Lactobacillus-29 Yeast-90 Lactobacillus-68 Acetobacter-94 Mold-23 Yeast-67 Acetobacter-38 Yeast-50 Yeast-66 Yeast-99 Acetobacter-30 Yeast-25 Acetobacter-86 Acetobacter-6 Yeast-82 Yeast-2 Lactobacillus-44 Lactobacillus-28 1280,-2335
Acetobacter-14 Yeast-90 Yeast-35 Yeast-67 Lactobacillus-28 Lactobacillus-21 Yeast-66 Mold-95 Mold-23 Yeast-56 Yeast-82 Acetobacter-86 Mold-55 Yeast-99 Acetobacter-30 Acetobacter-62 Acetobacter-94 Lactobacillus-61 1290,-2379
Lactobacillus-69 Yeast-73 Mold-63 Acetobacter-14 Acetobacter-30 Yeast-67 Lactobacillus-85 Mold-47 Lactobacillus-76 Yeast-89 Yeast-96 Lactobacillus-36 Yeast-42 Yeast-10 Acetobacter-94 Mold-39 Yeast-80 Yeast-3 Yeast-56 Lactobacillus-28 Lactobacillus-5 Acetobacter-54 Lactobacillus-53 Yeast-90 Mold-95 Lactobacillus-92 Acetobacter-78 Yeast-58 Yeast-26 1279,-2340
Acetobacter-14 Lactobacillus-21 Mold-95 Mold-39 Acetobacter-22 Yeast-65 Yeast-56 Yeast-35 Lactobacillus-29 Acetobacter-94 Yeast-90 Lactobacillus-68 Mold-23 Acetobacter-62 Yeast-67 Acetobacter-38 Yeast-50 Yeast-99 Yeast-66 Yeast-25 Acetobacter-6 Acetobacter-86 Acetobacter-30 Lactobacillus-44 Yeast-2 Yeast-34 1290,-2335
Mold-95 Lactobacillus-21 Acetobacter-14 Yeast-65 Lactobacillus-29 Mold-39 Acetobacter-22 Yeast-56 Lactobacillus-68 Acetobacter-94 Mold-23 Yeast-35 Yeast-90 Acetobacter-38 Yeast-50 Yeast-67 Yeast-99 Acetobacter-62 Yeast-25 Acetobacter-6 Yeast-34 Yeast-64 Acetobacter-86 Lactobacillus-61 Yeast-2 Yeast-66 Lactobacillus-13 1330 ,-2330
Acetobacter-14 Yeast-35 Lactobacillus-21 Mold-95 Acetobacter-94 Yeast-65 Yeast-90 Lactobacillus-29 Mold-39 Acetobacter-22 Yeast-56 Mold-23 Acetobacter-62 Acetobacter-38 Lactobacillus-68 Yeast-66 Yeast-25 Yeast-67 Yeast-99 Acetobacter-6 Lactobacillus-28 Yeast-50 Acetobacter-86 Yeast-34 Mold-55 Yeast-64 Lactobacillus-61 Lactobacillus-13 1285,-2340
Lactobacillus-69 Yeast-73 Mold-63 Acetobacter-14 Acetobacter-30 Yeast-67 Lactobacillus-85 Yeast-89 Lactobacillus-76 Mold-47 Yeast-96 Yeast-42 Lactobacillus-36 Acetobacter-94 Yeast-10 Mold-39 Yeast-3 Acetobacter-54 Yeast-80 Mold-95 Lactobacillus-28 Lactobacillus-5 Lactobacillus-53 Yeast-56 Yeast-58 Yeast-90 Lactobacillus-92 Acetobacter-78 1275, -2340
Mold-95 Lactobacillus-21 Yeast-65 Mold-39 Acetobacter-94 Lactobacillus-68 Lactobacillus-29 Yeast-56 Acetobacter-22 Acetobacter-14 Mold-23 Yeast-90 Yeast-50 Acetobacter-38 Yeast-67 Yeast-35 Yeast-99 Acetobacter-6 Lactobacillus-61 Yeast-34 Yeast-25 Acetobacter-62 Yeast-64 Acetobacter-86 Yeast-57 1311, -2329
Lactobacillus-21 Mold-95 Acetobacter-94 Acetobacter-22 Mold-39 Lactobacillus-29 Yeast-65 Mold-23 Yeast-56 Acetobacter-14 Yeast-99 Lactobacillus-68 Yeast-35 Yeast-90 Yeast-50 Acetobacter-6 Acetobacter-62 Acetobacter-38 Acetobacter-86 Yeast-27 Lactobacillus-61 Yeast-57 Yeast-25 Lactobacillus-44 Yeast-34 Yeast-67 1315, -2335
Lactobacillus-21 Acetobacter-94 Acetobacter-22 Mold-95 Mold-39 Yeast-65 Lactobacillus-29 Yeast-56 Mold-23 Lactobacillus-68 Yeast-99 Acetobacter-14 Acetobacter-6 Yeast-50 Yeast-90 Yeast-35 Acetobacter-62 Yeast-27 Acetobacter-38 Lactobacillus-61 Yeast-57 Acetobacter-86 Yeast-34 Yeast-25 Lactobacillus-44 Yeast-67 Yeast-3 1320, -2335
Lactobacillus-21 Acetobacter-94 Acetobacter-22 Yeast-65 Mold-95 Mold-39 Yeast-56 Lactobacillus-29 Mold-23 Lactobacillus-68 Acetobacter-6 Yeast-99 Acetobacter-14 Yeast-50 Yeast-90 Yeast-27 Lactobacillus-61 Yeast-57 Acetobacter-38 Acetobacter-62 Yeast-35 Yeast-34 Acetobacter-86 Yeast-3 Yeast-67 1325, -2335
Acetobacter-22 Acetobacter-94 Lactobacillus-21 Yeast-65 Lactobacillus-68 Mold-39 Mold-95 Yeast-56 Yeast-99 Acetobacter-6 Lactobacillus-29 Mold-23 Yeast-90 Lactobacillus-61 Yeast-50 Yeast-27 Acetobacter-14 Yeast-35 Acetobacter-38 Acetobacter-86 Yeast-57 Yeast-34 Acetobacter-62 1330, -2335
Acetobacter-94 Acetobacter-22 Lactobacillus-21 Yeast-65 Lactobacillus-68 Mold-39 Mold-95 Acetobacter-6 Yeast-56 Yeast-99 Lactobacillus-29 Lactobacillus-61 Mold-23 Yeast-90 Yeast-27 Yeast-50 Acetobacter-14 Yeast-57 Acetobacter-38 Acetobacter-86 Yeast-34 Yeast-35 1335, -2335
Yeast-3 Mold-79 Lactobacillus-93 Yeast-67 Yeast-41 Acetobacter-62 Lactobacillus-68 Yeast-18 Lactobacillus-5 Acetobacter-38 Lactobacillus-69 Lactobacillus-84 Yeast-1 Yeast-91 Acetobacter-14 Yeast-32 Yeast-73 Yeast-65 Yeast-90 Yeast-48 Mold-47 Yeast-80 Yeast-50 Yeast-19 Yeast-98 1310, -2295
Yeast-3 Lactobacillus-93 Mold-79 Yeast-67 Yeast-18 Yeast-41 Acetobacter-62 Lactobacillus-5 Lactobacillus-68 Yeast-48 Lactobacillus-84 Yeast-1 Yeast-91 Yeast-32 Yeast-65 Acetobacter-14 Acetobacter-38 Yeast-90 Lactobacillus-69 Yeast-98 Yeast-40 Acetobacter-70 Yeast-73 Yeast-50 Lactobacillus-12 Lactobacillus-53 Lactobacillus-4 Yeast-16 1315, -2295
Yeast-3 Lactobacillus-93 Mold-79 Yeast-67 Yeast-41 Yeast-18 Lactobacillus-68 Acetobacter-62 Lactobacillus-5 Yeast-91 Yeast-32 Yeast-90 Yeast-65 Yeast-48 Lactobacillus-84 Acetobacter-38 Yeast-1 Lactobacillus-69 Acetobacter-14 Yeast-98 Acetobacter-70 Yeast-40 Lactobacillus-4 Yeast-73 Lactobacillus-53 Lactobacillus-12 1320, -2295
Yeast-3 Lactobacillus-93 Mold-79 Yeast-67 Yeast-41 Yeast-18 Lactobacillus-68 Acetobacter-62 Lactobacillus-5 Yeast-91 Yeast-32 Yeast-90 Yeast-65 Yeast-48 Lactobacillus-84 Acetobacter-38 Yeast-1 Lactobacillus-69 Acetobacter-14 Yeast-98 Acetobacter-70 Yeast-40 Lactobacillus-4 Yeast-73 Lactobacillus-53 Lactobacillus-12 1325, -2295
Yeast-3 Lactobacillus-93 Mold-79 Yeast-67 Yeast-41 Yeast-91 Yeast-90 Yeast-65 Yeast-18 Yeast-32 Lactobacillus-68 Acetobacter-70 Lactobacillus-69 Acetobacter-38 Acetobacter-14 Lactobacillus-5 Yeast-1 Yeast-98 Lactobacillus-84 Acetobacter-62 Yeast-48 Lactobacillus-4 Yeast-19 1330, -2295
Lactobacillus-69 Acetobacter-14 Yeast-73 Yeast-67 Mold-63 Acetobacter-94 Lactobacillus-76 Mold-47 Acetobacter-30 Yeast-89 Lactobacillus-85 Yeast-80 Mold-95 Lactobacillus-53 Acetobacter-78 Yeast-10 Mold-39 Yeast-58 Acetobacter-54 Yeast-56 Yeast-26 Lactobacillus-36 Yeast-96 Yeast-42 Lactobacillus-5 Lactobacillus-28 Yeast-3 Yeast-8 Lactobacillus-4 1268, -2335
Lactobacillus-69 Acetobacter-14 Yeast-89 Mold-63 Yeast-73 Acetobacter-30 Yeast-67 Acetobacter-94 Lactobacillus-85 Lactobacillus-76 Acetobacter-54 Yeast-10 Yeast-96 Yeast-42 Lactobacillus-36 Mold-39 Mold-47 Mold-95 Yeast-80 Lactobacillus-53 Yeast-3 Yeast-56 Yeast-90 Yeast-58 Lactobacillus-5 Acetobacter-78 Lactobacillus-28 Lactobacillus-92 1264, -2336
Lactobacillus-69 Acetobacter-14 Yeast-73 Yeast-89 Acetobacter-30 Yeast-67 Acetobacter-94 Mold-63 Yeast-10 Yeast-96 Lactobacillus-85 Acetobacter-54 Yeast-42 Yeast-80 Lactobacillus-36 Mold-39 Mold-95 Lactobacillus-76 Yeast-3 Mold-47 Yeast-90 Lactobacillus-92 Acetobacter-78 Yeast-58 Yeast-56 Lactobacillus-28 Lactobacillus-53 1260, -2336
Lactobacillus-69 Acetobacter-14 Yeast-73 Yeast-89 Acetobacter-30 Yeast-67 Mold-63 Acetobacter-94 Yeast-10 Acetobacter-54 Yeast-96 Yeast-42 Lactobacillus-85 Lactobacillus-76 Lactobacillus-36 Mold-47 Yeast-3 Mold-95 Mold-39 Yeast-80 Yeast-58 Lactobacillus-92 Acetobacter-78 Lactobacillus-28 Yeast-90 Lactobacillus-53 Lactobacillus-4 1260, -2341
Lactobacillus-69 Acetobacter-14 Yeast-73 Yeast-89 Mold-63 Acetobacter-30 Yeast-67 Acetobacter-94 Lactobacillus-85 Lactobacillus-76 Yeast-10 Acetobacter-54 Yeast-42 Mold-47 Lactobacillus-36 Yeast-96 Mold-95 Mold-39 Yeast-3 Yeast-58 Lactobacillus-53 Yeast-80 Acetobacter-78 Yeast-90 Yeast-56 Lactobacillus-92 Lactobacillus-28 Lactobacillus-5 Lactobacillus-4 1264, -2340
Mold-63 Acetobacter-30 Yeast-73 Yeast-67 Lactobacillus-69 Lactobacillus-76 Acetobacter-14 Mold-47 Yeast-42 Yeast-89 Yeast-3 Yeast-58 Yeast-10 Lactobacillus-36 Lactobacillus-85 Acetobacter-54 Lactobacillus-28 Mold-95 Yeast-96 Lactobacillus-5 Acetobacter-78 Mold-71 Lactobacillus-92 Acetobacter-94 Lactobacillus-53 Mold-39 Lactobacillus-4 Acetobacter-38 Yeast-26 1277, -2360
Lactobacillus-69 Mold-47 Lactobacillus-76 Yeast-3 Acetobacter-30 Yeast-73 Yeast-89 Mold-63 Yeast-51 Yeast-58 Acetobacter-14 Acetobacter-78 Yeast-42 Mold-79 Yeast-96 Acetobacter-54 Lactobacillus-92 Lactobacillus-85 Lactobacillus-5 Lactobacillus-53 Yeast-67 Lactobacillus-4 1272, -2375
Lactobacillus-69 Mold-47 Lactobacillus-76 Yeast-3 Yeast-89 Yeast-58 Yeast-73 Yeast-51 Acetobacter-30 Acetobacter-54 Mold-63 Yeast-96 Yeast-42 Acetobacter-78 Lactobacillus-92 Mold-79 Lactobacillus-53 Acetobacter-14 Acetobacter-38 Lactobacillus-85 Yeast-48 1270, -2389
Yeast-3 Yeast-58 Lactobacillus-76 Yeast-89 Lactobacillus-69 Acetobacter-38 Lactobacillus-92 Yeast-42 Yeast-96 Lactobacillus-53 Acetobacter-54 Mold-47 Yeast-73 Yeast-51 Yeast-48 Lactobacillus-28 Acetobacter-78 Mold-79 Mold-71 Acetobacter-46 1261, -2420
Lactobacillus-69 Yeast-89 Yeast-3 Lactobacillus-76 Yeast-58 Mold-47 Acetobacter-54 Yeast-73 Lactobacillus-92 Yeast-51 Lactobacillus-53 Acetobacter-30 Acetobacter-38 Lactobacillus-45 Yeast-96 Mold-63 Yeast-42 1251, -2397
Yeast-89 Lactobacillus-69 Yeast-58 Lactobacillus-76 Yeast-3 Acetobacter-54 Lactobacillus-28 Acetobacter-78 Yeast-73 Lactobacillus-92 Yeast-51 Lactobacillus-53 Acetobacter-30 Mold-79 Yeast-67 Lactobacillus-45 1238, -2402
Yeast-89 Yeast-58 Yeast-3 Lactobacillus-76 Lactobacillus-69 Lactobacillus-28 Acetobacter-54 Acetobacter-38 Lactobacillus-53 Lactobacillus-45 Yeast-51 Yeast-67 Acetobacter-78 Yeast-73 Lactobacillus-92 Mold-47 Mold-79 1230, -2411
Yeast-89 Lactobacillus-69 Lactobacillus-76 Yeast-58 Acetobacter-54 Yeast-3 Acetobacter-30 Lactobacillus-4 Mold-63 Lactobacillus-36 Mold-47 Lactobacillus-53 Yeast-51 Yeast-33 Mold-79 Acetobacter-78 Yeast-73 Yeast-67 Acetobacter-94 Yeast-96 Lactobacillus-45 1235, -2372
Lactobacillus-76 Lactobacillus-69 Yeast-89 Yeast-58 Yeast-3 Mold-47 Acetobacter-54 Yeast-73 Lactobacillus-53 Yeast-96 Acetobacter-30 Yeast-51 Yeast-42 Mold-63 Lactobacillus-4 Yeast-67 Lactobacillus-92 Mold-79 1247, -2380
Lactobacillus-69 Acetobacter-14 Acetobacter-54 Acetobacter-94 Yeast-67 Mold-39 Acetobacter-30 Yeast-73 Yeast-58 Yeast-10 Yeast-89 Lactobacillus-76 Yeast-3 Mold-63 Lactobacillus-4 Acetobacter-78 Mold-95 Lactobacillus-36 Lactobacillus-53 Yeast-96 1238, -2341
Acetobacter-14 Lactobacillus-69 Acetobacter-54 Acetobacter-94 Yeast-58 Yeast-89 Acetobacter-30 Yeast-10 Lactobacillus-76 Yeast-3 Yeast-73 Lactobacillus-4 Mold-39 Lactobacillus-36 Yeast-67 Mold-95 Mold-63 1227, -2345
Acetobacter-54 Lactobacillus-69 Yeast-89 Lactobacillus-36 Yeast-96 Yeast-58 Yeast-72 Acetobacter-94 Acetobacter-14 Mold-63 Lactobacillus-4 Yeast-73 Yeast-3 Mold-39 Lactobacillus-85 Yeast-97 Yeast-24 Yeast-10 Lactobacillus-45 1215, -2352
Lactobacillus-69 Acetobacter-54 Yeast-89 Lactobacillus-36 Acetobacter-14 Yeast-72 Yeast-73 Acetobacter-94 Yeast-58 Mold-63 Yeast-3 Yeast-96 Yeast-97 Lactobacillus-53 Yeast-10 Lactobacillus-4 Mold-71 Lactobacillus-85 1215, -2340
Lactobacillus-69 Acetobacter-14 Acetobacter-94 Yeast-89 Acetobacter-54 Yeast-58 Acetobacter-30 Yeast-10 Yeast-73 Mold-63 Mold-39 Lactobacillus-36 Lactobacillus-53 Yeast-67 Yeast-97 Lactobacillus-76 Acetobacter-78 Mold-95 Lactobacillus-4 1229, -2332
Acetobacter-14 Lactobacillus-21 Yeast-35 Mold-95 Acetobacter-94 Yeast-90 Yeast-65 Yeast-56 Mold-39 Acetobacter-22 Lactobacillus-29 Mold-23 Acetobacter-62 Acetobacter-38 Lactobacillus-68 Yeast-66 Yeast-25 Yeast-67 Yeast-99 Acetobacter-6 Lactobacillus-28 Acetobacter-86 Yeast-50 Mold-55 Yeast-34 Yeast-64 Lactobacillus-61 1285, -2343
Acetobacter-22 Lactobacillus-68 Acetobacter-94 Yeast-65 Mold-23 Lactobacillus-61 Lactobacillus-21 Yeast-82 Acetobacter-6 Yeast-99 Mold-39 Yeast-90 Yeast-56 Acetobacter-14 Lactobacillus-29 Mold-95 Yeast-50 Acetobacter-38 Yeast-34 Yeast-57 Yeast-67 1368, -2343
Yeast-90 Yeast-99 Yeast-34 Acetobacter-14 Mold-23 Yeast-65 Lactobacillus-61 Yeast-75 Lactobacillus-44 Yeast-56 Lactobacillus-53 Yeast-27 Yeast-67 Acetobacter-22 Mold-39 Lactobacillus-68 Yeast-64 Yeast-57 Lactobacillus-29 1422, -2336
Yeast-99 Yeast-90 Yeast-34 Acetobacter-22 Yeast-65 Lactobacillus-53 Lactobacillus-68 Lactobacillus-29 Mold-39 Lactobacillus-44 Lactobacillus-61 Acetobacter-14 Mold-23 Yeast-51 Yeast-10 Yeast-27 Yeast-24 1432, -2354
Mold-95 Lactobacillus-21 Acetobacter-14 Lactobacillus-29 Yeast-65 Yeast-56 Lactobacillus-68 Mold-23 Acetobacter-22 Mold-39 Yeast-35 Acetobacter-94 Yeast-90 Acetobacter-38 Yeast-50 Acetobacter-62 Yeast-67 Yeast-99 Yeast-25 Acetobacter-6 Yeast-2 Acetobacter-86 Lactobacillus-28 Yeast-64 Yeast-34 1296, -2335
Acetobacter-14 Lactobacillus-21 Mold-95 Yeast-65 Acetobacter-94 Acetobacter-22 Mold-39 Yeast-35 Yeast-90 Lactobacillus-68 Yeast-56 Lactobacillus-29 Acetobacter-38 Yeast-99 Mold-23 Acetobacter-6 Acetobacter-62 Yeast-67 Lactobacillus-61 Yeast-66 Yeast-50 Yeast-64 Yeast-34 Acetobacter-86 Yeast-25 Lactobacillus-28 1297, -2338
Lactobacillus-21 Acetobacter-14 Mold-95 Yeast-65 Acetobacter-22 Acetobacter-94 Mold-39 Yeast-35 Lactobacillus-68 Yeast-90 Yeast-56 Acetobacter-38 Lactobacillus-29 Mold-23 Yeast-99 Acetobacter-6 Acetobacter-62 Lactobacillus-61 Yeast-50 Yeast-67 Yeast-66 Yeast-64 Yeast-34 Acetobacter-86 Yeast-25 Lactobacillus-28 1300, -2338
Mold-95 Lactobacillus-21 Acetobacter-14 Yeast-65 Yeast-56 Lactobacillus-29 Lactobacillus-68 Mold-39 Acetobacter-94 Acetobacter-22 Mold-23 Yeast-35 Yeast-90 Yeast-67 Yeast-50 Acetobacter-38 Acetobacter-62 Yeast-99 Acetobacter-6 Yeast-25 Yeast-34 Acetobacter-86 Lactobacillus-61 Yeast-64 Yeast-2 Lactobacillus-28 1301, -2334
Lactobacillus-69 Yeast-73 Mold-63 Acetobacter-14 Acetobacter-30 Yeast-67 Yeast-89 Lactobacillus-85 Lactobacillus-76 Mold-47 Yeast-42 Yeast-96 Yeast-10 Lactobacillus-36 Acetobacter-94 Yeast-3 Mold-39 Acetobacter-54 Lactobacillus-53 Lactobacillus-28 Mold-95 Yeast-58 Yeast-80 Lactobacillus-5 Lactobacillus-92 Yeast-56 Acetobacter-78 Yeast-90 1274, -2342
Lactobacillus-69 Acetobacter-14 Yeast-73 Yeast-67 Mold-63 Acetobacter-94 Lactobacillus-76 Acetobacter-30 Lactobacillus-85 Mold-47 Yeast-89 Yeast-80 Acetobacter-78 Lactobacillus-53 Mold-39 Mold-95 Yeast-56 Yeast-10 Yeast-96 Yeast-26 Lactobacillus-36 Yeast-58 Yeast-42 Acetobacter-54 Yeast-90 Lactobacillus-5 Yeast-8 Lactobacillus-28 Yeast-3 1269, -2332
Lactobacillus-69 Yeast-73 Acetobacter-14 Yeast-67 Mold-63 Acetobacter-94 Lactobacillus-85 Yeast-90 Yeast-80 Acetobacter-30 Lactobacillus-76 Yeast-96 Yeast-56 Yeast-10 Mold-39 Lactobacillus-53 Lactobacillus-36 Acetobacter-78 Yeast-89 Yeast-8 Lactobacillus-5 Yeast-42 Yeast-58 Mold-47 Acetobacter-54 Mold-95 Lactobacillus-93 Yeast-26 1265, -2321
Lactobacillus-69 Acetobacter-14 Yeast-73 Acetobacter-94 Yeast-67 Mold-63 Lactobacillus-85 Yeast-90 Yeast-80 Acetobacter-30 Yeast-56 Mold-39 Lactobacillus-53 Lactobacillus-36 Yeast-10 Yeast-8 Lactobacillus-76 Yeast-89 Yeast-96 Lactobacillus-5 Mold-95 Lactobacillus-93 Acetobacter-54 Acetobacter-78 Yeast-26 Mold-47 Yeast-42 Lactobacillus-4 1261, -2315
Lactobacillus-69 Acetobacter-14 Mold-39 Yeast-73 Yeast-90 Yeast-67 Acetobacter-94 Acetobacter-54 Yeast-80 Yeast-10 Mold-63 Acetobacter-30 Lactobacillus-36 Acetobacter-22 Yeast-96 Yeast-56 Lactobacillus-93 Lactobacillus-53 Mold-95 Lactobacillus-92 Yeast-89 Yeast-72 Lactobacillus-4 Yeast-26 1245, -2304
Acetobacter-14 Lactobacillus-21 Yeast-35 Mold-95 Yeast-65 Lactobacillus-29 Mold-39 Acetobacter-22 Lactobacillus-68 Acetobacter-94 Yeast-56 Yeast-90 Acetobacter-62 Mold-23 Acetobacter-38 Yeast-67 Yeast-50 Yeast-66 Yeast-25 Yeast-99 Acetobacter-30 Acetobacter-86 Lactobacillus-44 Acetobacter-6 Lactobacillus-13 Yeast-34 Yeast-97 Yeast-82 Yeast-2 Lactobacillus-28 1280, -2327
Lactobacillus-69 Yeast-73 Acetobacter-14 Yeast-67 Mold-63 Lactobacillus-85 Acetobacter-94 Yeast-80 Acetobacter-30 Yeast-90 Lactobacillus-76 Mold-47 Yeast-96 Mold-39 Yeast-8 Yeast-56 Acetobacter-78 Yeast-42 Lactobacillus-5 Yeast-89 Lactobacillus-53 Mold-95 Yeast-26 Lactobacillus-36 Yeast-10 Acetobacter-38 Acetobacter-54 1275, -2325
Lactobacillus-69 Yeast-73 Acetobacter-14 Yeast-67 Mold-63 Lactobacillus-85 Yeast-80 Yeast-90 Acetobacter-94 Yeast-8 Yeast-56 Mold-39 Acetobacter-30 Lactobacillus-5 Yeast-96 Lactobacillus-53 Acetobacter-78 Yeast-42 Lactobacillus-76 Mold-47 Yeast-89 Yeast-10 Yeast-26 Mold-95 Lactobacillus-36 Acetobacter-38 Lactobacillus-28 1277, -2317
Lactobacillus-21 Lactobacillus-29 Acetobacter-14 Yeast-65 Yeast-35 Mold-39 Mold-95 Acetobacter-94 Lactobacillus-68 Acetobacter-22 Mold-23 Yeast-56 Acetobacter-38 Yeast-90 Acetobacter-62 Yeast-50 Yeast-66 Yeast-99 Yeast-67 Yeast-25 Yeast-97 Acetobacter-6 Yeast-64 Lactobacillus-13 Lactobacillus-44 Acetobacter-86 Yeast-34 Yeast-2 Acetobacter-30 Lactobacillus-28 Yeast-82 1283, -2318
Lactobacillus-69 Yeast-73 Acetobacter-14 Yeast-67 Lactobacillus-85 Yeast-80 Mold-63 Yeast-90 Acetobacter-94 Yeast-56 Yeast-8 Mold-39 Lactobacillus-5 Acetobacter-30 Yeast-96 Lactobacillus-53 Lactobacillus-76 Mold-47 Yeast-42 Acetobacter-78 Yeast-89 Yeast-10 Lactobacillus-36 Yeast-26 Mold-95 Acetobacter-38 Lactobacillus-93 1275, -2312
Yeast-3 Lactobacillus-93 Mold-79 Yeast-18 Yeast-67 Acetobacter-62 Lactobacillus-5 Yeast-1 Yeast-48 Lactobacillus-84 Lactobacillus-68 Yeast-98 Yeast-50 Yeast-41 Yeast-73 Lactobacillus-69 Acetobacter-38 Lactobacillus-4 Yeast-32 Yeast-51 Yeast-90 Yeast-91 Yeast-19 Yeast-16 Mold-47 Yeast-40 Yeast-66 Yeast-80 Lactobacillus-12 Acetobacter-14 1292, -2303
Yeast-3 Mold-79 Lactobacillus-93 Yeast-67 Yeast-41 Lactobacillus-5 Acetobacter-62 Yeast-18 Lactobacillus-68 Lactobacillus-69 Lactobacillus-84 Yeast-91 Yeast-1 Acetobacter-38 Yeast-73 Yeast-90 Acetobacter-14 Yeast-32 Yeast-48 Yeast-65 Lactobacillus-4 Mold-47 Yeast-98 Yeast-40 Yeast-80 Yeast-66 Yeast-19 Yeast-51 1309, -2301
Yeast-3 Lactobacillus-93 Mold-79 Yeast-67 Yeast-41 Yeast-91 Yeast-18 Lactobacillus-68 Yeast-32 Yeast-90 Lactobacillus-5 Yeast-65 Acetobacter-62 Acetobacter-38 Lactobacillus-84 Lactobacillus-69 Yeast-48 Acetobacter-14 Yeast-1 Yeast-98 Acetobacter-70 Lactobacillus-4 Lactobacillus-53 Yeast-73 Lactobacillus-12 1324, -2298
Yeast-3 Mold-79 Lactobacillus-93 Yeast-41 Yeast-67 Yeast-91 Yeast-90 Yeast-65 Yeast-32 Acetobacter-70 Lactobacillus-69 Yeast-18 Acetobacter-38 Lactobacillus-68 Acetobacter-14 Yeast-98 Lactobacillus-5 Yeast-1 Lactobacillus-4 1341, -2295
Mold-79 Yeast-67 Yeast-90 Yeast-3 Yeast-41 Yeast-32 Lactobacillus-93 Lactobacillus-69 Yeast-1 Lactobacillus-84 Yeast-81 Acetobacter-70 Yeast-91 Lactobacillus-12 Yeast-65 Yeast-73 Yeast-48 Lactobacillus-53 1361, -2296
Acetobacter-22 Yeast-34 Acetobacter-94 Acetobacter-6 Lactobacillus-61 Yeast-82 Yeast-57 Lactobacillus-68 Mold-39 Mold-23 Yeast-65 Yeast-51 Yeast-88 Lactobacillus-29 Yeast-8 Yeast-99 Lactobacillus-53 Yeast-43 1396, -2366
Acetobacter-22 Mold-23 Yeast-65 Yeast-57 Lactobacillus-29 Yeast-67 Acetobacter-6 Yeast-34 Lactobacillus-68 Acetobacter-14 Yeast-56 Yeast-8 Yeast-90 Mold-95 Yeast-99 Lactobacillus-53 Acetobacter-94 1379, -2379
Mold-23 Acetobacter-22 Acetobacter-94 Yeast-67 Yeast-65 Lactobacillus-29 Mold-95 Yeast-56 Acetobacter-14 Yeast-34 Acetobacter-6 Yeast-82 Lactobacillus-28 Lactobacillus-68 Lactobacillus-61 Yeast-50 Acetobacter-38 Yeast-99 Lactobacillus-21 Yeast-24 1364, -2369
Mold-15 Acetobacter-70 Yeast-48 Yeast-73 Yeast-51 Lactobacillus-37 Yeast-96 Lactobacillus-4 Acetobacter-78 Lactobacillus-28 Yeast-40 Lactobacillus-84 Yeast-72 Yeast-49 Yeast-11 Yeast-17 Yeast-2 Yeast-10 Lactobacillus-13 Lactobacillus-92 Lactobacillus-100 Lactobacillus-45 Yeast-57 Yeast-97 1257, -2260
Yeast-2 Yeast-10 Yeast-73 Yeast-40 Lactobacillus-28 Mold-15 Acetobacter-78 Yeast-89 Yeast-57 Lactobacillus-4 Yeast-17 Lactobacillus-100 Yeast-34 Lactobacillus-36 Yeast-96 Mold-31 Yeast-97 Yeast-18 1278, -2178
Mold-15 Yeast-10 Acetobacter-22 Yeast-57 Lactobacillus-29 Yeast-48 Yeast-51 Lactobacillus-4 Lactobacillus-93 Lactobacillus-28 Yeast-97 Yeast-40 Acetobacter-70 Mold-39 Yeast-16 Yeast-89 Lactobacillus-84 1278, -2172
Mold-79 Yeast-19 Lactobacillus-20 Yeast-65 Yeast-58 Yeast-18 Lactobacillus-84 Yeast-51 Yeast-32 Mold-47 Yeast-67 Yeast-96 Yeast-80 Yeast-41 Yeast-11 Lactobacillus-44 1286, -2173
Yeast-58 Yeast-19 Mold-79 Yeast-65 Yeast-11 Acetobacter-62 Yeast-18 Acetobacter-70 Yeast-26 Lactobacillus-44 Yeast-75 Yeast-81 Yeast-50 Yeast-16 Mold-7 Yeast-80 Mold-23 Yeast-40 1286, -2178
Yeast-3 Lactobacillus-93 Yeast-18 Mold-79 Acetobacter-62 Yeast-67 Lactobacillus-5 Lactobacillus-84 Yeast-48 Lactobacillus-68 Yeast-1 Yeast-50 Yeast-73 Yeast-98 Yeast-16 Yeast-41 Acetobacter-38 Lactobacillus-69 Lactobacillus-4 Yeast-19 Yeast-32 Mold-47 Yeast-51 Yeast-40 Yeast-80 Acetobacter-14 Yeast-66 Lactobacillus-53 Yeast-90 1286, -2296
Yeast-3 Yeast-18 Lactobacillus-93 Acetobacter-62 Yeast-67 Mold-79 Lactobacillus-5 Yeast-48 Lactobacillus-84 Yeast-50 Yeast-1 Yeast-98 Lactobacillus-68 Yeast-73 Lactobacillus-4 Yeast-16 Yeast-40 Yeast-19 Mold-47 Lactobacillus-69 Acetobacter-38 Yeast-51 Yeast-41 Yeast-32 Lactobacillus-53 Yeast-66 Lactobacillus-45 Yeast-90 Lactobacillus-12 Acetobacter-14 Yeast-80 Acetobacter-94 1281, -2301
Acetobacter-70 Yeast-48 Mold-15 Yeast-73 Lactobacillus-84 Lactobacillus-37 Yeast-96 Yeast-72 Yeast-49 Yeast-51 Acetobacter-78 Lactobacillus-13 Lactobacillus-92 Lactobacillus-4 Lactobacillus-44 Yeast-2 Yeast-16 Yeast-40 Yeast-10 Lactobacillus-28 Lactobacillus-45 Yeast-57 Yeast-11 Lactobacillus-12 Yeast-90 Lactobacillus-85 1279, -2301
Yeast-48 Acetobacter-70 Mold-15 Yeast-73 Yeast-96 Lactobacillus-84 Lactobacillus-37 Yeast-72 Yeast-49 Acetobacter-78 Yeast-51 Lactobacillus-13 Lactobacillus-92 Yeast-40 Lactobacillus-44 Lactobacillus-4 Yeast-2 Yeast-10 Lactobacillus-28 Yeast-16 Lactobacillus-45 Yeast-57 Yeast-11 Lactobacillus-12 Yeast-90 1276, -2294
Yeast-3 Yeast-18 Lactobacillus-93 Acetobacter-62 Yeast-67 Mold-79 Lactobacillus-5 Lactobacillus-84 Yeast-48 Yeast-50 Yeast-73 Lactobacillus-68 Yeast-1 Yeast-16 Yeast-19 Yeast-98 Yeast-41 Lactobacillus-4 Mold-47 Yeast-40 Acetobacter-38 Yeast-51 Lactobacillus-69 Lactobacillus-53 Yeast-32 Acetobacter-14 Yeast-80 Yeast-66 1281, -2295
Yeast-96 Yeast-58 Yeast-3 Lactobacillus-76 Lactobacillus-92 Lactobacillus-69 Yeast-42 Yeast-89 Acetobacter-38 Yeast-48 Yeast-51 Mold-47 Mold-79 Acetobacter-54 Yeast-73 Lactobacillus-53 Acetobacter-78 Acetobacter-46 Lactobacillus-28 Mold-71 Lactobacillus-5 1279, -2431 found yeast 58 first at 1573 seal
Acetobacter-14 Lactobacillus-28 Yeast-35 Yeast-67 Yeast-90 Lactobacillus-21 Yeast-82 Mold-55 Yeast-56 Yeast-66 Yeast-27 Acetobacter-30 Yeast-17 Yeast-80 Acetobacter-86 Yeast-34 Yeast-73 1281, -2431
Mold-79 Yeast-96 Acetobacter-38 Yeast-3 Yeast-51 Acetobacter-6 Lactobacillus-28 Lactobacillus-4 Yeast-67 Lactobacillus-93 Yeast-42 Mold-63 Mold-47 Yeast-33 Yeast-89 Yeast-9 Mold-7 Yeast-97 Acetobacter-54 Lactobacillus-76 Lactobacillus-21 Yeast-16 Yeast-34 Acetobacter-30 1279, -2434
Yeast-82 Yeast-9 Lactobacillus-68 Mold-23 Mold-55 Acetobacter-14 Acetobacter-22 Yeast-67 Yeast-56 Acetobacter-30 Lactobacillus-36 Yeast-50 Mold-47 Acetobacter-86 Yeast-90 Yeast-35 Yeast-40 Acetobacter-38 Yeast-81 Yeast-2 Yeast-57 Yeast-89 Lactobacillus-13 Acetobacter-62 Lactobacillus-28 1282, -2434
Yeast-41 Yeast-90 Yeast-67 Mold-79 Yeast-91 Yeast-32 Yeast-81 Lactobacillus-93 Yeast-65 Yeast-73 Yeast-3 Lactobacillus-12 Lactobacillus-76 Acetobacter-70 Yeast-27 Yeast-58 Mold-7 Lactobacillus-69 1407, -2302
Yeast-90 Lactobacillus-53 Yeast-1 Lactobacillus-68 Yeast-73 Acetobacter-14 Yeast-11 Yeast-40 Lactobacillus-12 Yeast-18 Lactobacillus-44 Yeast-91 Lactobacillus-21 Yeast-3 Mold-7 Mold-79 Mold-47 Yeast-32 Lactobacillus-84 Acetobacter-38 Yeast-81 1409, -2303
Yeast-90 Yeast-34 Acetobacter-14 Yeast-99 Yeast-75 Yeast-56 Yeast-27 Lactobacillus-29 Yeast-64 Mold-23 Yeast-57 Lactobacillus-53 Yeast-67 Mold-47 Yeast-50 Yeast-82 Lactobacillus-44 Lactobacillus-45 Acetobacter-6 Yeast-65 Lactobacillus-61 Mold-39 Yeast-24 Lactobacillus-77 1409, -2305
Acetobacter-22 Yeast-50 Yeast-57 Lactobacillus-68 Acetobacter-6 Acetobacter-94 Lactobacillus-61 Yeast-99 Mold-23 Yeast-65 Mold-39 Yeast-88 Mold-95 Mold-55 Lactobacillus-53 Yeast-90 Acetobacter-46 Yeast-34 Yeast-82 Yeast-56 Acetobacter-86 Yeast-8 1407, -2305
Yeast-90 Yeast-34 Acetobacter-14 Yeast-99 Yeast-75 Yeast-56 Yeast-27 Lactobacillus-29 Yeast-64 Mold-23 Yeast-57 Yeast-67 Lactobacillus-53 Mold-47 Yeast-50 Yeast-82 Acetobacter-6 Lactobacillus-45 Lactobacillus-61 Lactobacillus-44 Yeast-65 Yeast-24 Lactobacillus-77 Mold-39 Acetobacter-94 1408, -2304
Yeast-34 Acetobacter-62 Mold-23 Lactobacillus-29 Lactobacillus-68 Yeast-99 Lactobacillus-61 Lactobacillus-84 Yeast-65 Acetobacter-22 Yeast-90 Yeast-24 Yeast-3 Lactobacillus-36 Yeast-67 Yeast-81 1409, -2431
Lactobacillus-68 Lactobacillus-61 Mold-47 Acetobacter-94 Yeast-56 Acetobacter-14 Yeast-99 Yeast-3 Yeast-8 Lactobacillus-84 Acetobacter-22 Mold-55 Yeast-82 Yeast-27 Acetobacter-30 Yeast-43 Yeast-88 Yeast-35 Lactobacillus-4 Lactobacillus-29 Yeast-89 Acetobacter-6 Mold-95 Mold-31 Acetobacter-62 1408, -2432
Lactobacillus-29 Acetobacter-22 Yeast-8 Yeast-67 Yeast-56 Mold-47 Yeast-51 Yeast-43 Lactobacillus-53 Lactobacillus-52 Yeast-9 Lactobacillus-84 Lactobacillus-4 Yeast-34 Yeast-11 Yeast-57 Yeast-99 Lactobacillus-28 Yeast-27 Yeast-24 1407, -2431
Acetobacter-22 Acetobacter-94 Yeast-65 Acetobacter-62 Yeast-67 Mold-47 Mold-23 Acetobacter-14 Yeast-99 Yeast-57 Yeast-16 Acetobacter-6 Yeast-2 Yeast-66 Yeast-50 Yeast-35 Lactobacillus-77 Yeast-90 Acetobacter-30 Yeast-49 Lactobacillus-29 Lactobacillus-68 Yeast-88 Yeast-56 Mold-15 1407, -2433
Lactobacillus-68 Lactobacillus-61 Mold-47 Yeast-56 Acetobacter-94 Acetobacter-14 Yeast-99 Yeast-8 Yeast-3 Lactobacillus-84 Acetobacter-22 Yeast-82 Mold-55 Acetobacter-30 Yeast-43 Yeast-27 Yeast-88 Yeast-35 Lactobacillus-4 Lactobacillus-29 Yeast-89 Acetobacter-6 Mold-31 1409, -2433
Lactobacillus-52 Yeast-65 Acetobacter-94 Acetobacter-22 Yeast-67 Yeast-75 Lactobacillus-45 Mold-47 Acetobacter-14 Yeast-27 Yeast-8 Acetobacter-70 Yeast-50 Yeast-74 Lactobacillus-29 Yeast-17 Lactobacillus-77 Acetobacter-30 Lactobacillus-61 Yeast-24 Yeast-26 Mold-55 Yeast-33 1533, -2433
Lactobacillus-52 Yeast-65 Acetobacter-94 Acetobacter-22 Yeast-67 Yeast-75 Lactobacillus-45 Mold-47 Yeast-27 Acetobacter-14 Acetobacter-70 Yeast-8 Yeast-50 Yeast-74 Lactobacillus-29 Yeast-17 Lactobacillus-77 Lactobacillus-61 Acetobacter-30 Yeast-24 Mold-55 Yeast-26 Yeast-33 1532, -2432
Acetobacter-22 Yeast-10 Acetobacter-94 Yeast-88 Yeast-75 Yeast-99 Mold-55 Lactobacillus-13 Yeast-51 Lactobacillus-45 Lactobacillus-77 Acetobacter-70 Yeast-74 Lactobacillus-52 Lactobacillus-36 Yeast-81 Lactobacillus-61 1533, -2431
Acetobacter-22 Yeast-10 Acetobacter-94 Yeast-88 Yeast-75 Yeast-99 Mold-55 Lactobacillus-13 Yeast-51 Lactobacillus-45 Lactobacillus-77 Acetobacter-70 Yeast-74 Lactobacillus-36 Lactobacillus-52 Yeast-81 Lactobacillus-61 Yeast-67 1531, -2431
Lactobacillus-52 Yeast-65 Acetobacter-94 Acetobacter-22 Yeast-67 Yeast-75 Acetobacter-14 Mold-47 Lactobacillus-45 Yeast-8 Acetobacter-70 Yeast-27 Yeast-50 Yeast-74 Yeast-17 Lactobacillus-29 Lactobacillus-77 Lactobacillus-61 Acetobacter-30 Yeast-24 Mold-55 Yeast-26 Yeast-33 1530, -2433
Yeast-58 Yeast-50 Yeast-26 Yeast-18 Lactobacillus-61 Yeast-32 Acetobacter-62 Lactobacillus-20 Yeast-27 Yeast-11 Yeast-34 1408, -2176
Yeast-58 Yeast-50 Yeast-26 Yeast-18 Yeast-32 Lactobacillus-61 Acetobacter-62 Lactobacillus-20 Yeast-27 Yeast-11 Lactobacillus-21 Yeast-34 Yeast-49 1409, -2177
Yeast-81 Yeast-3 Yeast-96 Lactobacillus-61 Lactobacillus-12 Acetobacter-70 Yeast-48 Yeast-43 Yeast-89 Yeast-67 Lactobacillus-76 Mold-23 Yeast-40 Yeast-27 Yeast-8 Lactobacillus-44 1407, -2177
Yeast-80 Mold-79 Yeast-40 Yeast-67 Yeast-48 Mold-71 Yeast-3 Yeast-91 Yeast-11 Lactobacillus-44 Yeast-90 Yeast-81 Yeast-19 Lactobacillus-77 Lactobacillus-12 Lactobacillus-37 Lactobacillus-21 Lactobacillus-53 Yeast-32 Yeast-8 1409, -2175
Yeast-58 Mold-79 Yeast-50 Yeast-90 Yeast-65 Mold-71 Yeast-18 Acetobacter-62 Lactobacillus-20 Lactobacillus-61 Yeast-48 Mold-47 Yeast-40 Yeast-11 Yeast-67 Lactobacillus-21 Yeast-41 Yeast-51 Lactobacillus-5 Lactobacillus-92 Acetobacter-38 Lactobacillus-44 Yeast-26 Lactobacillus-4 Acetobacter-70 1407, -2175
Acetobacter-86 Yeast-16 Lactobacillus-29 Yeast-58 Acetobacter-38 Acetobacter-78 Acetobacter-6 Yeast-42 Yeast-96 Lactobacillus-85 Acetobacter-46 Yeast-97 Yeast-90 Lactobacillus-68 Yeast-56 Yeast-48 Lactobacillus-37 Yeast-41 Yeast-8 Yeast-49 Yeast-32 Yeast-11 1537, -2175
Lactobacillus-29 Mold-79 Acetobacter-62 Yeast-67 Yeast-90 Lactobacillus-20 Acetobacter-70 Yeast-40 Yeast-27 Lactobacillus-77 Yeast-49 Yeast-74 Lactobacillus-76 Yeast-3 Yeast-88 Lactobacillus-12 Yeast-34 Mold-39 Mold-15 1535, -2175
Lactobacillus-29 Lactobacillus-45 Yeast-97 Yeast-50 Yeast-16 Lactobacillus-5 Yeast-57 Acetobacter-70 Lactobacillus-13 Yeast-32 Acetobacter-86 Yeast-88 Mold-23 Yeast-58 Yeast-35 Yeast-27 Lactobacillus-77 Lactobacillus-76 Mold-7 Yeast-56 Lactobacillus-52 1536, -2176
Lactobacillus-29 Lactobacillus-45 Yeast-97 Yeast-16 Yeast-50 Lactobacillus-5 Yeast-57 Acetobacter-70 Lactobacillus-13 Yeast-88 Yeast-32 Mold-23 Acetobacter-86 Yeast-58 Yeast-27 Yeast-35 Lactobacillus-77 Lactobacillus-76 Yeast-56 Lactobacillus-52 Mold-7 1537, -2177
Yeast-27 Lactobacillus-12 Yeast-81 Yeast-34 Yeast-90 Yeast-97 Yeast-2 Lactobacillus-20 Yeast-48 Acetobacter-70 Lactobacillus-44 Acetobacter-14 Lactobacillus-21 Yeast-8 Yeast-50 Yeast-56 Lactobacillus-29 Mold-79 Lactobacillus-76 Lactobacillus-53 Yeast-80 Yeast-64 Acetobacter-62 Yeast-58 1535, -2177
Acetobacter-46 Lactobacillus-68 Yeast-97 Yeast-88 Yeast-75 Acetobacter-94 Yeast-27 Lactobacillus-52 Yeast-35 Yeast-96 Lactobacillus-20 Lactobacillus-93 Lactobacillus-29 Yeast-16 Yeast-91 Yeast-58 Acetobacter-30 Yeast-72 Yeast-42 Yeast-90 Acetobacter-70 Acetobacter-6 Mold-87 Lactobacillus-44 Yeast-3 Lactobacillus-92 Mold-39 Mold-15 1537, -2303
Yeast-41 Yeast-67 Yeast-74 Yeast-10 Mold-79 Yeast-40 Lactobacillus-68 Yeast-66 Yeast-56 Yeast-81 Acetobacter-14 Yeast-91 Yeast-25 Yeast-27 Yeast-8 Lactobacillus-53 Lactobacillus-20 Lactobacillus-12 Acetobacter-46 Lactobacillus-77 Yeast-49 Yeast-1 Mold-23 1535, -2303
Yeast-81 Yeast-64 Mold-15 Acetobacter-78 Mold-39 Acetobacter-94 Yeast-17 Acetobacter-62 Mold-31 Yeast-3 Yeast-25 Lactobacillus-60 Lactobacillus-92 Lactobacillus-21 Yeast-35 Lactobacillus-85 Acetobacter-70 Yeast-89 Lactobacillus-36 Yeast-82 Yeast-43 Yeast-98 Yeast-96 Lactobacillus-61 Lactobacillus-76 Yeast-9 Yeast-59 Yeast-72 Yeast-16 Lactobacillus-69 1537, -2305
Yeast-81 Yeast-64 Mold-15 Acetobacter-78 Mold-39 Yeast-17 Acetobacter-94 Acetobacter-62 Mold-31 Yeast-3 Yeast-25 Lactobacillus-60 Lactobacillus-21 Yeast-35 Lactobacillus-92 Lactobacillus-85 Acetobacter-70 Yeast-89 Lactobacillus-36 Yeast-43 Yeast-82 Yeast-98 Yeast-96 Lactobacillus-76 Lactobacillus-61 Yeast-9 Yeast-59 Yeast-16 Lactobacillus-69 Yeast-72 1536, -2304
Lactobacillus-52 Acetobacter-14 Lactobacillus-29 Lactobacillus-68 Yeast-25 Yeast-51 Mold-39 Yeast-65 Mold-15 Yeast-8 Yeast-88 Mold-47 Yeast-75 Yeast-27 Yeast-90 Yeast-3 Yeast-82 Acetobacter-94 Yeast-99 Yeast-43 Yeast-10 Yeast-34 Lactobacillus-77 Yeast-50 Lactobacillus-44 Yeast-49 Acetobacter-38 Lactobacillus-61 1535, -2305
Yeast-72 Acetobacter-54 Acetobacter-14 Yeast-24 Acetobacter-94 Lactobacillus-36 Yeast-58 Yeast-10 Acetobacter-30 Lactobacillus-61 Lactobacillus-52 Lactobacillus-4 Mold-39 Yeast-3 Yeast-96 Yeast-97 Acetobacter-46 Yeast-83 Lactobacillus-92 Yeast-89 Lactobacillus-45 Acetobacter-22 Yeast-75 Yeast-73 Acetobacter-78 1152, -2304
Yeast-17 Yeast-24 Lactobacillus-37 Yeast-51 Yeast-72 Mold-39 Yeast-16 Yeast-88 Acetobacter-62 Yeast-98 Mold-71 Yeast-49 Lactobacillus-61 Yeast-19 Yeast-11 Lactobacillus-84 Yeast-73 Yeast-3 Lactobacillus-12 Acetobacter-30 Acetobacter-22 Lactobacillus-21 Lactobacillus-13 Acetobacter-78 Mold-31 Yeast-43 Acetobacter-70 1151, -2303
Acetobacter-78 Yeast-24 Lactobacillus-37 Yeast-49 Acetobacter-70 Yeast-11 Yeast-73 Lactobacillus-4 Yeast-75 Lactobacillus-13 Yeast-43 Mold-15 Yeast-57 Mold-39 Acetobacter-38 Yeast-17 Lactobacillus-28 Yeast-19 Lactobacillus-92 1153, -2303
Yeast-72 Acetobacter-54 Acetobacter-14 Yeast-24 Acetobacter-94 Lactobacillus-36 Yeast-58 Yeast-10 Acetobacter-30 Lactobacillus-61 Lactobacillus-4 Lactobacillus-52 Yeast-3 Mold-39 Yeast-96 Yeast-97 Acetobacter-46 Yeast-83 Yeast-89 Lactobacillus-92 Lactobacillus-45 Yeast-73 Yeast-75 Acetobacter-22 Acetobacter-78 1153, -2305
Yeast-89 Acetobacter-94 Acetobacter-14 Yeast-16 Yeast-97 Mold-31 Yeast-10 Acetobacter-54 Yeast-72 Lactobacillus-85 Lactobacillus-36 Lactobacillus-29 Lactobacillus-69 Acetobacter-46 Mold-15 Yeast-73 Acetobacter-62 Yeast-96 Yeast-33 Yeast-24 1151, -2305
Mold-7 Yeast-48 Yeast-9 Acetobacter-38 Yeast-42 Yeast-51 Mold-79 Lactobacillus-76 Acetobacter-6 Yeast-99 Lactobacillus-53 Yeast-27 Yeast-58 Yeast-64 Acetobacter-54 Mold-47 Yeast-81 Yeast-96 Mold-15 Acetobacter-86 Yeast-35 Lactobacillus-4 Yeast-19 Lactobacillus-45 Yeast-3 Yeast-18 Yeast-89 Yeast-66 Lactobacillus-93 Lactobacillus-28 Yeast-59 Mold-71 1279, -2559
Acetobacter-70 Yeast-90 Yeast-19 Yeast-57 Lactobacillus-100 Lactobacillus-12 Yeast-75 Yeast-40 Mold-15 Lactobacillus-45 Yeast-64 Yeast-74 Yeast-65 Lactobacillus-29 Lactobacillus-84 Yeast-3 Lactobacillus-5 Lactobacillus-76 Yeast-25 Yeast-33 Yeast-48 Lactobacillus-85 Acetobacter-14 Yeast-50 Acetobacter-38 Acetobacter-22 Yeast-97 1279, -2561
Lactobacillus-84 Yeast-34 Yeast-98 Lactobacillus-93 Mold-87 Yeast-64 Yeast-91 Lactobacillus-36 Yeast-81 Lactobacillus-12 Acetobacter-22 Yeast-18 Acetobacter-6 Lactobacillus-92 Yeast-32 Lactobacillus-13 Mold-15 Yeast-1 Yeast-75 Yeast-35 Yeast-89 1281, -2561
Yeast-66 Mold-47 Lactobacillus-36 Lactobacillus-85 Yeast-72 Acetobacter-30 Mold-15 Yeast-33 Yeast-9 Yeast-67 Yeast-57 Mold-55 Lactobacillus-52 Acetobacter-22 Yeast-40 Yeast-82 Yeast-81 Lactobacillus-61 Yeast-90 Acetobacter-14 Acetobacter-62 Yeast-89 Yeast-80 Lactobacillus-28 Lactobacillus-84 Lactobacillus-20 Acetobacter-78 Yeast-3 Lactobacillus-37 Yeast-1 Yeast-17 Yeast-99 Mold-63 Yeast-35 Lactobacillus-12 Yeast-41 Yeast-83 Yeast-8 Lactobacillus-21 1281, -2559
Lactobacillus-20 Lactobacillus-28 Yeast-8 Acetobacter-30 Yeast-81 Yeast-40 Lactobacillus-36 Yeast-99 Mold-47 Yeast-18 Yeast-35 Acetobacter-62 Yeast-24 Acetobacter-22 Mold-55 Yeast-89 Lactobacillus-68 Yeast-11 Yeast-33 Lactobacillus-37 Mold-15 Lactobacillus-52 Yeast-88 Yeast-67 Lactobacillus-84 1407, -2559
Acetobacter-62 Yeast-33 Mold-47 Lactobacillus-84 Acetobacter-30 Lactobacillus-28 Yeast-17 Acetobacter-22 Yeast-26 Yeast-35 Lactobacillus-37 Yeast-80 Lactobacillus-61 Lactobacillus-13 Acetobacter-14 Yeast-18 Yeast-81 Lactobacillus-92 Yeast-51 Yeast-67 Yeast-10 Lactobacillus-36 Lactobacillus-52 Mold-63 Mold-15 Yeast-89 Acetobacter-6 Yeast-88 1409, -2559
Yeast-34 Mold-7 Yeast-65 Yeast-91 Lactobacillus-12 Lactobacillus-4 Acetobacter-94 Yeast-26 Yeast-98 Yeast-9 Yeast-32 Yeast-64 Yeast-3 Acetobacter-70 Lactobacillus-37 Yeast-18 Mold-31 Lactobacillus-36 Yeast-1 Lactobacillus-29 Yeast-97 Lactobacillus-44 Yeast-81 1409, -2561
Yeast-64 Yeast-91 Lactobacillus-36 Lactobacillus-52 Yeast-98 Yeast-34 Acetobacter-22 Yeast-32 Yeast-16 Acetobacter-70 Lactobacillus-84 Lactobacillus-29 Yeast-89 Yeast-65 Yeast-18 Yeast-40 Yeast-81 Acetobacter-30 Yeast-67 Yeast-74 Mold-31 Mold-7 Yeast-27 1407, -2561
Acetobacter-30 Yeast-33 Acetobacter-62 Acetobacter-22 Lactobacillus-4 Yeast-35 Lactobacillus-52 Mold-47 Yeast-32 Mold-7 Lactobacillus-45 Lactobacillus-92 Mold-63 Yeast-80 Yeast-50 Lactobacillus-84 Yeast-11 Yeast-65 Acetobacter-14 Yeast-67 Yeast-74 Yeast-81 Yeast-9 Mold-31 Yeast-8 Yeast-40 Acetobacter-70 Mold-55 Lactobacillus-29 Lactobacillus-36 Yeast-16 Yeast-34 1535, -2559
Yeast-96 Yeast-82 Yeast-98 Yeast-35 Yeast-91 Yeast-24 Yeast-89 Yeast-58 Lactobacillus-93 Lactobacillus-20 Yeast-57 Mold-63 Yeast-2 Yeast-40 Lactobacillus-85 Yeast-9 Yeast-48 Yeast-66 Lactobacillus-29 Yeast-67 Lactobacillus-36 Yeast-88 Lactobacillus-92 Lactobacillus-69 1537, -2559 yeast 96 starts east 82 starts west of coord
Acetobacter-54 Yeast-2 Lactobacillus-77 Mold-95 Yeast-42 Yeast-11 Yeast-80 Lactobacillus-37 Yeast-49 Lactobacillus-20 Acetobacter-62 Mold-47 Yeast-18 Yeast-58 Yeast-65 Yeast-10 Yeast-32 Lactobacillus-84 Lactobacillus-93 Mold-23 Lactobacillus-36 Yeast-81 Mold-55 Yeast-89 Lactobacillus-52 1537, -2561
Yeast-25 Mold-47 Yeast-3 Yeast-67 Acetobacter-70 Yeast-57 Yeast-64 Lactobacillus-12 Mold-7 Acetobacter-22 Yeast-33 Yeast-98 Acetobacter-54 Lactobacillus-29 Yeast-1 Yeast-97 Yeast-18 Lactobacillus-37 Yeast-9 Yeast-32 Yeast-16 Acetobacter-30 Lactobacillus-4 Yeast-65 Acetobacter-78 Yeast-72 1535, -2561
Yeast-2 Mold-95 Yeast-10 Yeast-18 Yeast-65 Mold-39 Yeast-56 Yeast-50 Yeast-81 Yeast-43 Yeast-67 Acetobacter-86 Mold-55 Mold-87 Yeast-73 Mold-7 Yeast-97 Lactobacillus-100 Yeast-90 Yeast-26 Lactobacillus-60 Lactobacillus-61 Yeast-74 Acetobacter-78 Mold-23 Acetobacter-54 1023, -2175
Lactobacillus-37 Yeast-51 Acetobacter-54 Yeast-8 Yeast-19 Lactobacillus-60 Yeast-49 Yeast-18 Yeast-98 Mold-87 Acetobacter-62 Mold-71 Lactobacillus-44 Acetobacter-78 Mold-63 Lactobacillus-21 Lactobacillus-12 Mold-39 Lactobacillus-92 Lactobacillus-36 Mold-79 1025, -2175
Yeast-49 Lactobacillus-44 Lactobacillus-21 Mold-39 Acetobacter-70 Acetobacter-6 Yeast-98 Mold-47 Mold-63 Acetobacter-54 Yeast-10 Yeast-91 Lactobacillus-37 Yeast-88 Yeast-51 Acetobacter-62 Acetobacter-22 Lactobacillus-12 Yeast-75 Yeast-65 Lactobacillus-92 Lactobacillus-36 Yeast-80 1025, -2177
Yeast-65 Mold-39 Yeast-73 Mold-95 Yeast-90 Yeast-10 Yeast-67 Acetobacter-6 Mold-47 Yeast-2 Yeast-56 Yeast-34 Yeast-18 Yeast-43 Lactobacillus-61 Acetobacter-94 Mold-79 Yeast-80 Acetobacter-30 Yeast-96 Yeast-11 Lactobacillus-37 Yeast-19 Lactobacillus-100 1023, -2177
Yeast-17 Yeast-51 Yeast-73 Lactobacillus-29 Acetobacter-38 Yeast-97 Lactobacillus-28 Lactobacillus-36 Lactobacillus-13 Yeast-59 Mold-39 Yeast-19 Lactobacillus-37 Acetobacter-22 Yeast-10 Yeast-18 1153, -2177
Yeast-40 Acetobacter-70 Lactobacillus-44 Yeast-51 Lactobacillus-29 Mold-71 Mold-47 Yeast-18 Yeast-10 Yeast-83 Yeast-19 Acetobacter-78 Yeast-49 Acetobacter-22 1151, -2177
Yeast-96 Yeast-2 Yeast-48 Yeast-19 Lactobacillus-44 Yeast-97 Acetobacter-78 Lactobacillus-36 Lactobacillus-85 Yeast-75 Lactobacillus-37 Mold-23 Lactobacillus-93 Yeast-90 Yeast-10 Yeast-89 Lactobacillus-45 1151, -2175
Lactobacillus-29 Acetobacter-70 Yeast-80 Acetobacter-22 Yeast-2 Yeast-98 Yeast-10 Yeast-83 Yeast-96 Acetobacter-38 Yeast-48 Lactobacillus-4 Lactobacillus-85 1153, -2175
Acetobacter-54 Yeast-58 Yeast-89 Lactobacillus-45 Yeast-34 Lactobacillus-68 Yeast-97 Lactobacillus-4 Acetobacter-62 Yeast-16 Lactobacillus-100 Yeast-3 Mold-39 Mold-95 Yeast-24 Yeast-66 Mold-71 Yeast-73 Yeast-49 Lactobacillus-52 Yeast-40 Yeast-18 1025, -2305
Yeast-97 Yeast-59 Yeast-91 Yeast-56 Yeast-10 Yeast-50 Mold-7 Yeast-33 Yeast-11 Mold-39 Acetobacter-94 Lactobacillus-13 Yeast-17 Lactobacillus-53 Acetobacter-46 Yeast-58 Yeast-72 Lactobacillus-44 Yeast-18 Yeast-16 Lactobacillus-12 Mold-95 1023, -2305 cant isolate double yeast at 2360
Yeast-2 Yeast-50 Yeast-27 Mold-47 Yeast-51 Yeast-65 Yeast-40 Acetobacter-94 Yeast-74 Lactobacillus-37 Lactobacillus-45 Lactobacillus-84 Yeast-90 Yeast-34 Acetobacter-30 Yeast-10 Yeast-64 Lactobacillus-68 Mold-87 Yeast-26 Mold-71 Yeast-66 Yeast-80 Lactobacillus-100 Lactobacillus-69 Mold-7 Mold-15 Mold-95 Lactobacillus-93 Lactobacillus-60 Yeast-18 Yeast-56 1023, -2303
Mold-55 Yeast-98 Yeast-24 Lactobacillus-37 Mold-39 Lactobacillus-21 Mold-47 Yeast-51 Yeast-73 Acetobacter-78 Lactobacillus-100 Yeast-49 Acetobacter-54 Yeast-26 Yeast-8 Acetobacter-22 Acetobacter-62 Lactobacillus-13 Lactobacillus-92 Yeast-91 Yeast-2 Acetobacter-38 Lactobacillus-29 Lactobacillus-60 Lactobacillus-77 Yeast-17 Acetobacter-6 Lactobacillus-68 Yeast-90 Yeast-75 Acetobacter-86 Yeast-74 1025, -2303
Mold-71 Yeast-18 Mold-95 Lactobacillus-4 Yeast-3 Mold-7 Mold-31 Yeast-88 Mold-63 Yeast-33 Yeast-89 Yeast-27 Lactobacillus-93 Yeast-42 Acetobacter-22 Yeast-51 Yeast-72 1151, -2431
Yeast-89 Lactobacillus-45 Acetobacter-54 Yeast-72 Mold-31 Lactobacillus-69 Lactobacillus-13 Yeast-67 Lactobacillus-4 Yeast-75 Yeast-51 Lactobacillus-28 Yeast-40 Acetobacter-38 Yeast-58 Acetobacter-46 Lactobacillus-52 Yeast-33 Lactobacillus-92 Acetobacter-94 Yeast-3 1153, -2431
Yeast-58 Yeast-97 Yeast-89 Mold-31 Yeast-51 Mold-79 Mold-15 Acetobacter-62 Yeast-72 Yeast-16 Lactobacillus-45 Yeast-81 Acetobacter-6 Lactobacillus-92 Lactobacillus-4 Yeast-10 Lactobacillus-28 Yeast-32 Yeast-75 1153, -2433
Yeast-89 Yeast-3 Yeast-97 Mold-31 Yeast-42 Yeast-56 Acetobacter-14 Yeast-58 Yeast-67 Yeast-34 Mold-71 Acetobacter-54 Yeast-40 Lactobacillus-92 Lactobacillus-69 Lactobacillus-45 Lactobacillus-68 Acetobacter-62 1151, -2433
Yeast-58 Mold-95 Mold-15 Acetobacter-86 Yeast-89 Yeast-75 Yeast-51 Lactobacillus-84 Yeast-26 Mold-31 Mold-63 Acetobacter-54 Acetobacter-38 Yeast-33 Lactobacillus-28 Yeast-50 Lactobacillus-4 Yeast-18 Yeast-19 Yeast-73 Yeast-64 Yeast-80 Yeast-35 1153, -2559
Lactobacillus-84 Acetobacter-86 Yeast-73 Acetobacter-6 Yeast-59 Yeast-89 Mold-95 Yeast-50 Yeast-56 Yeast-58 Yeast-98 Yeast-33 Yeast-32 Yeast-48 Yeast-65 Yeast-34 Mold-47 Yeast-57 Yeast-18 Yeast-11 Yeast-19 Lactobacillus-28 Yeast-40 Yeast-51 Yeast-91 1151, -2559
Lactobacillus-45 Acetobacter-70 Yeast-65 Lactobacillus-100 Yeast-17 Yeast-19 Yeast-90 Lactobacillus-53 Mold-79 Acetobacter-14 Yeast-3 Yeast-91 Yeast-72 Lactobacillus-37 Yeast-10 Yeast-40 Yeast-26 1151, -2561
Yeast-90 Lactobacillus-29 Mold-79 Yeast-25 Lactobacillus-45 Lactobacillus-84 Yeast-18 Lactobacillus-20 Yeast-50 Yeast-17 Yeast-57 1153, -2561
Yeast-90 Lactobacillus-45 Lactobacillus-68 Lactobacillus-20 Yeast-40 Yeast-88 Mold-15 Lactobacillus-29 Yeast-82 Lactobacillus-36 Yeast-9 Lactobacillus-93 Acetobacter-78 Acetobacter-38 Acetobacter-22 Mold-79 Yeast-25 Mold-87 1151, -2687
Lactobacillus-68 Yeast-42 Yeast-81 Mold-71 Yeast-17 Acetobacter-78 Yeast-51 Yeast-99 Yeast-82 Yeast-90 Lactobacillus-76 Lactobacillus-20 Acetobacter-22 Lactobacillus-53 Lactobacillus-61 Yeast-48 Yeast-65 Mold-79 1151, -2689
Yeast-26 Yeast-17 Acetobacter-78 Yeast-57 Lactobacillus-85 Lactobacillus-61 Yeast-51 Lactobacillus-45 Mold-15 Acetobacter-46 Mold-87 Yeast-2 Yeast-65 Lactobacillus-5 1153, -2689
Yeast-51 Yeast-90 Lactobacillus-68 Yeast-99 Acetobacter-14 Yeast-26 Lactobacillus-20 Yeast-65 Yeast-81 Yeast-40 Yeast-35 Mold-15 Yeast-91 Lactobacillus-85 1153, -2687
Yeast-2 Yeast-50 Yeast-27 Mold-47 Yeast-51 Yeast-65 Yeast-40 Acetobacter-94 Yeast-74 Lactobacillus-37 Lactobacillus-45 Lactobacillus-84 Yeast-90 Yeast-34 Acetobacter-30 Yeast-10 Yeast-64 Lactobacillus-68 Mold-87 Mold-71 Yeast-26 Lactobacillus-100 Yeast-66 Yeast-80 Lactobacillus-69 Mold-95 Mold-7 Mold-15 Lactobacillus-93 Lactobacillus-60 Yeast-18 Yeast-56 1023, -2302
Acetobacter-54 Yeast-58 Yeast-89 Lactobacillus-45 Yeast-34 Lactobacillus-68 Lactobacillus-4 Acetobacter-62 Yeast-97 Yeast-16 Lactobacillus-100 Yeast-3 Mold-39 Mold-95 Yeast-24 Yeast-66 Mold-71 Yeast-49 Yeast-73 Lactobacillus-52 Yeast-40 Yeast-18 Yeast-72 1024, -2306
Acetobacter-54 Yeast-58 Yeast-89 Lactobacillus-45 Yeast-34 Lactobacillus-68 Yeast-97 Lactobacillus-4 Acetobacter-62 Lactobacillus-100 Yeast-16 Yeast-3 Mold-39 Mold-95 Yeast-24 Yeast-66 Mold-71 Yeast-73 Yeast-49 Lactobacillus-52 Yeast-40 Yeast-18 1025, -2305
Lactobacillus-37 Yeast-98 Mold-39 Mold-55 Mold-47 Acetobacter-78 Lactobacillus-21 Yeast-51 Yeast-49 Yeast-24 Yeast-73 Acetobacter-54 Acetobacter-22 Lactobacillus-92 Yeast-91 Lactobacillus-100 Lactobacillus-60 Acetobacter-62 Yeast-26 Lactobacillus-29 Lactobacillus-13 Acetobacter-38 Acetobacter-6 Yeast-8 Yeast-17 Yeast-75 Yeast-90 Yeast-2 1031, -2286
Lactobacillus-37 Mold-39 Acetobacter-78 Yeast-51 Yeast-98 Mold-55 Mold-47 Yeast-49 Yeast-24 Lactobacillus-21 Acetobacter-22 Yeast-73 Acetobacter-62 Lactobacillus-92 Lactobacillus-60 Acetobacter-54 Lactobacillus-29 Yeast-91 Yeast-17 Lactobacillus-13 Lactobacillus-100 Acetobacter-38 Yeast-26 Acetobacter-6 Yeast-74 Yeast-75 1047, -2275
Acetobacter-78 Lactobacillus-37 Yeast-49 Yeast-51 Mold-39 Yeast-98 Acetobacter-22 Mold-47 Yeast-73 Yeast-24 Lactobacillus-21 Acetobacter-62 Yeast-17 Lactobacillus-92 Mold-55 Yeast-91 Lactobacillus-60 Lactobacillus-29 Yeast-26 Lactobacillus-13 Acetobacter-38 Acetobacter-54 Yeast-90 1063, -2268
Mold-39 Lactobacillus-37 Yeast-51 Acetobacter-22 Yeast-24 Yeast-49 Yeast-98 Yeast-73 Acetobacter-78 Lactobacillus-21 Acetobacter-62 Mold-47 Yeast-17 Lactobacillus-29 Mold-55 Lactobacillus-92 Acetobacter-38 Yeast-91 Acetobacter-54 1072, -2274
Lactobacillus-37 Yeast-51 Mold-39 Acetobacter-78 Yeast-49 Yeast-98 Mold-47 Acetobacter-22 Yeast-24 Yeast-17 Lactobacillus-21 Yeast-73 Acetobacter-62 Yeast-91 Lactobacillus-29 Lactobacillus-60 Acetobacter-38 Lactobacillus-92 Mold-55 Acetobacter-54 Lactobacillus-13 Yeast-90 1076, -2268
Yeast-51 Lactobacillus-37 Mold-39 Yeast-49 Acetobacter-78 Mold-47 Yeast-98 Acetobacter-22 Yeast-73 Lactobacillus-21 Yeast-24 Yeast-17 Acetobacter-62 Yeast-91 Lactobacillus-29 Lactobacillus-92 Lactobacillus-60 Mold-55 Acetobacter-54 Lactobacillus-13 Acetobacter-38 Yeast-90 1072, -2263
Mold-39 Lactobacillus-37 Yeast-49 Yeast-51 Yeast-24 Acetobacter-22 Acetobacter-78 Yeast-98 Lactobacillus-21 Yeast-17 Lactobacillus-92 Acetobacter-62 Yeast-19 Mold-47 Yeast-73 1098, -2274
Acetobacter-94 Lactobacillus-21 Yeast-56 Acetobacter-22 Lactobacillus-68 Mold-95 Mold-23 Lactobacillus-61 Yeast-65 Yeast-57 Acetobacter-14 Yeast-50 Acetobacter-6 Yeast-67 Mold-39 Yeast-90 Yeast-82 Lactobacillus-29 Lactobacillus-28 Yeast-27 Yeast-99 Acetobacter-38 Yeast-3 Yeast-18 Acetobacter-86 1343, -2356
Lactobacillus-21 Acetobacter-94 Yeast-56 Acetobacter-22 Acetobacter-14 Mold-95 Lactobacillus-68 Yeast-90 Yeast-65 Mold-39 Mold-23 Acetobacter-6 Yeast-57 Yeast-67 Lactobacillus-28 Lactobacillus-29 Yeast-35 Acetobacter-86 Lactobacillus-61 Yeast-50 Acetobacter-38 Yeast-99 Yeast-82 Yeast-27 1322, -2354
Acetobacter-14 Lactobacillus-21 Yeast-56 Acetobacter-22 Mold-95 Acetobacter-94 Yeast-90 Yeast-35 Lactobacillus-68 Mold-23 Mold-39 Yeast-65 Acetobacter-38 Yeast-99 Lactobacillus-29 Acetobacter-62 Yeast-67 Acetobacter-6 Yeast-50 Yeast-66 Acetobacter-86 Lactobacillus-61 Lactobacillus-28 Yeast-57 Yeast-34 Yeast-82 1305, -2353
Acetobacter-14 Lactobacillus-21 Yeast-35 Yeast-56 Mold-95 Yeast-90 Acetobacter-94 Acetobacter-22 Mold-39 Mold-23 Acetobacter-62 Acetobacter-38 Yeast-65 Lactobacillus-29 Yeast-67 Lactobacillus-68 Yeast-99 Lactobacillus-28 Yeast-66 Mold-55 Acetobacter-6 Acetobacter-86 Yeast-25 Yeast-50 Lactobacillus-61 Yeast-34 1291, -2353
Yeast-51 Lactobacillus-37 Mold-39 Yeast-49 Yeast-17 Yeast-98 Yeast-73 Acetobacter-70 Acetobacter-22 Acetobacter-78 Yeast-24 Lactobacillus-21 Mold-71 Acetobacter-62 Yeast-10 Yeast-19 Mold-47 Lactobacillus-12 Yeast-18 1128, -2262
Yeast-17 Yeast-73 Lactobacillus-36 Yeast-51 Lactobacillus-37 Acetobacter-70 Acetobacter-78 Acetobacter-38 Lactobacillus-28 Yeast-24 Lactobacillus-29 Lactobacillus-13 Yeast-75 Yeast-10 Yeast-90 Yeast-42 Lactobacillus-4 Acetobacter-22 1156, -2239
Yeast-51 Yeast-17 Yeast-73 Lactobacillus-28 Acetobacter-78 Acetobacter-70 Yeast-10 Lactobacillus-4 Lactobacillus-37 Yeast-57 Acetobacter-38 Lactobacillus-29 Yeast-75 1185, -2217
Yeast-51 Yeast-17 Yeast-10 Lactobacillus-28 Yeast-73 Acetobacter-70 Acetobacter-78 Yeast-48 Lactobacillus-4 Mold-15 Lactobacillus-37 Yeast-2 Yeast-75 Lactobacillus-45 Lactobacillus-100 1209, -2217
Yeast-73 Yeast-51 Lactobacillus-28 Yeast-10 Yeast-40 Yeast-17 Yeast-2 Acetobacter-78 Acetobacter-70 Yeast-48 Lactobacillus-37 Lactobacillus-100 Yeast-57 Yeast-75 Lactobacillus-4 1230, -2216
Yeast-73 Yeast-10 Acetobacter-78 Yeast-40 Yeast-17 Yeast-2 Lactobacillus-28 Yeast-51 Yeast-96 Lactobacillus-4 Yeast-57 Lactobacillus-37 Yeast-75 Acetobacter-70 Mold-15 Yeast-48 Yeast-97 Lactobacillus-100 1250, -2217
Yeast-73 Yeast-10 Yeast-40 Yeast-96 Acetobacter-78 Yeast-51 Yeast-2 Yeast-17 Lactobacillus-4 Yeast-48 Yeast-57 Acetobacter-70 Lactobacillus-28 Mold-15 Lactobacillus-37 Yeast-97 Lactobacillus-100 1259, -2229
Mold-15 Yeast-48 Yeast-96 Yeast-73 Acetobacter-70 Yeast-51 Lactobacillus-4 Acetobacter-78 Lactobacillus-28 Lactobacillus-37 Lactobacillus-84 Yeast-10 Yeast-72 Yeast-49 Yeast-40 Yeast-97 Yeast-57 Yeast-17 Yeast-2 Lactobacillus-45 Yeast-11 Lactobacillus-100 Lactobacillus-92 Yeast-24 Yeast-75 1266, -2250
Yeast-11 Yeast-9 Yeast-75 Yeast-64 Lactobacillus-20 Yeast-67 Yeast-43 Yeast-97 Yeast-18 Yeast-8 Yeast-58 Yeast-50 Lactobacillus-36 Yeast-90 Lactobacillus-37 Lactobacillus-21 Lactobacillus-4 Yeast-96 Yeast-26 Yeast-24 Lactobacillus-28 Lactobacillus-76 Yeast-16 Yeast-42 Lactobacillus-29 Yeast-41 Yeast-17 Mold-71 1279, -2047
Mold-39 Yeast-91 Lactobacillus-92 Yeast-58 Yeast-48 Yeast-11 Yeast-90 Yeast-75 Acetobacter-46 Yeast-18 Yeast-97 Yeast-8 Yeast-51 Yeast-73 Lactobacillus-52 Mold-31 Yeast-98 Mold-23 Yeast-81 Lactobacillus-93 Mold-47 Yeast-9 Yeast-67 Yeast-16 Yeast-83 Yeast-34 Acetobacter-6 Lactobacillus-13 Yeast-1 Lactobacillus-84 Yeast-26 Lactobacillus-68 Lactobacillus-28 Mold-79 1281, -2047
Lactobacillus-100 Yeast-51 Yeast-65 Yeast-97 Lactobacillus-36 Acetobacter-6 Yeast-2 Acetobacter-22 Yeast-57 Yeast-26 Mold-15 Yeast-40 Mold-23 Yeast-73 Yeast-48 Yeast-10 Yeast-59 Yeast-35 Acetobacter-14 Lactobacillus-29 Yeast-89 Mold-31 Yeast-66 Yeast-64 1279, -2049
Yeast-96 Yeast-33 Lactobacillus-100 Lactobacillus-20 Yeast-19 Yeast-75 Yeast-11 Yeast-65 Mold-79 Lactobacillus-61 Yeast-40 Lactobacillus-92 Yeast-41 Yeast-89 Lactobacillus-29 Lactobacillus-5 Lactobacillus-84 Mold-71 Yeast-97 Yeast-80 Yeast-58 Lactobacillus-37 1281, -2049
Mold-79 Yeast-89 Yeast-58 Yeast-97 Yeast-34 Acetobacter-30 Acetobacter-70 Lactobacillus-61 Yeast-50 Acetobacter-62 Yeast-24 Acetobacter-94 Yeast-80 Mold-87 Lactobacillus-100 Lactobacillus-92 Yeast-40 Yeast-96 Yeast-11 Lactobacillus-20 1407, -2049
Yeast-11 Yeast-50 Yeast-18 Mold-7 Mold-39 Yeast-90 Yeast-81 Mold-79 Yeast-33 Yeast-16 Yeast-83 Yeast-58 Acetobacter-6 Acetobacter-22 Yeast-73 Lactobacillus-85 Acetobacter-46 Yeast-74 Yeast-57 Yeast-91 Yeast-75 Mold-55 Lactobacillus-29 Lactobacillus-60 Mold-87 Lactobacillus-92 Lactobacillus-68 Yeast-34 1407, -2047
Mold-71 Yeast-18 Yeast-81 Mold-39 Acetobacter-22 Yeast-91 Acetobacter-30 Lactobacillus-85 Mold-7 Yeast-73 Yeast-3 Yeast-50 Yeast-96 Yeast-58 Mold-79 Yeast-83 Yeast-8 Acetobacter-46 Lactobacillus-5 Yeast-1 Yeast-11 Lactobacillus-21 Mold-31 Yeast-49 Yeast-51 1409, -2047
Yeast-58 Acetobacter-30 Yeast-48 Yeast-96 Lactobacillus-20 Yeast-50 Lactobacillus-76 Mold-71 Yeast-89 Yeast-18 Lactobacillus-92 Mold-79 Mold-39 Lactobacillus-21 Yeast-26 Yeast-97 Yeast-24 Yeast-27 Yeast-75 Lactobacillus-100 Yeast-56 Lactobacillus-44 1409, -2049
Yeast-96 Mold-71 Mold-15 Yeast-74 Yeast-83 Lactobacillus-28 Yeast-73 Mold-7 Lactobacillus-85 Yeast-81 Yeast-11 Yeast-91 Lactobacillus-21 Yeast-8 Lactobacillus-53 Mold-39 Mold-87 Lactobacillus-60 Yeast-49 Yeast-88 Lactobacillus-5 Lactobacillus-45 Acetobacter-30 1535, -2047
Yeast-48 Mold-79 Yeast-59 Yeast-27 Yeast-58 Lactobacillus-21 Yeast-67 Lactobacillus-76 Lactobacillus-20 Yeast-50 Acetobacter-62 Yeast-88 Yeast-33 Yeast-97 Lactobacillus-29 Acetobacter-38 Yeast-90 Yeast-75 Lactobacillus-28 Mold-71 Lactobacillus-4 Yeast-9 Mold-15 Acetobacter-70 Lactobacillus-44 Yeast-96 Yeast-80 Yeast-40 Acetobacter-30 Lactobacillus-12 Yeast-64 1535, -2049
Lactobacillus-20 Yeast-82 Lactobacillus-52 Yeast-43 Yeast-17 Lactobacillus-85 Mold-39 Yeast-34 Acetobacter-86 Lactobacillus-68 Acetobacter-30 Mold-87 Acetobacter-94 Lactobacillus-77 Lactobacillus-21 Acetobacter-38 Acetobacter-70 Yeast-19 Yeast-64 Yeast-10 Mold-23 Yeast-96 Lactobacillus-44 Yeast-56 Yeast-91 Mold-79 Lactobacillus-37 Yeast-66 1537, -2047
Acetobacter-86 Yeast-25 Yeast-50 Yeast-97 Yeast-41 Yeast-40 Yeast-58 Lactobacillus-93 Acetobacter-38 Yeast-8 Acetobacter-70 Yeast-96 Yeast-32 Lactobacillus-85 Acetobacter-6 Yeast-10 Lactobacillus-37 Yeast-16 Yeast-11 Lactobacillus-5 Yeast-3 Lactobacillus-29 Yeast-17 Yeast-48 Yeast-80 Yeast-1 1537, -2049
Lactobacillus-61 Yeast-98 Yeast-65 Lactobacillus-20 Lactobacillus-4 Yeast-35 Yeast-80 Yeast-83 Yeast-99 Lactobacillus-77 Lactobacillus-68 Yeast-66 Yeast-67 Mold-31 Lactobacillus-84 Lactobacillus-53 Acetobacter-94 Mold-47 Yeast-25 Mold-23 1409, -2817
Lactobacillus-85 Yeast-24 Yeast-17 Lactobacillus-60 Lactobacillus-84 Lactobacillus-61 Yeast-18 Yeast-51 Yeast-41 Acetobacter-38 Yeast-73 Yeast-26 Mold-39 Lactobacillus-21 Yeast-10 Yeast-42 Yeast-64 1409, -2815
Lactobacillus-85 Lactobacillus-76 Yeast-99 Lactobacillus-60 Yeast-51 Acetobacter-38 Yeast-26 Yeast-17 Lactobacillus-84 Yeast-89 Lactobacillus-69 Mold-39 Yeast-66 Acetobacter-94 Yeast-73 Yeast-58 Yeast-56 Lactobacillus-5 Yeast-24 Yeast-65 Acetobacter-62 Yeast-59 Lactobacillus-93 Lactobacillus-12 Yeast-18 Mold-95 Acetobacter-22 1407, -2815
Mold-71 Yeast-25 Yeast-58 Yeast-98 Yeast-99 Lactobacillus-77 Mold-23 Yeast-43 Lactobacillus-4 Acetobacter-86 Lactobacillus-45 Lactobacillus-61 Yeast-66 Yeast-1 Yeast-72 Yeast-17 Yeast-48 Lactobacillus-68 Yeast-83 Yeast-67 1407, -2817
Lactobacillus-61 Yeast-35 Mold-95 Mold-87 Yeast-25 Yeast-67 Lactobacillus-92 Acetobacter-94 Yeast-56 Lactobacillus-21 Yeast-51 Yeast-58 Acetobacter-86 Acetobacter-78 Yeast-96 Mold-79 Lactobacillus-20 Lactobacillus-36 Lactobacillus-4 Yeast-16 Yeast-43 Yeast-59 Yeast-98 Lactobacillus-77 1281, -2817
Lactobacillus-85 Lactobacillus-5 Acetobacter-62 Yeast-58 Yeast-50 Yeast-17 Yeast-59 Mold-95 Yeast-1 Yeast-65 Yeast-10 Lactobacillus-45 Acetobacter-94 Yeast-2 Yeast-66 Lactobacillus-76 Lactobacillus-36 Lactobacillus-61 Acetobacter-6 Yeast-91 Yeast-73 Yeast-26 Yeast-51 Mold-7 Yeast-24 Yeast-34 Yeast-33 Yeast-19 Mold-87 Yeast-99 Lactobacillus-12 Yeast-56 Mold-39 Mold-47 1281, -2815
Yeast-96 Acetobacter-86 Yeast-42 Acetobacter-78 Yeast-25 Lactobacillus-4 Lactobacillus-45 Yeast-51 Acetobacter-46 Lactobacillus-68 Yeast-88 Yeast-97 Yeast-75 Lactobacillus-36 Yeast-91 Yeast-35 Yeast-57 Mold-15 Lactobacillus-92 Lactobacillus-29 Lactobacillus-76 Lactobacillus-61 Yeast-16 Lactobacillus-93 Yeast-10 Mold-71 Mold-47 1279, -2815
Lactobacillus-37 Lactobacillus-29 Yeast-34 Yeast-59 Yeast-35 Acetobacter-62 Yeast-49 Yeast-42 Mold-63 Lactobacillus-21 Yeast-51 Lactobacillus-20 Yeast-90 Acetobacter-30 Lactobacillus-92 Yeast-73 Yeast-41 Mold-95 Yeast-24 Lactobacillus-93 Acetobacter-22 Yeast-43 Yeast-74 Acetobacter-94 Yeast-50 Yeast-98 Yeast-11 Lactobacillus-36 Acetobacter-46 Mold-15 Lactobacillus-12 Lactobacillus-60 Yeast-72 Yeast-48 Lactobacillus-61 Yeast-65 1279, -2817
Yeast-73 Mold-63 Lactobacillus-45 Mold-15 Yeast-48 Yeast-88 Yeast-43 Lactobacillus-44 Acetobacter-78 Yeast-18 Lactobacillus-61 Yeast-91 Lactobacillus-20 Lactobacillus-85 Yeast-34 Yeast-96 Acetobacter-62 Yeast-35 1153, -2817
Lactobacillus-61 Yeast-51 Lactobacillus-68 Lactobacillus-60 Yeast-26 Mold-15 Lactobacillus-36 Acetobacter-78 Mold-87 Lactobacillus-5 Yeast-81 Acetobacter-86 Acetobacter-22 Mold-79 Lactobacillus-92 Mold-31 Yeast-83 Lactobacillus-85 Lactobacillus-20 Yeast-42 Lactobacillus-69 Yeast-67 1153, -2815
Lactobacillus-61 Lactobacillus-68 Yeast-82 Yeast-51 Lactobacillus-29 Lactobacillus-85 Yeast-91 Yeast-80 Lactobacillus-36 Yeast-24 Lactobacillus-69 Lactobacillus-20 Yeast-17 Acetobacter-86 Lactobacillus-76 1151, -2815
Yeast-73 Acetobacter-78 Mold-7 Lactobacillus-37 Acetobacter-62 Lactobacillus-61 Lactobacillus-76 Lactobacillus-93 Yeast-81 Yeast-82 Lactobacillus-44 Yeast-18 Yeast-98 Yeast-8 Mold-31 Yeast-49 Yeast-88 Lactobacillus-20 Yeast-43 Mold-15 Mold-47 Yeast-11 Acetobacter-54 1151, -2817
Yeast-91 Lactobacillus-12 Yeast-25 Yeast-72 Mold-55 Yeast-42 Yeast-18 Yeast-98 Yeast-9 Yeast-56 Mold-63 Yeast-3 Yeast-83 Lactobacillus-93 607, -1697
Yeast-91 Mold-55 Yeast-42 Yeast-25 Yeast-72 Yeast-34 Mold-63 Lactobacillus-12 Acetobacter-62 Yeast-18 Yeast-56 Lactobacillus-93 Yeast-83 Yeast-3 Acetobacter-86 Yeast-9 Yeast-2 608, -1734
Yeast-42 Acetobacter-94 Yeast-98 Yeast-48 Yeast-18 Lactobacillus-93 Yeast-51 Yeast-91 Yeast-56 Yeast-72 Yeast-3 Yeast-83 Yeast-64 Lactobacillus-21 Yeast-88 Lactobacillus-13 Mold-47 641, -1721
Yeast-42 Yeast-98 Acetobacter-94 Lactobacillus-93 Yeast-72 Yeast-48 Yeast-56 Yeast-18 Yeast-83 Yeast-3 Yeast-91 Yeast-51 Mold-55 Lactobacillus-21 Yeast-64 Yeast-88 Lactobacillus-13 Acetobacter-46 641, -1714
Yeast-72 Mold-55 Lactobacillus-77 Yeast-98 Lactobacillus-93 Lactobacillus-12 Yeast-42 Lactobacillus-21 Yeast-26 Yeast-3 Yeast-48 Yeast-83 Yeast-58 Yeast-97 Acetobacter-94 Yeast-35 641, -1665
Acetobacter-94 Mold-63 Yeast-48 Yeast-25 Yeast-83 Yeast-42 Acetobacter-86 Mold-87 Lactobacillus-92 Yeast-9 Yeast-26 Yeast-74 Yeast-72 Lactobacillus-4 Acetobacter-14 Lactobacillus-93 641, -1663
Yeast-72 Yeast-42 Yeast-3 Yeast-74 Yeast-26 Acetobacter-94 Mold-47 Lactobacillus-20 Yeast-96 Yeast-27 Yeast-9 Yeast-83 Yeast-19 Yeast-91 Mold-87 Mold-39 Yeast-56 Yeast-48 Yeast-8 Lactobacillus-69 Acetobacter-86 Mold-55 639, -1663
Yeast-18 Yeast-42 Yeast-91 Yeast-72 Lactobacillus-12 Lactobacillus-77 Yeast-11 Yeast-83 Yeast-56 Mold-55 Acetobacter-86 Yeast-26 Lactobacillus-28 Yeast-25 Yeast-98 Yeast-99 Acetobacter-94 639, -1665
Yeast-18 Yeast-42 Lactobacillus-93 Yeast-10 Acetobacter-62 Yeast-56 Yeast-91 Yeast-51 Acetobacter-94 Lactobacillus-21 Yeast-83 Acetobacter-86 Yeast-3 Mold-55 Acetobacter-22 Yeast-98 Mold-63 Yeast-48 641, -1791
Lactobacillus-93 Acetobacter-62 Yeast-91 Mold-55 Yeast-34 Yeast-18 Yeast-98 Mold-63 Yeast-42 Mold-31 Yeast-83 Yeast-96 Yeast-3 Mold-39 Acetobacter-94 Yeast-33 Yeast-56 Yeast-81 Yeast-51 Mold-47 Yeast-89 Yeast-2 Lactobacillus-100 Yeast-26 Yeast-99 Yeast-67 Yeast-9 639, -1791
Yeast-2 Lactobacillus-53 Lactobacillus-20 Yeast-24 Yeast-99 Yeast-98 Yeast-19 Lactobacillus-44 Yeast-91 Lactobacillus-5 Yeast-11 Yeast-82 Yeast-49 Acetobacter-78 Lactobacillus-52 Yeast-81 Yeast-10 Yeast-33 Yeast-64 Acetobacter-54 Mold-63 639, -1793
Yeast-2 Yeast-98 Yeast-33 Lactobacillus-53 Acetobacter-54 Mold-7 Mold-15 Yeast-91 Lactobacillus-68 Mold-63 Yeast-19 Yeast-17 Yeast-74 Yeast-24 Yeast-66 Lactobacillus-5 Yeast-9 Yeast-49 Yeast-8 Yeast-99 Mold-47 Yeast-64 Lactobacillus-36 Yeast-10 Yeast-88 Yeast-26 Lactobacillus-20 641, -1793
Yeast-27 Yeast-83 Yeast-26 Mold-47 Mold-55 Yeast-18 Yeast-66 Yeast-58 Acetobacter-94 Yeast-48 Lactobacillus-5 Yeast-11 Yeast-97 Yeast-9 Yeast-8 Yeast-73 Yeast-3 Acetobacter-14 Lactobacillus-13 Yeast-41 Yeast-1 Acetobacter-78 Lactobacillus-20 Lactobacillus-28 Yeast-65 Yeast-49 Acetobacter-46 513, -1537
Lactobacillus-68 Yeast-41 Yeast-17 Yeast-90 Yeast-49 Acetobacter-70 Acetobacter-46 Yeast-98 Mold-55 Acetobacter-94 Yeast-89 Acetobacter-86 Lactobacillus-20 Acetobacter-14 Mold-63 Yeast-72 Lactobacillus-84 Yeast-97 Yeast-33 Yeast-99 Lactobacillus-5 Yeast-32 Yeast-1 Lactobacillus-76 Lactobacillus-93 Acetobacter-62 Yeast-48 Yeast-34 Lactobacillus-28 Lactobacillus-52 513, -1535
Mold-15 Yeast-19 Yeast-59 Yeast-58 Acetobacter-22 Yeast-90 Yeast-89 Yeast-72 Lactobacillus-4 Lactobacillus-77 Lactobacillus-21 Acetobacter-86 Yeast-67 Lactobacillus-37 Mold-63 Lactobacillus-52 Yeast-64 Yeast-42 Yeast-32 Lactobacillus-76 Yeast-1 Mold-39 Mold-95 Yeast-34 Lactobacillus-100 Lactobacillus-93 Yeast-33 Mold-71 Yeast-40 Yeast-25 Mold-47 Acetobacter-70 Yeast-96 511, -1535
Acetobacter-22 Yeast-25 Yeast-24 Yeast-35 Lactobacillus-12 Yeast-18 Mold-79 Acetobacter-70 Lactobacillus-45 Mold-63 Mold-55 Yeast-66 Mold-71 Yeast-17 Yeast-67 Mold-23 Acetobacter-94 Lactobacillus-21 Yeast-48 Lactobacillus-92 Lactobacillus-37 Yeast-2 Lactobacillus-84 Lactobacillus-69 Lactobacillus-4 Acetobacter-62 Yeast-74 511, -1537
Yeast-24 Mold-79 Lactobacillus-37 Acetobacter-22 Yeast-74 Acetobacter-70 Lactobacillus-12 Yeast-35 Mold-23 Yeast-25 Mold-71 Mold-55 Lactobacillus-21 Yeast-66 Yeast-65 Lactobacillus-20 Lactobacillus-45 Yeast-32 Yeast-89 Yeast-17 511, -1663
Yeast-48 Yeast-26 Yeast-72 Acetobacter-86 Yeast-42 Mold-47 Mold-63 Mold-55 Yeast-3 Lactobacillus-93 Yeast-34 Yeast-83 Lactobacillus-4 Yeast-27 Yeast-51 Yeast-97 Acetobacter-94 Lactobacillus-5 Yeast-33 Yeast-66 Yeast-8 Yeast-41 Yeast-74 Yeast-17 Yeast-9 Mold-31 Lactobacillus-77 Yeast-11 Yeast-18 513, -1663
Mold-63 Yeast-25 Lactobacillus-12 Lactobacillus-93 Yeast-42 Yeast-8 Yeast-48 Mold-39 Yeast-9 Yeast-26 Yeast-91 Yeast-89 Yeast-3 Yeast-11 Acetobacter-62 Yeast-58 Yeast-74 Mold-55 Lactobacillus-4 Acetobacter-94 Lactobacillus-60 Acetobacter-78 Mold-79 Yeast-72 Yeast-1 513, -1665
Lactobacillus-45 Lactobacillus-21 Yeast-89 Yeast-91 Acetobacter-6 Mold-79 Lactobacillus-12 Acetobacter-70 Yeast-65 Yeast-35 Acetobacter-22 Yeast-74 Yeast-17 Yeast-25 Yeast-51 Yeast-40 Acetobacter-86 Yeast-16 Yeast-32 Lactobacillus-37 Mold-23 Lactobacillus-60 Yeast-66 Yeast-9 Lactobacillus-5 Yeast-24 Yeast-26 Mold-95 511, -1665
Lactobacillus-93 Acetobacter-70 Lactobacillus-21 Yeast-3 Acetobacter-22 Acetobacter-86 Yeast-24 Yeast-66 Yeast-96 Yeast-72 Yeast-65 Yeast-59 Lactobacillus-20 Yeast-80 Lactobacillus-37 Yeast-35 Lactobacillus-52 Yeast-9 Yeast-89 Lactobacillus-12 Yeast-17 Yeast-11 511, -1791
Acetobacter-62 Yeast-64 Yeast-72 Yeast-3 Yeast-56 Yeast-34 Yeast-17 Yeast-90 Mold-23 Yeast-58 Lactobacillus-4 Yeast-25 Yeast-96 Mold-55 Yeast-10 Acetobacter-94 Yeast-50 Yeast-67 Lactobacillus-93 Yeast-48 Yeast-91 Lactobacillus-44 Mold-31 Yeast-18 Acetobacter-70 Yeast-8 Yeast-16 Yeast-26 Lactobacillus-100 Lactobacillus-52 Yeast-9 Lactobacillus-12 513, -1791
Yeast-10 Lactobacillus-44 Acetobacter-86 Yeast-42 Yeast-24 Yeast-17 Mold-47 Yeast-91 Yeast-75 Yeast-88 Yeast-48 Yeast-82 Mold-7 Yeast-97 Yeast-19 Yeast-32 Yeast-11 Lactobacillus-53 Yeast-64 Yeast-35 Mold-23 Lactobacillus-68 Yeast-1 Acetobacter-54 Lactobacillus-69 Acetobacter-94 Yeast-98 Lactobacillus-5 Yeast-99 Yeast-26 513, -1793
Lactobacillus-37 Mold-39 Lactobacillus-44 Yeast-41 Acetobacter-46 Lactobacillus-84 Lactobacillus-53 Lactobacillus-100 Acetobacter-14 Yeast-50 Yeast-90 Yeast-19 Yeast-49 Yeast-25 Yeast-99 Acetobacter-78 Lactobacillus-85 Acetobacter-54 Mold-95 Acetobacter-62 Yeast-51 Yeast-43 Yeast-88 Yeast-56 Yeast-59 Yeast-26 Yeast-97 Lactobacillus-4 Yeast-73 Mold-7 Yeast-72 Yeast-65 Yeast-67 Lactobacillus-52 Yeast-18 Yeast-27 511, -1793
Lactobacillus-85 Yeast-19 Yeast-97 Acetobacter-70 Yeast-73 Mold-23 Yeast-40 Yeast-3 Acetobacter-22 Lactobacillus-20 Yeast-35 Lactobacillus-52 Mold-71 Lactobacillus-36 Yeast-80 1153, -2049
Yeast-65 Yeast-64 Acetobacter-6 Lactobacillus-29 Yeast-51 Lactobacillus-36 Yeast-97 Yeast-73 Yeast-91 Yeast-40 Yeast-35 Yeast-19 Acetobacter-30 Yeast-57 Yeast-74 Yeast-98 Yeast-90 Yeast-83 1151, -2049
Yeast-11 Yeast-16 Mold-63 Lactobacillus-69 Mold-47 Yeast-57 Yeast-42 Yeast-26 Yeast-65 Mold-31 Lactobacillus-29 Lactobacillus-36 Lactobacillus-21 Yeast-8 Yeast-96 Yeast-75 Yeast-10 1151, -2047
Yeast-96 Yeast-41 Yeast-42 Yeast-26 Yeast-64 Yeast-11 Yeast-50 Yeast-9 Yeast-65 Lactobacillus-28 Lactobacillus-4 Yeast-75 Yeast-17 Yeast-3 Yeast-90 Yeast-2 Yeast-57 Lactobacillus-37 Yeast-91 Yeast-1 1153, -2047
Yeast-3 Lactobacillus-45 Yeast-11 Yeast-1 Mold-7 Lactobacillus-60 Lactobacillus-28 Acetobacter-70 Yeast-42 Mold-63 Lactobacillus-69 Yeast-57 Yeast-91 Lactobacillus-77 Yeast-65 Lactobacillus-12 Yeast-10 Yeast-83 Lactobacillus-29 Yeast-41 Acetobacter-46 Mold-31 Lactobacillus-36 Acetobacter-78 Mold-95 1025, -2047
Mold-87 Yeast-11 Yeast-97 Lactobacillus-69 Acetobacter-54 Lactobacillus-68 Yeast-27 Yeast-73 Yeast-51 Yeast-48 Yeast-9 Lactobacillus-84 Yeast-74 Lactobacillus-92 Lactobacillus-20 Lactobacillus-21 Yeast-75 Lactobacillus-36 Lactobacillus-53 Mold-7 Lactobacillus-13 Mold-15 Lactobacillus-93 Yeast-24 Mold-47 Yeast-19 Yeast-82 Lactobacillus-100 Acetobacter-46 1023, -2047
Yeast-3 Yeast-19 Lactobacillus-60 Yeast-83 Yeast-49 Yeast-96 Mold-71 Lactobacillus-21 Yeast-50 Lactobacillus-12 Yeast-40 Lactobacillus-53 Lactobacillus-85 Yeast-66 Yeast-81 Yeast-98 Lactobacillus-36 Lactobacillus-44 Yeast-97 Yeast-73 Lactobacillus-93 Mold-79 Yeast-18 Mold-39 Yeast-99 Acetobacter-70 Mold-63 Yeast-8 1025, -2049
Mold-39 Yeast-96 Mold-79 Mold-95 Yeast-48 Yeast-82 Yeast-97 Lactobacillus-12 Lactobacillus-5 Acetobacter-78 Lactobacillus-77 Lactobacillus-61 Yeast-10 Yeast-80 Yeast-24 Yeast-73 Lactobacillus-28 Lactobacillus-68 Yeast-89 Mold-63 Yeast-2 Yeast-66 Yeast-74 Lactobacillus-29 Yeast-18 Yeast-8 Mold-55 Yeast-50 Acetobacter-22 Yeast-59 Acetobacter-86 1023, -2049
Lactobacillus-21 Lactobacillus-76 Yeast-51 Lactobacillus-93 Yeast-73 Lactobacillus-85 Lactobacillus-20 Lactobacillus-60 Lactobacillus-69 Yeast-97 Yeast-89 Mold-71 Yeast-17 Mold-39 Yeast-41 Yeast-16 Mold-7 Mold-15 1023, -1921
Yeast-75 Lactobacillus-93 Lactobacillus-20 Yeast-89 Mold-15 Yeast-51 Lactobacillus-21 Yeast-73 Lactobacillus-4 Lactobacillus-60 Lactobacillus-13 Yeast-97 Lactobacillus-29 Yeast-16 Lactobacillus-76 Lactobacillus-69 Yeast-83 Yeast-59 Mold-39 Yeast-33 Lactobacillus-85 1023, -1919
Mold-63 Yeast-83 Yeast-8 Yeast-11 Lactobacillus-12 Lactobacillus-4 Yeast-3 Lactobacillus-69 Acetobacter-38 Yeast-58 Acetobacter-62 Yeast-10 Acetobacter-46 Lactobacillus-92 Yeast-65 Yeast-41 Mold-15 Mold-95 Mold-31 Yeast-35 Mold-39 1025, -1919
Lactobacillus-4 Yeast-83 Mold-55 Mold-71 Acetobacter-94 Yeast-56 Lactobacillus-69 Yeast-10 Yeast-65 Mold-15 Acetobacter-62 Acetobacter-6 Acetobacter-14 Yeast-96 1025, -1921
Yeast-96 Yeast-1 Mold-31 Yeast-42 Yeast-9 Yeast-18 Yeast-81 Yeast-16 Acetobacter-70 Mold-15 Mold-7 Lactobacillus-21 Yeast-83 Mold-47 Lactobacillus-100 Mold-63 Mold-71 Lactobacillus-12 Yeast-11 Lactobacillus-28 1153, -1919
Yeast-42 Lactobacillus-12 Yeast-11 Acetobacter-62 Yeast-98 Lactobacillus-37 Yeast-16 Yeast-75 Yeast-88 Yeast-83 Mold-71 Yeast-96 Mold-39 Yeast-97 Lactobacillus-28 Lactobacillus-69 Yeast-9 Yeast-10 Acetobacter-94 1151, -1919
Yeast-96 Yeast-1 Lactobacillus-28 Acetobacter-46 Lactobacillus-37 Mold-63 Lactobacillus-69 Yeast-81 Yeast-11 Yeast-16 Yeast-9 Lactobacillus-12 Lactobacillus-92 Yeast-10 Acetobacter-70 Acetobacter-6 Yeast-17 Mold-71 Lactobacillus-44 1153, -1921
Lactobacillus-69 Yeast-1 Yeast-10 Lactobacillus-12 Yeast-58 Yeast-42 Yeast-73 Acetobacter-6 Mold-39 Acetobacter-94 Yeast-75 Yeast-11 Lactobacillus-100 Acetobacter-78 1151, -1921
Yeast-11 Yeast-16 Yeast-73 Yeast-90 Mold-15 Yeast-91 Yeast-65 Acetobacter-46 Lactobacillus-69 Mold-55 Yeast-89 Lactobacillus-28 Mold-31 Mold-71 1409, -1919
Yeast-11 Mold-7 Yeast-73 Acetobacter-46 Acetobacter-6 Yeast-91 Mold-55 Yeast-81 Mold-79 Lactobacillus-13 Acetobacter-38 1409, -1921
Yeast-11 Yeast-57 Mold-7 Yeast-83 Yeast-90 Lactobacillus-36 Yeast-67 Acetobacter-22 Mold-55 Yeast-73 Acetobacter-70 Mold-31 Yeast-65 Yeast-96 Yeast-26 Acetobacter-46 1407, -1921
Acetobacter-46 Yeast-51 Yeast-96 Yeast-41 Yeast-73 Yeast-65 Yeast-33 Yeast-57 Yeast-50 Mold-87 Lactobacillus-28 Mold-71 Yeast-27 Lactobacillus-52 Lactobacillus-85 Acetobacter-6 Lactobacillus-69 Lactobacillus-13 1407, -1919
Yeast-11 Acetobacter-6 Yeast-98 Yeast-73 Mold-79 Yeast-99 Acetobacter-62 Lactobacillus-37 Yeast-50 Lactobacillus-52 Yeast-90 Yeast-51 Lactobacillus-68 Mold-23 Mold-7 Yeast-33 Yeast-65 Mold-31 Acetobacter-46 Yeast-27 Yeast-26 Yeast-67 Lactobacillus-93 Yeast-58 Yeast-48 Mold-55 1281, -1919
Yeast-75 Yeast-9 Lactobacillus-21 Yeast-64 Yeast-1 Yeast-96 Yeast-11 Lactobacillus-37 Lactobacillus-4 Yeast-43 Yeast-97 Lactobacillus-29 Mold-47 Yeast-2 Mold-39 Lactobacillus-100 Lactobacillus-12 Lactobacillus-44 Yeast-81 Yeast-42 Mold-71 Yeast-50 Acetobacter-86 Yeast-8 1279, -1919
Yeast-96 Lactobacillus-37 Lactobacillus-29 Yeast-1 Yeast-11 Yeast-64 Lactobacillus-21 Mold-71 Lactobacillus-28 Yeast-50 Lactobacillus-12 Yeast-32 Yeast-2 Yeast-75 Yeast-42 Mold-7 Yeast-9 Yeast-18 Acetobacter-78 Yeast-97 Mold-39 Yeast-81 Acetobacter-86 Lactobacillus-100 Yeast-16 Yeast-43 1279, -1921
Yeast-27 Yeast-11 Yeast-90 Mold-7 Mold-15 Yeast-50 Lactobacillus-93 Lactobacillus-84 Acetobacter-6 Lactobacillus-13 Mold-79 Yeast-73 Yeast-83 Lactobacillus-37 Yeast-57 Yeast-91 Acetobacter-46 Mold-31 Lactobacillus-61 Yeast-1 Yeast-97 Yeast-74 Lactobacillus-69 1281, -1921
Yeast-18 Mold-71 Yeast-81 Mold-39 Acetobacter-22 Yeast-91 Acetobacter-30 Lactobacillus-85 Mold-7 Yeast-73 Yeast-3 Yeast-50 Yeast-96 Yeast-58 Yeast-83 Mold-79 Acetobacter-46 Yeast-8 Yeast-1 Lactobacillus-5 Yeast-11 Lactobacillus-21 Yeast-49 Mold-31 Yeast-51 1409, -2046
Mold-71 Yeast-18 Yeast-81 Mold-39 Acetobacter-22 Yeast-91 Acetobacter-30 Lactobacillus-85 Mold-7 Yeast-73 Yeast-3 Yeast-96 Yeast-50 Yeast-58 Yeast-83 Mold-79 Acetobacter-46 Yeast-8 Lactobacillus-5 Yeast-1 Yeast-11 Lactobacillus-21 Yeast-49 Mold-31 Yeast-51 1410, -2046
Mold-71 Yeast-18 Yeast-81 Mold-39 Acetobacter-22 Yeast-91 Acetobacter-30 Lactobacillus-85 Mold-7 Yeast-73 Yeast-3 Yeast-50 Yeast-96 Yeast-58 Yeast-83 Mold-79 Acetobacter-46 Yeast-8 Lactobacillus-5 Yeast-1 Yeast-11 Lactobacillus-21 Yeast-49 Mold-31 1410, -2047
Mold-71 Yeast-18 Yeast-81 Mold-39 Acetobacter-22 Yeast-91 Acetobacter-30 Lactobacillus-85 Mold-7 Yeast-73 Yeast-3 Yeast-96 Yeast-58 Yeast-50 Yeast-83 Mold-79 Acetobacter-46 Yeast-8 Lactobacillus-5 Yeast-1 Yeast-11 Lactobacillus-21 Yeast-49 Mold-31 1411, -2046
Mold-71 Yeast-18 Yeast-81 Mold-39 Acetobacter-22 Acetobacter-30 Yeast-91 Lactobacillus-85 Mold-7 Yeast-73 Yeast-3 Yeast-96 Yeast-50 Yeast-58 Mold-79 Yeast-83 Acetobacter-46 Yeast-8 Lactobacillus-5 Yeast-1 Yeast-11 Lactobacillus-21 Yeast-49 Mold-31 1411, -2047
Mold-71 Yeast-18 Yeast-81 Mold-39 Acetobacter-22 Acetobacter-30 Yeast-91 Lactobacillus-85 Mold-7 Yeast-73 Yeast-3 Yeast-96 Yeast-50 Yeast-58 Yeast-83 Mold-79 Yeast-8 Acetobacter-46 Lactobacillus-5 Yeast-1 Yeast-11 Lactobacillus-21 Yeast-49 Mold-31 1412, -2047
Mold-71 Yeast-18 Yeast-81 Mold-39 Yeast-91 Acetobacter-22 Acetobacter-30 Lactobacillus-85 Mold-7 Yeast-73 Yeast-3 Yeast-96 Yeast-58 Yeast-50 Yeast-83 Mold-79 Yeast-8 Acetobacter-46 Lactobacillus-5 Yeast-1 Yeast-11 Lactobacillus-21 Yeast-49 Mold-31 1412, -2046
Mold-71 Yeast-18 Yeast-81 Mold-39 Yeast-91 Acetobacter-22 Acetobacter-30 Lactobacillus-85 Mold-7 Yeast-73 Yeast-3 Yeast-96 Yeast-58 Yeast-50 Yeast-83 Acetobacter-46 Mold-79 Yeast-8 Lactobacillus-5 Yeast-11 Yeast-1 Lactobacillus-21 Yeast-49 Mold-31 1412, -2045
Mold-71 Yeast-18 Yeast-81 Mold-39 Acetobacter-22 Yeast-91 Acetobacter-30 Lactobacillus-85 Mold-7 Yeast-73 Yeast-3 Yeast-96 Yeast-58 Yeast-50 Yeast-83 Mold-79 Acetobacter-46 Yeast-8 Lactobacillus-5 Yeast-1 Yeast-11 Lactobacillus-21 Yeast-49 Mold-31 1411, -2045
Mold-71 Yeast-18 Yeast-81 Mold-39 Yeast-91 Acetobacter-22 Acetobacter-30 Lactobacillus-85 Mold-7 Yeast-73 Yeast-3 Yeast-96 Yeast-50 Yeast-58 Yeast-83 Mold-79 Acetobacter-46 Yeast-8 Lactobacillus-5 Yeast-1 Yeast-11 Lactobacillus-21 Yeast-49 Mold-31 Yeast-51 1410, -2045
Mold-71 Yeast-18 Yeast-81 Mold-39 Acetobacter-22 Yeast-91 Acetobacter-30 Lactobacillus-85 Mold-7 Yeast-73 Yeast-3 Yeast-96 Yeast-50 Yeast-58 Yeast-83 Mold-79 Acetobacter-46 Yeast-8 Lactobacillus-5 Yeast-1 Yeast-11 Lactobacillus-21 Yeast-49 Mold-31 Yeast-51 1409, -2045
Mold-71 Yeast-18 Yeast-81 Mold-39 Acetobacter-22 Yeast-91 Acetobacter-30 Mold-7 Lactobacillus-85 Yeast-73 Yeast-3 Yeast-50 Yeast-96 Yeast-58 Yeast-83 Mold-79 Acetobacter-46 Yeast-8 Lactobacillus-5 Yeast-1 Yeast-11 Lactobacillus-21 Yeast-49 Mold-31 Yeast-51 1409, -2044
Mold-71 Yeast-18 Yeast-81 Mold-39 Yeast-91 Acetobacter-22 Mold-7 Acetobacter-30 Lactobacillus-85 Yeast-73 Yeast-3 Yeast-96 Yeast-58 Yeast-50 Yeast-83 Mold-79 Acetobacter-46 Yeast-8 Lactobacillus-5 Yeast-11 Yeast-1 Lactobacillus-21 Yeast-49 Mold-31 Yeast-51 1409, -2043
Mold-71 Yeast-18 Yeast-81 Yeast-91 Mold-39 Acetobacter-22 Mold-7 Acetobacter-30 Lactobacillus-85 Yeast-73 Yeast-3 Yeast-96 Yeast-50 Yeast-58 Yeast-83 Acetobacter-46 Mold-79 Yeast-8 Yeast-11 Lactobacillus-5 Yeast-1 Lactobacillus-21 Yeast-49 Mold-31 Yeast-51 1409, -2042
Mold-71 Yeast-18 Yeast-81 Mold-39 Yeast-91 Acetobacter-22 Acetobacter-30 Mold-7 Lactobacillus-85 Yeast-73 Yeast-3 Yeast-96 Yeast-58 Yeast-50 Yeast-83 Mold-79 Acetobacter-46 Yeast-8 Lactobacillus-5 Yeast-1 Yeast-11 Lactobacillus-21 Yeast-49 Mold-31 Yeast-51 1410, -2044
Mold-71 Yeast-18 Yeast-81 Yeast-91 Mold-39 Acetobacter-22 Mold-7 Acetobacter-30 Lactobacillus-85 Yeast-73 Yeast-3 Yeast-96 Yeast-58 Yeast-50 Yeast-83 Mold-79 Acetobacter-46 Yeast-8 Lactobacillus-5 Yeast-11 Yeast-1 Lactobacillus-21 Yeast-49 Mold-31 Yeast-51 1410, -2043
Mold-71 Yeast-18 Yeast-81 Yeast-91 Mold-39 Acetobacter-22 Mold-7 Acetobacter-30 Lactobacillus-85 Yeast-73 Yeast-3 Yeast-96 Yeast-58 Yeast-50 Yeast-83 Acetobacter-46 Mold-79 Yeast-8 Yeast-11 Lactobacillus-5 Yeast-1 Lactobacillus-21 Yeast-49 Yeast-51 Mold-31 1410, -2042
Mold-71 Yeast-18 Yeast-81 Yeast-91 Mold-39 Acetobacter-22 Mold-7 Acetobacter-30 Lactobacillus-85 Yeast-73 Yeast-3 Yeast-96 Yeast-58 Yeast-50 Yeast-83 Acetobacter-46 Mold-79 Yeast-8 Yeast-11 Lactobacillus-5 Yeast-1 Lactobacillus-21 Yeast-49 Yeast-51 1411, -2042
Mold-71 Yeast-18 Yeast-81 Yeast-91 Mold-39 Acetobacter-22 Mold-7 Acetobacter-30 Lactobacillus-85 Yeast-73 Yeast-3 Yeast-96 Yeast-58 Yeast-50 Yeast-83 Mold-79 Acetobacter-46 Yeast-8 Lactobacillus-5 Yeast-11 Yeast-1 Lactobacillus-21 Yeast-49 Mold-31 Yeast-51 1411, -2043
Mold-71 Yeast-18 Yeast-81 Mold-39 Yeast-91 Acetobacter-22 Acetobacter-30 Mold-7 Lactobacillus-85 Yeast-73 Yeast-3 Yeast-96 Yeast-58 Yeast-50 Yeast-83 Acetobacter-46 Mold-79 Yeast-8 Lactobacillus-5 Yeast-11 Yeast-1 Lactobacillus-21 Yeast-49 Mold-31 1411, -2044
Mold-71 Yeast-18 Yeast-81 Mold-39 Yeast-91 Acetobacter-22 Acetobacter-30 Mold-7 Lactobacillus-85 Yeast-73 Yeast-3 Yeast-96 Yeast-58 Yeast-50 Yeast-83 Acetobacter-46 Mold-79 Yeast-8 Lactobacillus-5 Yeast-11 Yeast-1 Lactobacillus-21 Yeast-49 Mold-31 1412, -2044
Mold-71 Yeast-18 Yeast-81 Yeast-91 Mold-39 Acetobacter-22 Mold-7 Acetobacter-30 Lactobacillus-85 Yeast-73 Yeast-3 Yeast-96 Yeast-58 Yeast-50 Yeast-83 Acetobacter-46 Mold-79 Yeast-8 Yeast-11 Lactobacillus-5 Lactobacillus-21 Yeast-1 Yeast-49 1412, -2043
Mold-71 Yeast-18 Yeast-81 Yeast-91 Mold-39 Acetobacter-22 Mold-7 Acetobacter-30 Lactobacillus-85 Yeast-73 Yeast-3 Yeast-96 Yeast-58 Yeast-50 Yeast-83 Acetobacter-46 Mold-79 Yeast-8 Yeast-11 Lactobacillus-5 Lactobacillus-21 Yeast-1 Yeast-49 1412, -2042
Yeast-58 Acetobacter-30 Yeast-48 Yeast-96 Lactobacillus-20 Yeast-50 Lactobacillus-76 Mold-71 Yeast-89 Yeast-18 Lactobacillus-92 Mold-79 Mold-39 Lactobacillus-21 Yeast-26 Yeast-97 Yeast-24 Yeast-27 Yeast-75 Lactobacillus-100 Yeast-56 Lactobacillus-44 1408, -2050
Yeast-58 Acetobacter-30 Yeast-48 Yeast-96 Lactobacillus-20 Yeast-50 Lactobacillus-76 Mold-71 Yeast-89 Yeast-18 Lactobacillus-92 Mold-79 Lactobacillus-21 Mold-39 Yeast-26 Yeast-97 Yeast-27 Yeast-75 Yeast-24 Lactobacillus-100 Yeast-56 Lactobacillus-44 Mold-87 1408, -2048
Yeast-18 Mold-71 Yeast-81 Mold-39 Acetobacter-22 Yeast-91 Acetobacter-30 Lactobacillus-85 Mold-7 Yeast-73 Yeast-3 Yeast-50 Yeast-96 Mold-79 Yeast-58 Yeast-83 Acetobacter-46 Lactobacillus-5 Yeast-8 Yeast-1 Yeast-11 Lactobacillus-21 Mold-31 Yeast-49 Yeast-67 Yeast-51 1408, -2047
Yeast-18 Mold-71 Yeast-81 Mold-39 Acetobacter-22 Yeast-91 Acetobacter-30 Lactobacillus-85 Mold-7 Yeast-73 Yeast-3 Yeast-50 Yeast-96 Yeast-58 Mold-79 Yeast-83 Acetobacter-46 Lactobacillus-5 Yeast-8 Yeast-1 Yeast-11 Lactobacillus-21 Mold-31 Yeast-49 Yeast-67 Yeast-51 1408, -2046
Yeast-11 Yeast-50 Yeast-18 Mold-7 Mold-39 Yeast-90 Mold-79 Yeast-81 Yeast-33 Yeast-16 Yeast-83 Yeast-58 Acetobacter-6 Acetobacter-22 Yeast-73 Lactobacillus-85 Acetobacter-46 Yeast-74 Yeast-57 Yeast-91 Yeast-75 Mold-55 Lactobacillus-29 Lactobacillus-60 Mold-87 Lactobacillus-92 Lactobacillus-68 Yeast-34 1407, -2046
Yeast-11 Yeast-50 Yeast-18 Mold-39 Mold-7 Yeast-90 Mold-79 Yeast-81 Yeast-16 Yeast-33 Yeast-83 Yeast-58 Acetobacter-6 Acetobacter-22 Yeast-73 Lactobacillus-85 Acetobacter-46 Yeast-74 Yeast-91 Yeast-57 Yeast-75 Mold-55 Lactobacillus-60 Lactobacillus-29 Lactobacillus-92 Yeast-34 Yeast-3 Mold-87 1406, -2046
Yeast-11 Yeast-50 Yeast-18 Mold-39 Mold-7 Yeast-90 Mold-79 Yeast-81 Yeast-33 Yeast-16 Yeast-83 Yeast-58 Acetobacter-6 Acetobacter-22 Yeast-73 Lactobacillus-85 Acetobacter-46 Yeast-74 Yeast-91 Yeast-57 Yeast-75 Mold-55 Lactobacillus-60 Lactobacillus-29 Yeast-34 Lactobacillus-92 Mold-87 1407, -2046
Yeast-18 Mold-71 Yeast-81 Mold-39 Acetobacter-22 Yeast-91 Acetobacter-30 Lactobacillus-85 Mold-7 Yeast-73 Yeast-3 Yeast-50 Yeast-96 Yeast-58 Yeast-83 Mold-79 Acetobacter-46 Lactobacillus-5 Yeast-8 Yeast-1 Yeast-11 Lactobacillus-21 Mold-31 Yeast-49 Yeast-51 Yeast-67 1408, -2046
Yeast-11 Yeast-50 Mold-39 Yeast-18 Mold-7 Yeast-90 Mold-79 Yeast-81 Yeast-33 Yeast-16 Yeast-83 Yeast-58 Acetobacter-22 Acetobacter-6 Yeast-73 Acetobacter-46 Lactobacillus-85 Yeast-74 Yeast-91 Yeast-57 Yeast-75 Mold-55 Lactobacillus-60 Lactobacillus-29 Mold-87 Lactobacillus-92 Yeast-34 1407, -2045
Yeast-18 Mold-71 Yeast-81 Mold-39 Acetobacter-22 Yeast-91 Acetobacter-30 Lactobacillus-85 Mold-7 Yeast-73 Yeast-3 Yeast-50 Yeast-96 Yeast-58 Yeast-83 Mold-79 Acetobacter-46 Lactobacillus-5 Yeast-1 Yeast-8 Yeast-11 Lactobacillus-21 Mold-31 Yeast-49 Yeast-51 1408, -2045
Yeast-11 Yeast-50 Mold-39 Yeast-18 Mold-7 Yeast-90 Mold-79 Yeast-81 Yeast-16 Yeast-33 Yeast-83 Yeast-58 Acetobacter-22 Acetobacter-6 Yeast-73 Acetobacter-46 Lactobacillus-85 Yeast-74 Yeast-57 Yeast-91 Mold-55 Yeast-75 Lactobacillus-60 Yeast-34 Mold-87 Lactobacillus-92 Lactobacillus-29 1407, -2044
Mold-71 Yeast-18 Yeast-81 Mold-39 Acetobacter-22 Yeast-91 Acetobacter-30 Mold-7 Lactobacillus-85 Yeast-73 Yeast-3 Yeast-50 Yeast-96 Yeast-58 Yeast-83 Mold-79 Acetobacter-46 Lactobacillus-5 Yeast-8 Yeast-1 Yeast-11 Lactobacillus-21 Yeast-49 Mold-31 Yeast-51 1408, -2044
Mold-71 Yeast-18 Yeast-81 Acetobacter-22 Yeast-91 Mold-39 Acetobacter-30 Mold-7 Lactobacillus-85 Yeast-73 Yeast-3 Yeast-96 Yeast-50 Yeast-58 Yeast-83 Acetobacter-46 Mold-79 Lactobacillus-5 Yeast-8 Yeast-1 Yeast-11 Lactobacillus-21 Yeast-49 Mold-31 Yeast-51 1408, -2043
Mold-71 Yeast-18 Yeast-81 Yeast-91 Acetobacter-22 Mold-39 Mold-7 Acetobacter-30 Lactobacillus-85 Yeast-73 Yeast-3 Yeast-96 Yeast-50 Yeast-58 Yeast-83 Mold-79 Acetobacter-46 Yeast-8 Lactobacillus-5 Yeast-11 Yeast-1 Lactobacillus-21 Yeast-49 Mold-31 Yeast-51 1408, -2042
Mold-71 Yeast-18 Yeast-81 Yeast-91 Acetobacter-22 Mold-39 Mold-7 Acetobacter-30 Lactobacillus-85 Yeast-73 Yeast-96 Yeast-3 Yeast-58 Yeast-50 Yeast-83 Acetobacter-46 Mold-79 Yeast-11 Lactobacillus-5 Yeast-8 Yeast-1 Lactobacillus-21 Yeast-49 Yeast-51 Mold-31 1408, -2041
Mold-71 Yeast-18 Yeast-81 Yeast-91 Acetobacter-22 Mold-39 Mold-7 Acetobacter-30 Lactobacillus-85 Yeast-96 Yeast-73 Yeast-3 Yeast-50 Yeast-58 Yeast-83 Mold-79 Acetobacter-46 Yeast-11 Lactobacillus-5 Yeast-8 Yeast-1 Lactobacillus-21 Yeast-49 Yeast-51 Mold-31 1408, -2040
Mold-71 Yeast-81 Yeast-91 Yeast-18 Acetobacter-22 Mold-7 Mold-39 Yeast-96 Acetobacter-30 Lactobacillus-85 Yeast-58 Yeast-83 Yeast-73 Yeast-3 Yeast-50 Acetobacter-46 Yeast-11 Mold-79 Lactobacillus-21 Yeast-51 Yeast-49 Lactobacillus-5 Yeast-8 Yeast-1 1408, -2034
Mold-71 Yeast-81 Yeast-18 Yeast-91 Acetobacter-22 Mold-7 Mold-39 Yeast-96 Acetobacter-30 Lactobacillus-85 Yeast-58 Yeast-73 Yeast-83 Yeast-3 Yeast-50 Acetobacter-46 Yeast-11 Mold-79 Lactobacillus-21 Yeast-49 Yeast-51 Lactobacillus-5 Yeast-1 Yeast-8 1408, -2035
Mold-71 Yeast-81 Yeast-18 Yeast-91 Acetobacter-22 Mold-7 Mold-39 Acetobacter-30 Lactobacillus-85 Yeast-96 Yeast-58 Yeast-83 Yeast-73 Yeast-3 Yeast-50 Acetobacter-46 Mold-79 Yeast-11 Lactobacillus-21 Lactobacillus-5 Yeast-8 Yeast-51 Yeast-49 Yeast-1 1408, -2036
Mold-71 Yeast-81 Yeast-18 Yeast-91 Acetobacter-22 Mold-39 Mold-7 Acetobacter-30 Lactobacillus-85 Yeast-96 Yeast-58 Yeast-73 Yeast-3 Yeast-83 Yeast-50 Acetobacter-46 Mold-79 Yeast-11 Lactobacillus-21 Lactobacillus-5 Yeast-1 Yeast-8 Yeast-49 Yeast-51 1408, -2037
Mold-71 Yeast-18 Yeast-81 Yeast-91 Acetobacter-22 Mold-39 Mold-7 Acetobacter-30 Lactobacillus-85 Yeast-96 Yeast-58 Yeast-73 Yeast-3 Yeast-83 Yeast-50 Acetobacter-46 Mold-79 Yeast-11 Lactobacillus-21 Lactobacillus-5 Yeast-8 Yeast-1 Yeast-49 Yeast-51 1408, -2038
Mold-71 Yeast-18 Yeast-81 Yeast-91 Acetobacter-22 Mold-39 Mold-7 Acetobacter-30 Lactobacillus-85 Yeast-96 Yeast-58 Yeast-73 Yeast-3 Yeast-83 Yeast-50 Acetobacter-46 Mold-79 Yeast-11 Lactobacillus-21 Lactobacillus-5 Yeast-1 Yeast-8 Yeast-49 Yeast-51 1408, -2039

Yeast Tests