Tattoos 4 U
The Guild Hall is up and running! We are located across from the future Chariot Stop in Upper Egypt, at 929, -1807.
Open for all who would like to search out herbs. When/if Test of the Ritual Tattoo opens we will focus on helping one another complete the test requirements.
There is no tuition fee but donations of bricks and boards are gratefully accepted so we can expand and accept new members.
Current Herbing Info
Please help contribute to Egypt's knowledge of herb harvesting techniques by visiting the Herb page and updating the Google spreadsheet.
Future Useful Resources? (Tale 9 links)
Cegaiel's Herbalist Clone:
Cegaiel's HerbDB v0.9:
Cegaiel's HerbDB v1.0:
Cegaiel's Tool for Herb Harvesting:
Cegaiel's Tool for Location Checking: (check the box for "Search T8 archived db.")
Test of the Ritual Tattoo is obtained from University of the Human Body. Formulate pigments of rare herbs, resins and crushed gems, combined at a proper location. When presented at the University of the Human Body, a permanent tattoo can be applied.
You must complete seven sets of four pigment mortars in order to pass the test.
For each set submitted to the University, you will receive a tattoo and a Talent Point.
Player Notes