A Wiki in the Desert
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Invasion of the Raiders

Calendar Notice August 21

Sightings of roaming characters of foreign origins have been noticed.  Maybe it's nothing.  Normally the Royals of each of the 3 Houses stay to themselves, but after some tentative inquiries between them, it has been agreed that there are some new migrants.  Reports of stolen goods has been increased lately, too.

Postings around Egypt are asking to keep your eyes out for strange encampments.  If you spot any, take precautions, but inspecting these camps is encouraged.  We need to figure out what type of characters these are.

<<OOC: Feel free to take any loot you find and report in your local or global chats.  These camps can contain 25 to 45 sets of stolen goods .  So take your chances if you decide to check out a camp.  >>

Images and information about the raiders (post as camps are found)

Raider camp 1.png

* Sheep rustlers camp #1 Sam Yule Sid -902, -3136

Sam Yule Sidd: Blowflies and bally snakes is all this desert is good for. Why did I think the rustler's life would be easier than everlasting flax and slate picking? What I need is a pack of ruddy camels...if anyone around here is leaving thieir pens open tonight they had better watch out!

* Petty Pilferer Camp#1: Pootler Peterson  -2066, -3655

Message:  Jeez, this load of loot is getting mighty heavy. Can't believe people around here leave good stuff lying around for me to snaffle. Need to go get a cart, though, to move this lot...

Rustlers camp.jpg

* Jewel Thieves Den #1: Be careful! -119, -2368

OK, here's the plan, kiddos - we'll hide our stash here until there is a good load together.  Then we'll haul it to the nearest town centre and hawk it off for a tidy sum like respectable traders. Keep your eyes out for small portable items of value and make sure you are not seen by the locals by daylight until then.   

* Rogue Traders Camp #1: Better not cross him! 2975, -974

Yo ho ho, it's a sandy sea, and a lonely road and a beggars robe for me! Unless I can offload some of this valuable stuff soon...mus' be traders around here somewhere ready to do a deal with a likely rogue like me!

Others reported on global chat

* add new locations here