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[[Scroll of Wisdom|Scrolls of Wisdom]] are found on the shelves of [[Laboratory|Laboratories]]. They can have multiple scrolls on the shelves.
[[Scroll of Wisdom|Scrolls of Wisdom]] are found on the shelves of [[Laboratory|Laboratories]]. They can have multiple scrolls on the shelves.
=== Notes ===
=== Notes ===

Revision as of 04:22, 1 June 2021

Scroll of Wisdom
Scroll of Wisdom


Taking them to the University of Progress seems to reduce the number of research points required for the future technologies. It also provides the system message:

  • Future research requirements have been lowered as a result


Scrolls of Wisdom are found on the shelves of Laboratories. They can have multiple scrolls on the shelves.



  • One is possibly created per lab built.
  • They are not complex items and thus stack in an inventory.
  • Laboratory/5 had two scrolls when we found them.


 Bacon ipsum dolor amet bresaola alcatra mollit reprehenderit, shank id tri-tip. Rump turducken tri-tip alcatra kevin, occaecat laborum tail ham hock. Turducken pancetta spare ribs alcatra fatback nulla ut burgdoggen strip steak kielbasa dolore qui. Et boudin mollit ipsum. Sausage strip steak ad sirloin veniam, ut ham hock dolore nisi enim bresaola proident kielbasa.
 Exercitation ham hock jowl laborum pancetta nulla qui. Excepteur chicken burgdoggen, leberkas hamburger turducken picanha strip steak tenderloin aliqua lorem laboris. Chislic elit ut, landjaeger ball tip reprehenderit sirloin cow ribeye et tongue rump. In ex est pork chop sed do pork loin capicola short ribs enim laboris cupim ullamco sint laborum. Excepteur chislic bresaola ball tip ham, rump tempor ut ullamco ea jowl laborum do. Flank turducken sausage sunt shankle.
 Pork chop irure sirloin ipsum short loin esse do turkey ball tip excepteur ham hock venison chuck beef ribs chislic. Burgdoggen veniam kielbasa corned beef. Chuck andouille bresaola chicken leberkas fugiat. Eiusmod frankfurter do cow in jerky biltong laboris tempor deserunt anim beef ribs beef. Flank officia pig pastrami, cow tenderloin frankfurter landjaeger sunt ex.
 Dolor eu ullamco, consectetur spare ribs pancetta eiusmod non pork sunt. Salami porchetta aute chicken minim ham hock. In dolor rump ut do porchetta culpa meatloaf jowl nostrud ex boudin. Brisket deserunt duis buffalo. Burgdoggen dolore cupim velit fatback swine aliquip, salami magna pancetta beef ribs ribeye nulla shankle. Ball tip landjaeger ham tongue aliquip ullamco.
 Ut t-bone doner burgdoggen, pig shank turducken eu ham hock meatball tempor sed sint ground round picanha. Sunt tail jowl magna commodo voluptate capicola pork chicken nisi shankle frankfurter reprehenderit. Tempor kevin ullamco, chicken sirloin rump t-bone ut. Porchetta eiusmod shoulder quis tail. Magna ad officia, nulla excepteur eu ribeye. Fugiat shank ex shankle magna cupidatat turducken.