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Guild:The Affable Evil

From A Wiki in the Desert
Revision as of 12:46, 10 September 2019 by Thejanitor (talk | contribs)

The Affable Evil

A good-natured but shady Meshweshian guild in the wilds of Herakleopolis. Not exactly recruiting, but open to picking up friendly Egyptians who are interested in collaborating towards personal and Faction goals. /Chat Coyote or Erev if you'd like to discuss settlement.

Useful things to do right now:

  • Wood. I know it's boring to gather, but we need it for boards, bonfires, charcoal, and other things. Hit trees while you're running around.
  • Limestone. (For upcoming glasswork.)
  • Straw. We've been super lucky with camels, but they do eat a lot. Consider using your offline chores to gather more grass if you've unlocked that skill.
  • Flax. Because always, always flax. Save your thread and twine for Erev--he specced as a Weaver and can use mats a lot more efficiently than the rest of us.
  • Learning. Spend some time on this wiki looking up upcoming skills like Mining and Glass Work.
  • have fun--you definitely can't help if you burn yourself out!

Personal TODOs:

  • Upgrade your campsite so it can store 50000 by finishing Task/Crafting Makes Perfect
  • If you don't have a specialization leveled up enough to get a trait yet then consider working towards one. The traits are very powerful (+3 veggies per harvest, vastly reduce loom string breakage, increase wood collected, decrease slate blade breakage on wood planes to name a few). Check the table below to see a rough idea of what specs are currently useful and if we have any gaps guild wide (though you should always just pick what is most fun for you!)

Thejanitor's ideas for TODOs:

  • We should build a CP by the nearest Limestone with spare flint hammers and chisels, grilled onions and storage for limestone. I believe the nearest is
  • Another camel pen given how much straw we have

Specializations in the Guild

A table of guild members specializations. Use this to figure out who to get help from for certain tasks (ask farmers to grow vegetables for you, weavers to weave etc).

They have been ranked in terms of early game usefulness (by thejanitor's best guess so take it with a pinch of salt)

Name Players Notes
Laborer Everyone should aim for 2 to double your carry capacity
Weaver Erev(5+?)
Farmer thejanitor (5 points) One guild farmer should be enough for now