A Wiki in the Desert
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From A Wiki in the Desert

Week 1

Most Recent Score Detail:

     5 Amur Pike Meat
    10 Barley (Raw)
    25 Bloodworm
     5 Cabbage Juice
     1 Camel Meat
    10 Camel Pheromone (Female)
    10 Camel Pheromone (Male)
     5 Canvas Bags of Water
     1 Carrot Juice
     5 Chicken Meat
    10 Clay Cookpot
     5 Clay Mortars
    50 Clay Slug
    25 Coconut Meat
     1 Coconuts
    10 Cucumbers
    10 Garlic
     5 Grain Fertilizer
    10 Grilled Eggplant
     1 Huge Quartz
   100 Huge Ruby
    50 Huge Sapphire
    10 Jugs of Salt Water
    25 Large Emerald
    10 Large Quartz
    10 Large Ruby
    25 Large Sapphire
    10 Large Topaz
   100 Medium Diamond
    10 Medium Emerald
   100 Medium Ruby
    50 Medium Sapphire
    50 Medium Topaz
    25 Moonfish Meat
     1 Slate Blade
    25 Small Diamond
     5 Small Emerald
    10 Small Sapphire
     5 Small Topaz
    25 Spoonfish Meat
     5 Thread
     1 Tilefish Meat
     5 Tow
     1 Twine
    25 Watermelons

Points shown above: 887 Points from previous weeks: 0 Total Score: 887

Week 2

Most Recent Score Detail:

     1 Abdju Meat
     1 Antimony
    25 Antimony Ore
    50 Ash Centipede
     5 Barley (Raw)
     1 Blister Beetle
     1 Bonemeal
     5 Bottlenose Squid Meat
     5 Bricks
     1 Cabbage
    25 Cabbage Juice
     1 Calfskin
     1 Camelfish Meat
    10 Camel Meat
     1 Camel Pheromone (Female)
     1 Camel Pheromone (Male)
    25 Canvas Bags of Water
    10 Carrot Juice
     1 Carrots
    10 Chicken Meat
     1 Clay Cookpot
     5 Clay Slug
    25 Clinker
    10 Cobalt Ore
    50 Coconut Meat
     1 Copper Ore
    25 Corkscrew Asp
     1 Crucible
     5 Crudely Carved Handle
     5 Crushed Egg Shells
     5 Cucumbers
    25 Cut Stone
    10 Cuttable Stone
     1 Dew Fly
     1 Dried Flax
     5 Dried Papyrus
     1 Firebricks
    10 Footworm
    10 Garlic
     5 Gold
    10 Grain Fertilizer
     1 Gravel
     5 Grilled Fish
    25 Huge Quartz
   250 Huge Ruby
   100 Huge Sapphire
   250 Huge Topaz
     1 Iron Ore
    25 Jugs of Salt Water
    50 Large Emerald
     1 Large Quartz
    50 Large Sapphire
    10 Large Topaz
    25 Lead Ore
    25 Leafhopper
     5 Leeks
     1 Linen Cord
     5 Lint
    10 Medium Diamond
    25 Medium Emerald
     5 Medium Ruby
     5 Medium Sapphire
     1 Medium Stone
     5 Medium Topaz
     1 Moonfish Meat
     5 Mud
     1 Mud Asp
     5 Cobra Hood Mushrooms
     1 Colt's Foot Mushrooms
     1 Flat Mushrooms
     1 Fruit of Horus Mushrooms
     5 Hairy Tooth Mushrooms
     5 Schizophyllum Mushrooms
    10 Needleworm
    50 Nightwing
     1 Nile Mackerel Meat
    25 Nippleworm
     1 Oxyrynchus Meat
    50 Oyster Mite
    10 Pancake Loach Meat
     5 Peppers
     1 Queen Lionfish Meat
    25 Queen Maggot
     1 Raspberry Moth
    50 Razorfin Meat
     5 Red Sand
     5 Ruby Hornborrer
   100 Salt Mite
     1 Sand
     1 Silt
     1 Silver
     1 Slate Blade

Points shown above: 1639 Points from previous weeks: 887 Total Score: 2526

Week 3

Most Recent Score Detail:

     1 Abdju Meat
     5 Aluminum Powder
    10 Antimony
    10 Barley (Raw)
   250 Canvas Bags of Water
   100 Chicken Meat
     5 Clay Cookpot
     1 Clay Mortars
     5 Clinker
     5 Crushed Egg Shells
    10 Cut Stone
     1 Firebricks
     5 Flystone
     5 Grain Fertilizer
     1 Grilled Eggplant
     5 Jugs of Buttermilk
    10 Jugs of Salt Water
     1 Jugs of Water
    25 Large Sapphire
     1 Large Topaz
    25 Lead Ore
    25 Long Sharp Stick
    10 Medium Emerald
     1 Medium Ruby
     5 Medium Sapphire
     1 Flat Mushrooms
    10 Nails
     5 Nightwing
     1 Otterfish Meat
    25 Oyster Mite
     1 Pulley
     1 Queen Maggot
     1 Ruby Hornborrer
     1 Saltpeter
     1 Sea Urchin Meat
    10 Silver Powder
    10 Skinlicker
     5 Slate Blade
     5 Small Diamond
     5 Small Emerald
     5 Small Sapphire
    10 Spittlebug
     1 Sulfur
     5 Thorns
    10 Thread
     5 Wet Clay Bricks
     1 Wet Firebricks
     1 Wooden Peg
     1 Wool Cloth

Points shown above: 643 Points from previous weeks: 2526 Total Score: 3169

Week 4

No entries

Week 5

Most Recent Score Detail:

    25 Calfskin
    10 Canvas
    50 Canvas Bags of Water
     1 Chicken Meat
    50 Clay Cookpot
     5 Clay Mortars
    10 Clay Steeped Canvas
     1 Cuttable Sunstone
    50 Flower Fertilizer
     5 Grain Fertilizer
     5 Jugs of Salt Water
    10 Linen
     5 Lint
    25 Papyrus Basket
     1 Rope
     1 Silk Cloth
    10 Small Emerald
     1 Sulfur
     5 Thistle Seeds
    10 Thorns
     5 Thread
     1 Twine
    10 Wool Cloth

Points shown above: 296 Points from previous weeks: 3169 Total Score: 3465

Week 6

No entries

Week 7

Most Recent Score Detail:

     5 Abdju Meat
   100 Amur Pike Meat
    10 Ayu Meat
    10 Bay Lobster Meat
     5 Broken Mirror
     5 Camelfish Meat
    10 Catfish Meat
     5 Chromis Meat
     5 Cuttable Almandine
     5 Cuttable Amethyst
     5 Cuttable Aquamarine
    10 Cuttable Citrine
    25 Cuttable Garnet
    10 Cuttable Jade
     1 Cuttable Kunzite
    10 Cuttable Lapis
     5 Cuttable Sunstone
    10 Cuttable Turquoise
     1 Dung
     5 Grilled Eggplant
     5 Horned Pigfish Meat
    25 Kingfish Meat
   100 Moonfish Meat
     5 Nile Mackerel Meat
    25 Octopus Meat
     1 Onions
    10 Otterfish Meat
    10 Oxyrynchus Meat
    25 Pancake Loach Meat
    25 Phagrus Meat
    25 Rainbow Cod Meat
   250 Razorfin Meat
    10 Reticulated Toothfish Meat
    10 Rotted Leather
     1 Rotten Flax
     1 Rotten Wood
     5 Royal Jelly
    10 Sea Urchin Meat
    25 Serpentfish Meat
    50 Female Sheep
     1 Sheep Food
    50 Male Sheep
    10 Spiny Dogfish Meat
    25 Spoonfish Meat
     1 Tilapia Meat
    10 Tilefish Meat
    10 Yellowfin Snapper Meat

Points shown above: 967 Points from previous weeks: 3465 Total Score: 4432

Week 8

Most Recent Score Detail:

    25 Barley (Dark Roasted)
    25 Barley (Light Roasted)
    50 Barley (Medium Roasted)
    50 Barley (Raw)
    10 Bloodworm
    25 Grain Fertilizer
     1 Leaf Snapper
    25 Malt (Burnt)
    25 Malt (Dark Roasted)
    25 Malt (Light Roasted)
    25 Malt (Medium Roasted)
    25 Malt (Raw)
   100 Wheat (Dark Roasted)
   250 Wheat (Light Roasted)
   100 Wheat (Medium Roasted)
    25 Wheat (Dried, Raw)

Points shown above: 786 Points from previous weeks: 4432 Total Score: 5218

Week 9

Most Recent Score Detail:

   100 Amur Pike Meat
    10 Chicken Meat
   100 Moonfish Meat
    50 Nightwing
   250 Oyster Mite
   100 Razorfin Meat
   100 Salt Mite
    50 Wheat (Dark Roasted)
    50 Wheat (Light Roasted)
    50 Wheat (Medium Roasted)

Points shown above: 860 Points from previous weeks: 5218 Total Score: 6078

Week 12

Most Recent Score Detail:

    10 Queen Ant

Points shown above: 10 Points from previous weeks: 6078 Total Score: 6088

Week 14

Most Recent Score Detail:

   250 Queen Ant

Points shown above: 250 Points from previous weeks: 6138 Total Score: 6388

Week 15

Most Recent Score Detail:

   250 Barley (Dark Roasted)
   250 Barley (Light Roasted)
   250 Barley (Medium Roasted)
   250 Barley (Raw)
    10 Beef
   100 Camel Food
   100 Chicken Feed
   100 Chicken Meat
   250 Concrete
   100 Copper Wire
   100 Crushed Egg Shells
   250 Cuttable Almandine
   250 Cuttable Amethyst
   100 Cuttable Aquamarine
   250 Cuttable Citrine
   250 Cuttable Garnet
   250 Cuttable Jade
   100 Cuttable Kunzite
   250 Cuttable Lapis
   100 Cuttable Morganite
   250 Cuttable Sunstone
   100 Cuttable Turquoise
    50 Dung
    25 Eggs
    50 Firebricks
    50 Fish Oil
   100 Flower Fertilizer
    25 Gold
   100 Hens
    25 Iron
   250 Jugs of Buttermilk
    50 Jugs of Sour Milk
    25 Lead
   100 Lead Chisel
     5 Leather
   250 Malt (Burnt)
   250 Malt (Dark Roasted)
   250 Malt (Light Roasted)
   250 Malt (Medium Roasted)
   250 Malt (Raw)
   250 Mandibular Glue
    50 Acorn's Cap Mushrooms
   100 Barley Bowl Mushrooms
   100 Carrion Mushrooms
    50 Cobra Hood Mushrooms
    50 Dead Tongue Mushrooms
    50 Flat Mushrooms
   100 Fruit of Horus Mushrooms
   100 Hairy Tooth Mushrooms
   250 Schizophyllum Mushrooms
    10 Mutton
    25 Nails
    25 Oil
    10 Oyster Meat
   250 Petroleum
   100 Pipe Segment
   250 Queen Ant
   100 Rabbit Food
    50 Rotten Fish
    50 Salt
    25 Saltpeter
   250 Female Sheep
    50 Sheep Food
    50 Silver Powder
   100 Steel Wire
   250 Stone Chips
    25 Wet Clay Bricks
   250 Wet Firebricks
   250 Wheat (Dark Roasted)
   250 Wheat (Light Roasted)
   250 Wheat (Medium Roasted)
   100 Wheat (Dried, Raw)
   250 Wooden Peg
    10 Wool

Points shown above: 10095 Points from previous weeks: 6388 Total Score: 16483