School Skills - Still to buy.
School Skills
Multi-School Skills
Degrees in the following skills may be purchased from multiple schools, in any order, but only one degree at each level indicated.
School of Architecture
School of Art and Music
School of the Human Body
Beer Brewing Automation 0 |
Must know Beer Brewing Science, 100 Candle, 5 Rope✓
Beer Brewing Automation 1 |
250 Candle, 15 Rope✓
Beer Brewing Automation 2 |
500 Candles, 40 Rope✓
Beer Brewing Automation 3 |
1000 Candles, 70 Rope✓
Beer Brewing Automation 4 |
25 Glass Rods✓
Ecology 3 |
50 Buttermilk✓
Ecology 4 |
10 Papyrus Paper, 20 Cactus Sap✓
Ecology 5 |
20 Charcoal, 10 Sulphurous Water✓
Ecology 6 |
5 Copper Wire, 20 Salt Water✓
Fly Fishing |
100 Thread, 1 Sharpened Stick
Fungiculture |
must know Crossbreeding & 100 Compost
Indonesian Bee Care |
500 Honey
Structure Maintenance |
300 Linen, 300 Canvas
Structure Repair |
200 Cut Stone, 200 Beeswax, 200 Charcoal
School of Natural Philosophy
School of Thought
Kiln Construction 0-1 |
20 Bricks✓
Kiln Construction 2 |
200-400 Firebricks 10-20 Serpentine Marble 50-400 Cut Stone✓
Mechanics 1 |
must learn Automation & 10 Washer, 10 Bolt, 2 Electrum Small Gear, 1 Aluminum Medium Gear✓
Mechanics 2 |
49 Sulfuric Acid✓
Project Management 2 |
200 Canvas, 300 Glass Rods, 100 Rope, 300 Paper (Papyrus)✓
Salvage Techniques |
20 Cuttable Garnet, 20 Cuttable Turquoise✓
Scrying |
Must learn Alchemy & 1 Cut Garnet:Full Eye, 1 Cut Turquoise:Full Eye, 1 Cut Amethyst:Full Eye, 1 Cut Lapis:Full Eye?
Structure Maintenance |
300 Bricks, 50 Oil, 50 Beeswax✓
Structure Repair |
2 Oyster Shell Marble, 20 Cuttable Jade, 200 Bricks✓
School of Worship
Filleting 1 |
3 Fish Roe, 70 Carp Meat, 25 Salt, 77 Glass Jars✓
Filleting 2 |
7 Fish Roe, 105 Perch Meat, 21 Salt Water Fungus, 17 Thermometer✓
Filleting 3 |
14 Fish Roe, 140 Catfish Meat, 35 Ginseng Root, 119 Gold Wire✓
Filleting 4 |
21 Fish Roe, 175 Tilapia Meat, 42 Heaven's Torrent Mushrooms, 250 Powdered Diamond✓
Filleting 5 |
42 Fish Roe, 210 Chromis Meat, 50 Myrrh, 100 Powdered Sunstone✓
Filleting 6 |
105 Fish Roe, 245 Abdju Meat, 7 Cyan Cressida, 70 Oyster Shell Marble Dust✓
Fly Tying 1 |
7 Clearwing, 7 Desert Millipede, 7 Dew Fly, 7 Mud Asp, 7 Nippleworm, 7 Salt Mite, 7 White Sawfly✓
Fly Tying 2 |
14 Bristleworm, 14 Hairy Slug, 14 Red Cricket, 14 Rose Swallowtail, 14 Slime Moth, 14 White Mealybug, 14 Woodmoth✓
Fly Tying 3 |
21 Camel Weevel, 21 Corkscrew Asp, 21 Footworm, 21 Fruit Maggot, 21 Horned Hookworm, 21 Rose Mite, 21 Spittlebug✓
Fly Tying 4 |
28 Oyster Mite, 28 Blister Beetle, 28 Corn Maggot, 28 Orchid Hopper, 28 Ringed Wasp, 28 Sand Mite, 28 Bat Mite✓
Fly Tying 5 |
35 Glass Worm, 35 Grass Slug, 35 Leafhopper, 35 Nightwing, 35 Queen Maggot, 35 Skinlicker, 35 Woolly Aphid✓
Fly Tying 6 |
42 Ash Centipede, 42 Bloodworm, 42 Clay Slug, 42 Feather Midge, 42 Leaf Snapper, 42 Ruby Hornborrer, 42 Toad Sawfly✓
Pilgrim Shrine Construction |
1 Oyster Shell Marble , 1 Yellow Alabaster , 1 Mud Granite?
Preservation |
50 Papyrus Paper✓
Ritual Item Construction 1 |
14 Candle, 50 Silver✓
Salvage Techniques |
300 Leather, 300 Glass Rods, 300 Papyrus Paper✓
Structure Maintenance |
4 Mud Granite, 4 Rose Alabaster✓
Structure Repair |
1 Huge Emerald, 1 Large Topaz, 1 Medium Ruby, 1 Small Sapphire✓
University Skills (aka Technologies)
University of Architecture
University of Art and Music
University of The Human Body
University of Natural Philosophy
University of Thought
University of Worship
Miscellaneous Skills
Self-Taught Skills
These skills are initially learned through your own actions (mostly during or shortly after Passage to Egypt) rather than being learned from Schools or Universities. Additional levels are reached through using the skill and, in some cases, additional levels are made available through purchase from Schools and research of Technologies at Universities.