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Test of the Hand of Ra

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The Test of the Hand of Ra
The Test of the Hand of Ra
(Test - Architecture)
Demonstration Cost

Test Description

Build and expand a fragile Mirrored Pyramid.


Passing the Test

Create and maintain the largest Mirrored Pyramid across all of Egypt and hold it for two days to advance.

Sigils of Ra

To make a Sigil of Ra, after starting the Test, click on the university a second time, select tests>Hand of Ra>Sigils of Ra. Follow the instructions give. To retrieve the instructions again, click Self>Tests>Architecture>Test of Hand of Ra>See current instructions.

In order to make a jeweled glass sigil, you need to learn Goldwork at a University of Art and Music. The same is probably true for Sigils begun at a forge or casting box.

To make a Sigil, use either a glazier's bench, casting box or a forge (depending on the message) to make a golden sigil. Next, use a forge to add gems/beads to the sigil. Next, use a crafting bench to add decorations to the sigil. Finally, present the sigil at a University of Architecture to complete it!