Template:T8 Below
Multi-School Skills
Degrees in the following skills may be purchased from multiple schools, in any order, but only one degree at each level indicated.
- All levels of Mechanics can be learned at Level 8.
Self-Taught Skills
These skills are improved by repeating tasks rather than learned from Schools
School of Architecture
Skill |
level |
Bone Blade Fabrication |
7 |
7 Sheep Bones (requires Flint Blade Fabrication 7)
Brick Rack Construction |
0 |
4 Boards
Carpentry 1 |
0 |
3 Stone Blades
Carpentry 2 |
10 |
25 Nails, 100 Boards, 10 Cut Stone, 1 Flint Chisel, 1 Flint Hammer
Carpentry 3 |
0 |
100 Nails, 100 Boards, 50 Paint: Red
Carpentry 4 |
0 |
50 Gold, 100 Paint: Burnt Sienna, 100 Paint: Oxford Blue, 25 Steel Wire
Compound Construction |
1 |
200 Bricks, 100 Boards
Flint Blade Fabrication |
3 |
7 Flint
Mechanics |
8 |
must learn Automation & 400 Concrete
Project Management 3 |
14 |
200 Canvas, 300 Glass Rods, 100 Rope, 300 Papyrus Paper (Project management can by learned only once from SHarm, SLead or SArch, i.e., if you learn 1 from SHarmony, it refuses to teach you 2)
Ritual Item Construction 1 |
3 |
10 Linen, 200 Firebricks, 100 Oil
Rock Saw Construction |
2 |
Must learn Stonecutting & 10 Flint
Salvage Techniques |
1+ |
200 Firebricks
Stone Blade Fabrication |
0 |
7 Slate
Structure Maintenance |
1+ |
20 Oil
Structure Repair |
4+ |
14 Pulley
Rocks of the Ages |
0 |
10 Slate (Requires Perception 1+ depending on Decorative Stone attunement, Can be repeated)
School of Art and Music
Skill |
level |
Advanced Tub Design 1 |
11 |
200 Saltpeter, 200 Sulfur, 20 Tar, 1 Tangerine Marble
Advanced Tub Design 2 |
14 |
100 Iron Bar, 10 Small Barrels, 50 Fine Glass Pipe, 20 Barrel Tap
Camp Decoration 1 |
8 |
7 Medium Ruby, 7 Medium Emerald, 7 Medium Sapphire, 7 Medium Diamond
Camp Decoration 2 |
10 |
1 Large Ruby, 1 Large Emerald, 1 Large Sapphire, 1 Large Diamond
Camp Decoration 3 |
12 |
7 Large Ruby, 7 Large Emerald, 7 Large Sapphire, 7 Large Diamond
Camp Decoration 4 |
14 |
1 Huge Ruby, 1 Huge Emerald, 1 Huge Sapphire, 1 Huge Diamond
Camp Decoration 5 |
21 |
7 Huge Ruby, 7 Huge Emerald, 7 Huge Sapphire, 7 Huge Diamond
Clothwork |
0 |
20 Rotten Flax
Desiccation |
3+ |
must learn Basic Chemistry & 5 Salt, 1 Huge Topaz
Ferry Construction |
0 |
4 Tar
Flax Processing |
0 |
20 Flax
Mechanics |
8 |
must learn Automation & 49 Sulfuric Acid
Salvage Techniques |
1+ |
100 Candle
Silkworm Farming |
19 |
500 Honey
Structure Maintenance |
1+ |
4 Thermometer, 100 Sheet Glass
Structure Repair |
4+ |
60 Linen
The Art of the Pipe |
5 |
must learn Advanced Glassblowing & 7 Fine Glass Rods
School of the Human Body
Skill |
level |
Beer Brewing Automation 1 |
19 |
Must know Beer Brewing Science, 200 Candle, 50 Rope
Beer Brewing Automation 2 |
19 |
500 Candle, 150 Rope
Beer Brewing Automation 3 |
19 |
1500 Candles, 400 Rope
Beer Brewing Automation 4 |
19 |
2000 Candles, 700 Rope
Botanical Identification 1 |
8 |
10 Cobra Hood Mushrooms, 10 Toad Skin Mushrooms, 10 Camels Mane Mushrooms, 10 Dead Tongue Mushrooms, 10 Acorn's Cap Mushrooms, 10 Bleeding Hand Mushrooms
Botanical Identification 2 |
10 |
15 Fish Hook Mushrooms, 15 Hairy Tooth Mushrooms, 15 Slave's Bread Mushrooms, 15 Nefertari's Crown Mushrooms, 15 Ra's Awakening Mushrooms, 15 Earth Light Mushrooms
Botanical Identification 3 |
12 |
20 Cat Nip Mushrooms, 20 Peasant's Foot Mushrooms, 20 Scorpion's Brood Mushrooms, 20 Heart of Ash Mushrooms, 20 Colt's Foot Mushrooms, 20 Heaven's Torrent Mushrooms
Botanical Identification 4 |
14 |
25 Beehive Mushrooms, 25 Falcon's Bait Mushrooms, 25 Razor's Edge Mushrooms, 25 Salt Water Fungus Mushrooms, 25 Eye of Osiris Mushrooms, 25 Dueling Serpents Mushrooms
Botanical Identification 5 |
16 |
30 Brain Mushrooms, 30 Sun Star Mushrooms, 30 Sand Spore Mushrooms, 30 Spiderling Mushrooms, 30 Golden Sun Mushrooms, 30 Nile Fire Mushrooms
Carving 1 |
3 |
100 Wood*
Carving 2 |
7 |
10 Sharpened Stick, 10 Tinder*
Carving 3 |
12 |
10 Crudely Carved Handle, 10 Wooden Peg
Carving 4 |
18 |
10 Barrel Tap 10 Wooden Pestle*
Carving 5 |
25 |
10 Bottle Stopper 10 Cotter Pin
Carving 6 |
33 |
10 Tackle Block 10 Wooden Cog
Cooperage |
5 |
Must learn Advanced Metallurgy & 2 Brass Plate, 50 Copper Strap, 100 Board
Ecology 1 |
3 |
10 Tadpoles, 5 Flax, 1 Fertile Papyrus
Ecology 2 |
5 |
20 Cabbage Juice
Ecology 3 |
7 |
20 Dried Flax
Ecology 4 |
9 |
50 Jugs of Buttermilk
Ecology 5 |
11 |
10 Papyrus Paper 20 Cactus Sap
Ecology 6 |
13 |
10 Sulphurous Water 20 Charcoal
Ecology 7 |
15 |
5 Copper Wire 20 Coconut Water
Fly Fishing |
1 |
100 Thread, 1 Sharpened Stick
Indonesian Bee Care |
15 |
500 Honey
Mechanics |
8 |
must learn Automation & 300 Malt (Raw), 300 Malt (Burnt)
Rhythmic Strength |
1 |
500 Grass
Salvage Techniques |
1+ |
1000 Charcoal
Structure Maintenance |
1+ |
300 Linen, 300 Canvas
Structure Repair |
4+ |
200 Cut Stone, 200 Beeswax, 200 Charcoal
Swimming |
2 |
10 Linen (Must unlock Test of the Oyster Catcher)
* May have changed with new carving system introduced partway through T8.
** Carving 7 listed as "unlocked" but not currently available to learn at SBody.
School of Natural Philosophy
School of Thought
School of Worship
Skill |
Arthropodology |
50 Dirt 50 Tadpoles 50 Beeswax 50 Cactus Sap 50 Dung 50 Thorns
Arthropodology 2 |
200 Tadpoles
Arthropodology 3 |
300 Beeswax
Arthropodology 4 |
400 Cactus Sap
Arthropodology 5 |
500 Raw Silk
Arthropodology 6 |
600 Dung
Arthropodology 7 |
7 Cocoa Seeds
Cheese Making |
10 Salt, 10 Cow Milk
Cooking |
100 Carrots, 100 Onions, 100 Leeks, 100 Garlic
Cooking 2 |
20 Common Rosemary, 20 Common Sage, 20 Thyme
Cooking 3 |
49 Salt
Cooking 4 |
7 Camel's Mane, 7 Cobra Hood, 7 Dead Tongue, 7 Iron Knot, 7 Peasant's Foot, 7 Schizophyllum, 7 Toad Skin
Cooking 5 |
7 Chukkah 7 Crimson Lettuce 7 Crumpled Leaf Basil 7 Dwarf Wild Lettuce 7 Jaivanti 7 Royal Rosemary 7 Wild Garlic
Cooking 6 |
100 Peppers 100 Cucumbers 100 Eggplant 100 Coconut Meat
Cooking 7 |
100 Barley (Burnt), 100 Malt (Burnt), 100 Wheat (Burnt)
Filleting 1 |
7 Stone Blade, 7 Phagrus Meat, 20 Common Basil
Filleting 2 |
3 Fish Roe, 70 Carp Meat, 25 Salt, 77 Glass Jars
Filleting 3 |
7 Fish Roe, 105 Perch Meat, 21 Salt Water Fungus, 17 Thermometer
Filleting 4 |
14 Fish Roe, 140 Catfish Meat, 35 Ginseng Root, 119 Gold Wire
Filleting 5 |
21 Fish Roe, 175 Tilapia Meat, 42 Heaven's Torrent Mushrooms, 250 Powdered Diamond
Filleting 6 |
42 Fish Roe, 210 Chromis Meat, 50 Myrrh, 100 Powdered Sunstone
Filleting 7 |
105 Fish Roe, 245 Abdju Meat, 7 Deadwood Tree, 70 Oyster Shell Marble Dust
Fly Tying |
100 Thread, 25 Thorns
Fly Tying 2 |
7 Bat Mite, 7 Dew Fly, 7 Glass Worm, 7 Orchid Hopper, 7 Pickel Slug, 7 Ringed Wasp, 7 Salt Mite
Fly Tying 3 |
14 Footworm, 14 Corkscrew Asp, 14 Corn Maggot, 14 Fruit Maggot, 14 Red Cricket, 14 Sand Mite, 14 Rose Mite
Fly Tying 4 |
21 Bloodworm, 21 White Mealybug, 21 Rose Swallowtail, 21 Clearwing, 21 Golden Asp, 21 Slime Moth, 21 Toad Sawfly
Fly Tying 5 |
28 Bristleworm, 28 Mud Asp, 28 Leaf Snapper, 28 Woodmoth, 28 Woolly Aphid, 28 Camel Weevel, 28 Hairy Slug
Fly Tying 6 |
35 Nippleworm, 35 Blister Beetle, 35 Leafhopper, 35 Snowberry Butterfly, 35 Ash Centipede, 35 Feather Midge, 35 Skinlicker
Fly Tying 7 |
42 Needleworm, 42 Clay Slug, 42 Raspberry Moth, 42 Nightwing, 42 Horned Hookworm, 42 Grass Slug, 42 Stone Fly
Ploughing |
(Must learn Ranching first) 100 Cabbage , 100 Carrot , 100 Cucumbers , 100 Leeks , 100 Onions , 100 Peppers , 100 Watermelons
Ritual Item Construction |
10 Linen, 200 Firebricks, 100 Oil
Salvage Techniques |
300 Leather, 300 Glass Rods, 300 Papyrus Paper
Structure Maintenance |
4 Mud Granite, 4 Rose Alabaster
Structure Repair |
1 Huge Emerald, 1 Large Topaz, 1 Medium Ruby, 1 Small Sapphire