Decorative Stone is a general term for the 28 varieties of Granite and Marble, which are extracted from the ground by means of a Stone Quarry. Quarrying is a team effort, as is locating an underground deposit of marble upon which to build a quarry. The Rocks of the Ages skill is used to find marble.
Yendor's Spiral Search Guide for finding marble/decorative stone.
Each variety requires a specific minimum level of Perception to find. Listed below are the various types, in order of minimum perception required to find. Note that the minimum perception and the actually rarity of the marble in the wild are not necessarily correlated.
Oyster Shell Marble |
1 |
Very common |
10 Library Meditation Platform, Used in Marble Obelisk, 1 Pigment Mortar, 100 Aqueduct Pump, 4 Statue of Octec's Ghost, 1 Offering Vault, 1 Acid Bath, 6 Ceremonial Tasting Table, 7 Shrine of Conflict, 4 upgrade Acoustics Laboratory, 2 Salvage Techniques, 2 Structure Repair, 1 Pilgrim Shrine Construction, 1 Conflict Shrine Construction, Bonfire Platform 40k wood
Yellow Alabaster |
1 |
Uncommon |
Used in Marble Obelisk, 1 Pilgrim Shrine Construction
Mud Granite |
2 |
Very Common |
Used in Reflect of Orbit, Used in Marble Obelisk, 2 Beetle Statue, 4 Structure Maintenance, 1 Pilgrim Shrine Construction , Bonfire Platform 45k wood
White Travertine |
2 |
Common |
10 Library Scholar's Atheneum, Used in Marble Obelisk, 6 Banquet Table, 4 Statue of Octec's Ghost
Canary Granite |
3 |
Used in Marble Obelisk, 4 Salvage Techniques, Bonfire Platform 50k wood
Monkey Marble |
3 |
Night Granite |
4 |
Used in Marble Obelisk, Used in Night Tower, 100 Aqueduct Pump
Grey Star Marble |
5 |
14 Library Reading Terrace, 1 Pyramidion Stone, Used in Sequence of Order, Used in Marble Obelisk, 100 Aqueduct Pump, Bonfire Platform 55k wood
Green Sun Marble |
6 |
Used in Suspend of Green, Empty Hand upgrades
Rose Alabaster |
7 |
10 Library Professor's Retreat, 4 Structure Maintenance, Bonfire Platform 60k wood
Cherry Travertine |
8 |
White Alabaster |
10 |
Common |
1 Marble Mortar, Used in Color of Water, Bonfire Platform 65k wood
Blue Pearl Marble |
12 |
Rare |
Hornet's Wing Granite |
14 |
Rare |
1 Scholar's Gem Cutting Table, Bonfire Platform 70k wood
Serpentine Marble |
17 |
Rare |
10 Kiln Construction, 4 Reinforced Kiln
Tangerine Marble |
20 |
Common |
1 Marble Tub, Bonfire Platform 75k wood
Tiger's Eye Granite |
21 |
Used in Sequence of Order
Leopard's Paw Marble |
24 |
1 Upgrade an Acoustics Laboratory, Bonfire Platform 80k wood
Island Blue Marble |
27 |
1 Automatic Sawmill, 20 Elder Faction Trophy
Jade |
28 |
1 Ceremonial Voting Booth, Crystal Obelisk, Bonfire Platform 85k wood
Mountain Marble |
30 |
Fire Rock |
36 |
Bonfire Platform 90k wood
Blood Granite |
39 |
10 Library Rare Book Section
Ghost Granite |
42 |
Bonfire Platform 95k wood
Onyx |
45 |
Angels Stone |
47 |
Bonfire Platform 105k wood
Strangers Basalt |
60 |
Bonfire Platform 125k wood
Puzzle Granite |
100 |
Blue Moon |
100 |
Additional Uses
Required By
Produced By