Test of the Empty Hand
The Test of the Empty Hand |
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(Test - Thought) |
Prerequisites |
An ancient children's game of many variations. Invent your own variation on a giant mechanical tower and have it judged among Egypt's most challenging.
Test Description
Design an Empty Hand Puzzle, and invite others to solve your creation. They will rate your puzzle on how clever and satisfying the solution is. Remember that only people who actually solve it will qualify as judges.
- Design an Empty Hand Puzzle and open it for Judging
- Tear down your Empty Hand Puzzle, OR do the following:
- Have 7 Judges solve and rate your Empty Hand
- Design rated Good by most judges
- All of the above, OR solve three recent winning Empty Hand Puzzles
- Pass Test of Empty Hand
Talent Points
- Design an Empty Hand Puzzle and open it for Judging (2 Talent Point)
? - Have 7 Judges solve and rate your Empty Hand (1 Talent Point)
? - Design rated Good by most judges (1 Talent Point)
? - Pass the Test (3 Talent Point)
Passing the Test
The 2 highest-rated puzzles each week will pass the Test.
Solving the Puzzle
Starting the game brings up an interface like the one above. Each set of pictures either side of the Swap button is a rule, which changes the block(s) on the left into the block(s) on the right. These rules can add or remove blocks, but blocks can only be added if there are some in the warehouse. The text at the top shows how many blocks are remaining in the warehouse. The Swap buttons which are raised denote that that particular rule is available given the current setup of the blocks on show.
The blocks which are in play, not in the warehouse, are shown in the top panel and can be moved left and right with the '<<' and '>>' buttons respectively.
In order to solve the puzzle, all blocks must be removed from the puzzle and be put back in the warehouse. In this example, the combination of Red-Yellow-Blue-Red blocks can be removed and replaced with no blocks, moving them all back into the warehouse and completing the game. So the objective of the game is to go from the starting configuration to the configuration which allows all the blocks to be removed, using the rules on display.
Empty Hand Tower Locations
Region | Coordinates | Owner | Passed? | Notes |
VoQ | 771 -4201 | Augusta | No | Art park |
VoQ | 797 -4143 | Redshift | No | Art park adjacent |
Red Sea | 1951 2090 | Brucette | No | Art park, N of Avaris cs - Open |
East Sinai | 4231, 6702 | Isabelin | Yes | A bit SW of TED cs |
Red Sea | 1818, 1949 | Jazkar | No | Near Avaris CS |
* Note: Some of these locations may no longer be valid because of players reusing passed towers for a different player's new design. If you know a listed location/design no longer exists, please delete the entry or note that it is gone and thus no longer a useful location for principles or additional Test of Judgment points.
Adding to the Map
To add to the map just copy the following line and change it into your values
(PinRdE) 943, -1779, Jyin, EHT
Just adding to the table doesn't add to the map, you need to add the above line to the CondMap with the others
Empty Hand Towers Map