Keeping the FireStorm family organized!
This is FireStorm's Project Tracking Page: All Project containers are located in the HUB.
Project Focus: A summary of the currently focused projects. If you think a project should be added to this list, feel free to add it!
Current Projects: Projects for which we can feasibly procure the materials at our current technology level, or we are ready to begin collection of at least some of the resources. All current projects should be assigned to a numbered project chest/box in the HUB.
Future Projects: Either Tech is not yet available, we can't yet feasibly procure the materials, or we want to wait for any reason. When you feel we are ready and able to give more focus to a particular project, move it to Current Projects and assign it to a numbered project chest/box!
Nissa: Weaver & Clothwork (all weaving; anyone can process the flax); Pottery; Pyro (firepits)
Infra: Stonework; Cooperage & Tubs; Mining
Micah: Farmer -- +3 on all veggies
Rose: Rancher -- add cattle 1 per week
Project Focus
Roughly arranged in priority order, but work on whatever you want... and/or rearrange as needed
Project 14: True Kilns x9
Project 9: Sturdy Tubs x8
Project 6: Indonesian Bee Hive (x10)
Project 10: Bonfire Platform (complete)
Project 5: Water Mine (complete)
Project 8: Stable (complete)
Project 4: Medium Greenhouse (complete)
Project 3: Storage Phase 2 (TBD)
Project 1: CP Enhancements: Roofs,Doors,Windows, etc.
Project 2: Papyrus Tank (complete)
Project 11: Second Well (complete)
Project 18: Crystals
Project 13: Wood Treatment Tank
Projects: Row 1
Projects: Row 2
Projects: Row 3
Skills Tuition